lifetime wellness

The importance of wellness doesn't stop just because school does. We can continue to lay a solid foundation for all the aspects of wellness especially during this time of social distancing. During your time at home we are going to focus on the following aspects of wellness: physical, emotional, social, and environmental wellness.

How are we going to do that you ask?


Physical Health means the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life without undue fatigue or physical stress. Social distancing can make it difficult to be physically active. It includes eating, sleeping, and physical activity.

I will be assigning workouts for you to do that are easy to do at home in a small space (no equipment needed). You will need to complete an activity log to show that you are getting up and moving. How are you eating? Make sure you are eating BALANCED meals and drinking enough water! You should be drinking 64 ounces of water a day! How are you sleeping? This is part of physical wellness. Staying up until 2 AM playing video games is okay occasionally but are you getting enough sleep? Teens should be getting 9-9.5hrs use this time at home to make sure you are getting enough sleep.


Emotional Health is the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring.

It's important to understand yourself and how to keep a clear mind during this time of social distancing. This new normal will take some time getting used to it's important to recognize your feeling and talking/writing about them. I will be posting words of encouragement and some meditation exercises during our time away from school.


Social health is the ability to relate and connect with other people in our world. Social distancing is hard. It can be lonely and you may feel isolated. Being away from your friends and extended family can be difficult. I want to encourage you spend time with family at home. Don't just sit playing video games or binge watching tv nonstop. All that is okay for a time but it's also important to have contact with those in your home play a board game, exercise together, check in with each other. It will also be good to reach out to friends and family outside your home weather its via social media, text, facetime, or email.


Environmental health is the ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the environment that surrounds us. Part of our overall wellness is ensuring the things that we can control within our environment are helping in our emotional and physical health. How can you help make your environment at home more positive? How is your attitude? Are you being nice to those you live with? Are you being helpful? Do you have younger kids in your home that you can help with their school work or play with them? How does your room look? Can you help around the house more (do the dishes, pick up your room, sweep or vacuum)? In order to make the most of this situation a positive and helpful attitude will help make it thru!