Misson Statement
To support one another, first in our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, and secondly, in the process of home education.
L.I.G.H.T. (Lives Inspired by Godly Home Teaching) is a volunteer homeschool support group in the Livingston County area made up of many families who meet regularly to provide opportunities for fellowship, encouragement, and/or activities for ourselves and our children.
Activities offered in the past:
Each member is required to plan one activity/field trip per school year. This offers unique activities and ever changing opportunities for our families.
Fall Kick off Picnic
Roller Skating
Spanish, German & Science Classes
Moms Breakfast & Moms night out
Bird Club
Sledding, Snow tubing & Ice Skating
Couples Events & Guest Speakers
Museum/Science Center
Hikes & Nature Centers
Recitation Class
Cooking/Baking & Sewing
Beach days
Maple Syrup Demonstrations
Pottery & Crafts
Horse Back Riding
Spirit Week competitions
242 Meet Ups
Service Days
Special Holiday activities
Our Families have children that range from newborn-12th Grade. There are activities available for ALL AGES!
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