withConfigCommands() allows for arbitrary commands to be registered under /switchy module config [moduleid]. This is used by Switchy Proxy both to change the player-level latch option, as well as directly edit module data for proxies.

switchy-window.el is a most-recently-used window switcher. It suits mypersonal Emacs layout and workflow where I usually have at most two editingwindows but up to three side-windows which I have to select only seldomly.

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The idea of switchy-window.el is simple: when you invoke switchy-window inquick succession, it will switch to one window after the other inmost-recently-used order. Once you stop switching for long enough time(switchy-window-delay, 1.5 seconds by default), the selected window getslocked in, i.e., its LRU timestamp is updated and this switching sequence isended. Thusly, you can toggle between two windows simply by invokingswitchy-window, waiting at least switchy-window-delay, and then invokingswitchy-window again to switch back to the original window. e24fc04721

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