Lily Arthur's Portfolio

The Last Door on the Left

Created for a Gamejam, The Last Door on the Left was a collaboration project inwhich I was assigned the role of designer. The project was huge success, gaining 11.1k downloads over the past year.

The game was created in Unity, while I created most of the assets in Blender using a modular system. For this project, I modelled and textured the majority of the assets, as well as designed the cover art and logo used on the page. I successfully recreated a PSX style for this project with my modelling and texturing work.

A large amount of publicity for the game was created after YouTuber "Markiplier" enjoyed playing the game in a video.

Sakura Forest - Treefrog Town

Treefrog Town is a fully modeled and textured environment created for an one of more recent assignments. It has been created to be used with an umpcoming vertical slice of a collectathon I am to produce. The environment has been created with both aesthetic and gameplay in mind, with several areas for collectables to be hidden. The creation of this environemnt took my around four weeks, including planning. For this project, I used Blender for modeling the assets and used Substance Painter along with Photoshop to texture them. Furthermoew, alot of the assets were designed to be modular.

I practiced a lot of planning and greyboxing for this project, which helped me to create a good framework for the end project. This project is the largest environement I have worked on and will be build upon and improved for the gameplay I am to add in a future assignment. 


For this project, I modelled two enemies the player would encounter, in which I experimented with modelling, texturing and rigging characters.

Ulysses was a collaboration project created for one of my assignments. Being set in an asylum, I designed many of the assets as modular pieces in order to create a larger environement. I worked on both the level design and the environment design, with all the assets being created in Blender. Visually, I decided to texture each section of the asylum with different colours to make the level easier to navigate.

While this project wasn't finished and lacked props in the environment, my skills with modular environment design improved, as I created 45 seperate models to create an interesting environment.  

3D Modelling

Low Poly Model

High Poly Topology

High Poly Model

For three years, I have practiced modeling in Blender, learning about topology and the tools for modelling and texturing. I have practiced creating both high-poly models and low-poly models. While there are still areas I can improve with my modelling, I have the skils to be able to model visually-appealing environements with detailed texture maps.  

Recently, I have experimented with modeling in Maya in order to learn two different modelling softwares. Many of my skills transfer over from Blender. I have had experience with animating in Maya prior to modeling. I learnt about rigging, IKs and animating in Maya. The animation below was completed by me for one of my assignments.

Experimentation with tools in Blender for hard-surface modeling and sculpting.


Over the five years using Adobe Photoshop, I have picked up the skills to edit and design with the software. I can produce professional designs using colour and composition, as can be seen in the magazine designs created for my A Level Media course.

I have used Adobe Photoshop for texturing for the past two years, successfully creating unique and visually-appealing textures. Recently, I have been experimenting with learning Substance.

For one of my assignments, I was tasked with designing an app for use by Northampton College. The design I used was both visually-appealing and fit the pre-established design used on their website. This shows the large scope of my art and design skills in composition and colour in regards to user interfaces.

The sketches on the left and below show my ability to produce level design concepts for games, from the environement design to gameplay features. When creating projects, I usually sketch out any ideas I have prior to building the assets in Blender. I also use these to brainstorm gameplay elements and features and how they interact.


For the level design, I took into account different pathways to enhance gameplay.

I have learnt to use Unity over the past two years, including scripting in C#. For one of my most recent assignments, I designed and scripted a small stealth game with enemies detecting the player based on line of sight (with accountability for terrain blocking their view). Furthermore, I utilised Probuilder for greyboxing. Learning this tool improved my workflow when greyboxing in Unity. Overall this was a successful project showcasing  how my scripting and design skills have improved.

Iterations of the Level Design

Other Projects

Created for a college assignment where I was tasked with creating a text-based adventure based on a 90s IP, I designed one based around the Doctor Who Movie. While the scripting for this project was simple, I experimented with UI and using a canvas in Unity to achieve satisfying designs for the menu and each page.

While this prototype was created when I had little experience in scripting, I decided to model and texture the player character and enemy drones for the player to avoid. Being my first attmpt at character design, I was rather successful in creating a low-poly character that fit the "world war three" aesthetic required.