The purpose of this research was to examine whether adults rely onmorphemic spelling rules or word-specific knowledge when spelling simplewords. We examined adults' knowledge of two of the simplest and mostreliable rules in English spelling concerning the morphological word ending-s. This spelling is required for regular plural nouns (e.g., bricks, bees)and third-person singular present tense verbs (e.g., kicks, sees), but notfor similar sounding one-morpheme words (e.g., mix, breeze). In Study 1, 205young adults' understanding of these rules was tested. These were adultswho were recruited for training in skilled and semiskilled jobs. They wereasked in four different choice tasks to choose the appropriate spelling ofpseudowords whose endings were determined by their morphological sentencecontexts (e.g., Jim wants only one grix). Only 7.4% of individualparticipants' choices were significantly above chance in at least threeof the four pseudoword categories tested. In Study 2, 72 undergraduatestudents completed the same tasks, and 83% achieved above chance performanceon at least three categories. Taken together, these results suggest that manyadults depend on word-specific knowledge, rather than spelling rules, whenspelling even very simple words. They also throw some doubt on the generalityof conclusions about people's use of morphology in literacy tasks thathave been drawn from previous research, which has depended very heavily ontesting samples consisting entirely of undergraduate participants.

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