For the past several years, rap has exulted in a culture of prescription drug abuse, with hazy anthems to pharmaceuticals like Xanax, Percocet, and codeine cough syrup. These songs generally not only discuss the mindset these drugs create but sonically simulate the disorientation and amniotic calm they offer the user. As with nearly everything that has happened in rap over the last decade, you can see Lil Wayne's fingerprints all over this trend. And no song was more pivotal in Wayne's own embrace of this theme than "I Feel Like Dying," a leaked 2007 track that instantly became a fan favorite, an essential part of the Lil Wayne canon. To discuss this track's importance, A Year of Lil Wayne today welcomes contributor Briana Younger.

Writing about her recovery from an eating disorder, poet Blythe Baird said: "I don't know how to talk about the rabbit hole without accidentally inviting you to follow me down it." This has always been the dilemma of art, but hip-hop has faced a particularly sinister form of scrutiny and criminalization. Wayne's catalog is full of moments, like this one, where he blurs the lines between glorification and uncomfortable truths. It's a quality that makes him one of music's most polarizing and compelling figures. Still, one has to wonder how many skeletons Wayne invited out of our closets when he, through his own puffs of smoke, confessed to the world that he, too, felt like dying.

Lil Wayne I Feel Like Dying Song Download

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It's about getting so high on so many different drugs that you feel like it's an endless ascent into ecstacy. And when you come down you look around and realize that that feeling is gone, and then you start thinking about everything that's gone wrong or could go wrong or is going wrong, and it turns into an endless trail of paranoia and depression that you're causing just by thinking. The obvious solution is to do more drugs or die. And when you can't get any all you want to do is die. Obviously.

As for you people saying the song is 'eerie', you clearly do not know how it feels to be in that position. Not accusing you of anything, just saying. I find it to be a beautiful song that reveals the thoughts of someone who is clearly on drugs as he writes. The first time I heard it I was high, and the way the song is setup sent me into a trail of words and knowledge that I didn't even know I had, because it was knowledge that I had read about and just forgotten. But even though I couldn't confirm it, I knew that it was all true, and as I analyzed my own thought process I reeled out all sorts of randomized thoughts that were connected only in a third section of my brain that was operating independently of the other two. I had so many thought processes going that I eventually forgot what I was thinking about and just wanted to listen to the song.

I love this song.One particular aspect that I love so much is how he never actually says "I feel like dying," but lets the recorded loop say it. To me its like how when having thoughts like that, its hard to say them out loud, even to yourself, and that you would rather someone else do it.

this really is a cry for help in my opinion. feeling like dying is obviously not something thats a good thing, especially when that person is relating that to the feeling when coming down from drugs. the whole chorus, and song at that, have a very eerie feel to it.

this song is definately about being addicted and slowly getting worse and worse into it. he starts talking bout smokin weed, and then eventually startes talking about getting into things like xanax which is no better than doing dope and how the withdrawls feel like dying

well obviously this song is about falling deeper into drug addiction and when he comes down from being high, he feels like dying. the chorus and just the song in general defintitly has an feel to it but in my opinion thats what makes the song so good. and i absolutely love the chorus.

He's at the top of top (he's really high, duh) but still he climbs (takes more drugs) And if he shall ever fall (O.D.) the ground will then turn to wine (death, and not afraid of it, obviously since he knows it'll happen this way) Pop, pop, (more drugs) I fell like flying (reeaaally high) then I feel like frying (pain, near-death) then.. (gone)

how does what you just said make it more about drugs??? I see it from my own first hand experience....only when the drugs wear off and sobriety hits do I feel the depression or "feel like dying" and even as high as I can get, its never high life is my addiction and my addiciton is my life...

But the whole song is purely (and beautifully) metaphorical. Lil Wayne is not hiding secret messages that your supposed to find. He means he's getting high and it awesome. If he were to fall, even the ground would react to how monumentally stoned he is. And when its gone he feels like dying because nothing feels good.

"I Feel Like Dying" by Lil Wayne is a song that appears to describe the highs and lows of drug addiction. From the lyrics, it is evident that the protagonist is caught in a cycle of drug use, where he only feels alive when he is under the influence. The song describes the various hallucinations and effects that the drugs have on the protagonist, such as feeling as though he is sitting on clouds, playing basketball with the moon, and swimming laps around a bottle of expensive liquor.

Furthermore, the song also portrays the protagonist's desperation for the feeling that drugs provide. He wishes to share with others the same euphoric feeling he experiences under the influence. He even expresses a desire to die if he can no longer get the high he craves - this is evident in the repeated line "Only once the drugs are done do I feel like dying."

On New Orleans radio, it seems like nearly every song features Lil Wayne. My kids sang his songs in class, in the hallways, before school, after school. I had a student who would rap a Lil Wayne line if he didn't know the answer to a question.

Tupac was one of the most compelling personalities that hip-hop has ever produced. His influence still reverberates within the culture. On his seminal third album, Me Against The World, he deals with all of the emotion of the human experience, exposing his innermost feelings like never before against the backdrop of an impending prison sentence. So Many Tears'' embodies the vulnerability of Tupac as he feared for his life, expressed suicidal thoughts, and struggled with paranoia.

The Lil Wayne song titled 'I Feel Like Dying' is a complex and introspective track that explores themes of altered states of consciousness, self-destructive tendencies, and the allure of escaping reality through drugs. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of Lil Wayne's mindset and emotions while under the influence of drugs, expressing a sense of detachment from the world and a craving for an ultimate release. Through a closer look at some standout lyrics, we can delve into the imaginative themes that further develop the song's overarching message.In the hook, Karma and Lil Wayne repetitively claim that only when the drugs are consumed does the feeling of dying emerge. Although it may seem literal at first, this line symbolizes the complete surrender to the drug-induced euphoria, as if to say that true liberation can only be attained when all inhibitions are shed. It sets the tone for the rest of the song, where Lil Wayne takes us on a lyrical journey through his altered state of mind.In the first verse, Lil Wayne paints a mesmerizing image of himself "sitting on the clouds" and playing basketball with the moon. These lyrics highlight the fantastical and surreal nature of his thoughts while under the influence. It taps into the theme of escaping reality and entering a realm where anything is possible, where even the laws of gravity are defied. This imagery showcases the allure and seductive nature of drugs, enticing listeners into the mind-bending experiences they provide.Moving on to the second verse, Lil Wayne's lyrics become even more vivid and imaginative. He describes swimming laps around a bottle of Louis the XIII, emphasizing his complete immersion in the luxurious high life facilitated by drugs. This imagery evokes a sense of grandiosity and excess, symbolizing the desire to achieve new heights of pleasure and indulgence. The line about jumping off a mountain into a sea of codeine adds another layer to the mix, playing with the concept of danger and risk, suggesting that to truly feel alive, one must wander into treacherous territories.The third verse takes us on an even more abstract and imaginative journey. Lil Wayne claims to be able to mingle with the stars and throw a party on Mars, signifying a desire to transcend earthly limitations and explore uncharted territories. These lyrics tap into the human fascination with the unknown, unattainable, and extraordinary, suggesting that drugs offer a gateway to a reality beyond our wildest dreams. The mention of being a prisoner locked up behind Xanax bars, on the other hand, explores the darker side of drug use, highlighting the potential for dependence and addiction to trap individuals in a cycle of self-destruction.Throughout the song, Lil Wayne incorporates themes of death and rebirth, as well as contrasting colorful and symbolic imagery. These elements create a dichotomy between the allure of escape and the dangers associated with self-destructive tendencies. The vibrant and ethereal descriptions juxtaposed with the darker undertones hint at the complex emotions and conflicting desires that drive individuals towards drug use.In conclusion, 'I Feel Like Dying' by Lil Wayne delves deep into the psyche and experiences of the rapper, capturing the allure, escapism, and dangers associated with drug use. The song's imaginative and vivid lyrics paint a picture of a world beyond reality, where anything is possible. While it may seem like a celebration of altered states of consciousness, it also serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the potential for addiction and self-destruction. Ultimately, the song provides a window into the complex and multifaceted nature of human desires and the pursuit of euphoria. 006ab0faaa

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