Dear Parishioners,

Thank you to all who joined us for the screening and live panel discussion for LIKE on April 26!

The replay is available April 28 through May 2. See below for the link, login and password to the replay dashboard.

The Spanish translation for the panel is ready to view! We apologize that this was not available for the live showing due to a technical glitch. Please see this version under Additional Materials in the replay dashboard.

We hope you join us for this special film replay, even from your phone!

We are happy to announce our next screening of an IndieFlix film, Upstanders, will be this fall!

To continue to better serve you, please fill out this short survey. Thank you!

"That was a great film! Thank you for making it, and creating awareness (or, more awareness)." - Joy

"father … you’re speaking to parents and kids now. thank you for being real. Thank you for being modern. Thank you for being authentic" - Gianna

"thank you i will talk with this with my parent they should be involved in this more than I am" - Lorenzo

"I love how you closed the film off by giving us hope for Humanity… that is what we need… Humanity" - Halie

"Thank you for much needed information." - Joan

"Thanks for organizing this screening!" - Father Francois Beyrouti

"Parents need to have tools to effectively control what content their kids have access to, this event is great" - Gigi

"Thanks for such a wonderful presentation! :)" - Maria

Quotes from our April 26 screening

Replay LIKE

Dates: April 28 to Sunday, May 2

Where: Replay dashboard link here


Password: diocesesanjose

Panel: at the top of the "Additional Materials" section on the right

Subtitles: on/off on video player progress bar "CC"

Who: All, ages 10 to 99 years!

No matter how many followers you have, how many likes you get, remember you are fully loved by God

Try these simple changes to live more intentionally with your devices right now.

Connecting in a Pandemic

When is the last time you saw teens or adults shoulder to shoulder? We need to remember when we were within six feet, tech was a part of our lives maybe more than we would like it to be. While tech may be keeping us together now, are we getting enough human to human interaction?

We invite everyone form 10 to 99 years old to watch this film. Tech is here to stay as a part of our lives and we need to make sure we keep it at a healthy level!

You're More than a Product

The thing that I think is most important for teenagers and young people to understand is these devices are not designed for you in many ways; that you are not the customer you are the product being sold here and are you really using technology or is technology using you?
- Max Stossel

Head of Education & Content Center for Humane Technology

LIKE is an IndieFlix Original documentary about finding a balance in our digital world. Technology is a tool. It’s here to stay and social platforms are a place to connect, share and care, but what’s really happening? Are we addicted? How do we stop? Where do we start? What do we need to know? By understanding the effects of technology and social media on the brain, on our lives and on our civilization, we can learn how to navigate it more safely together.

The goal for this film is to inspire people of all ages, especially kids, to self regulate. It’s not about blame. It’s about looking in the mirror and empowering ourselves to create balance in our lives and to learn to be there for each other.

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Our Moderator

Scilla Andreen

Scilla Andreen (Pronounced Sheila) is the CEO and Co-Founder of IndieFlix and the founder of the IndieFlix Foundation. She is the Producer and Director of the new documentary, LIKE, the Executive Producer/Producer of Angst and Angst series, “It Gets Better” and Co-Producer and Co-Executive Producer of Screenagers, as well as an Emmy nominated Costume Designer and Award-Winning Producer of such films as Bit Players, Outpatient and The Empowerment Project. Scilla is a popular speaker at Sundance, Cannes, CES, SXSW, Women in Film, and other major industry events. Scilla co-founded IndieFlix which has become one of the most meaningful global screening and a subscription streaming services that produces and distributes social impact films and series to create positive change in the world. Scilla is on a mission to change the world with film.

Our Panel

Fr. Steve Kim

Fr. Steve Kim grew up in Palo Alto and entered seminary after high school. After receiving his B.A. in Philosophy at Santa Clara University, he earned his M.A, MDiv and S.T.B in Theology at St. Patricks’ Seminary in Menlo Park. He was ordained as a priest in 2011 and was assigned as Pastor at St. Leo in July 2020. He currently teaches at St. Francis High School in Mountain View, Santa Clara University, and Institute for Leadership in Ministry. He also serves as the bishop's delegate to build St. John XXIII high school in Morgan Hill and as the chaplain to the San Francisco 49ers. He enjoys playing golf with his friends and spending time in Lake Tahoe.

Dr. Thanh-Tam Nguyen

Dr. Thanh-Tam Nguyen is a Medicine-Pediatrics physician with over 30 years of clinical practice caring for youths, young adults, and people with special needs. She will soon graduate the Master Program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Divine Mercy University.

As our brains are wired to connect, she works to promote individual, family, and community flourishing through secure and loving attachment and optimal health. In her daily works, she strives to foster empathy and growth mindset in understanding the strengths and challenges youths and young adults experience.

Caitlin Hoffman

Caitlin has extensive experience working with parents, teenagers, and schools as a Silicon Valley educator, academic coach, academic intervention specialist, and screen addiction specialist. ( To learn more go to: and )

Lisa Ayala LMFT

Lisa has worked with youth for over 20 years total and currently works as a school based therapist, program coordinator and clinical supervisor. She works with student in middle school and high school and their families.

Row David

Row leads the middle school and high school programs at Holy Spirit Church in San Jose. You can find Row at almost every church event for the youth and at the diocesan retreat in Tahoe every summer. Row has a gift connecting with our youth and understands where they are, how they connect with each other and how Christ works in their lives.

From videos to statistics on social media, you can learn more about this subject or even find out how to host your own screening of LIKE on the LIKE movie website.

Mental Health Ministry

Many of our parishes in our diocese applied for and received grant money for mental health ministries. Our thanks and gratitude to the Association of Catholic Health Ministers who created this fund and program to better serve our parishes needs and help us all launch these programs within our parishes.

We all have mental health. While we may work on our spiritual and physical wellbeing, we must also remember how important our mental health matters. It matters to us and we are grateful to be able to offer you a look into all we can do together. We hope you can help support our parishes to continue these programs for years to come. Please reach out to your parish for more information on how you can help with your time, talent and treasures!

This LIKe screening is being sponsored by Holy Spirit Parish, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, Saint Lucy Parish, Saint Martin de Porres, Saint Nicholas & Saint William Parish, Saint Simon Parish, Saint Thomas of Canterbury Parish and Santa Teresa Parish from the grant by the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

All are welcome to join in these Mental Health Ministry programs throughout our diocese!

St. Thomas of Canterbury

Mental Health Ministry Mass
and Anointing of the Sick

Saturday, May 1 @ 11am
1522 McCoy Avenue, Campbell

Sign up at or contact Kathy Mattingly

Holy Spirit

Listening Sessions
Thursday May 6

Grace Groups from Grace Alliance
Starting later in May

To learn more contact Leah Harris or look for the new, soon-to-be launched Mental Health Ministry page on their website

St. Lucy

NAMI Mental Health Awareness 101

May 15

English and Spanish Sessions

Online Event

NAMI In Our Own Voices

May 22

Stories of Mental Health Journeys

Online event

Learn more by emailing Eugene Doan

Did you remember to fill out the short LIKE survey?

This Fall: Upstanders

The film produced by IndieFlix that follows Angst and LIKE is Upstander, about bullying. Learn how all of us can step in to be a person who stands up for another!

We look forward to screening this special film in the fall, complete with a panel discussion.