

We have nothing against other languages, but for the purpose of making sure everyone is playing by the rules and to stop there being an advantage from using a different language we must advise that players speak only in English to keep it fair on everyone. We will do our best to warn players who break this rule but sadly there may be a language barrier and it could result in a temporary ban to get the message across.

On top of being English only, everyone needs to have a clear, working microphone with push to talk enabled. Nobody wants to hear your background 24/7 and it's extremely difficult to roleplay with someone that doesn't have a clear or working microphone.


Breaking Character

You must stay in character at all times regardless of the situation or what's going on around you. Players breaking rules that impact you is not a reason to break character and rules yourself. Refer to the RP guide to understand terms and phrases we encourage you to use.

RDM: Random Death Match

The act of killing a player with no motive or reason.

You must know the character, have a reason, and initiate properly.

Read “Improper Initiation” to ensure you know how to initiate the act properly without breaking further rules.

VDM: Vehicle Death Match

The act of utilizing your vehicle as a weapon to down a player.

May it be a peaceful scene or a shootout, you are not allowed to use your vehicle as a weapon to defend yourself with. Utilize the vehicle to create distance instead.

If you are unsure you were involved in a hit & run or a VDM, contact staff in a player report with a clip for a second opinion.


The act of using out-of-game information in your roleplay.

This includes info gained from, but not limited to:

Twitch Streams.

An OOC conversation.

Information from any and all ooc discord channels, including channels from other servers and DMs. 

Other external communications such as Discord, Teamspeak, etc

Knowledge from other characters that you play as, such as their knowledge of hidden locations.

Stream Sniping is also considered metagaming, as welll as utilizing someone's stream against them in in-character situations.


The process of gaining an advantage by using in-game mechanics or RP which results in other players involved no opportunity to interact or defend themselves forcing them to have no choice but to lose.

Abusing in-game mechanics: Examples vary, but are not limited to the ragdoll function, emotes, ingame menus.

Calling injuries: the process in which you try to decide the injury of another player. 

Forced Death: The attempt to force a player to permanently kill off their character, or try to decide their death for them.

Body Camping: Camping a body to ensure they don't get help. This is also not valuing your freedom.

Forceful Retcon: This along with trying to force the character to remember or forget about certain situations are examples of powergaming.

Improper Medical RP

You must role play out your injuries, especially with medics, no matter the circumstance.

You must communicate and be ACCURATE in what your medical condition is.

If you died due to a bug or rulebreak, you must stay in character and keep the role play alive. Report the incident in a general help ticket or player report after you have exited the scenario.

Not Valuing Your Life & Your Freedom

Your characters should demonstrate a normal concern for their own self-preservation.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Risking your own life in situations where you can otherwise get off unharmed. You are not an invincible action hero.

Antagonizing police (Read also: Services Baiting) or attempting to engage with someone where the outcome would surely mean you harm.

Committing loud or violent crimes in "populated" areas like government buildings or public businesses (i.e. places where there would be additional staff, security, etc.)

Sticking around someone you have downed, rather than fleeing the scene of the crime. This could also be considered Powergaming

Services Baiting

The act of instigating a reaction from law enforcement by ramming them or blatantly breaking laws to provoke a reaction or a chase. Realistically you would never do this and is not the type of interactions we want to encourage in our community. 


Don’t treat police or EMS like loot boxes. Do not create situations just to get their items. Only steal from them under extreme circumstances during the normal course of roleplay.

Improper Initiation

When it comes to a heated situation, a lot of real world aspects such as killing on sight or drive bys are not what we encourage here in our roleplay world. If your motive is to harm or kill another individual, you must initiate it through a confrontation and the reason should be realistic.

It is required that you confront the individual and make sure they know the trouble they are in before you carry out the act. Even if you had been actively fighting them and you lost sight of them, you must re-initiate once you find them again. 

Initiation cannot be done through texting on Twitter or SMS, if you are confronting them after a heated exchange on the phone, you must initiate once you arrive on scene.

Initiation must make sense. Do not down a player over petty reasons that you know realistically would never warrant that reaction in real life.

Suicide RP

Do not roleplay or write out your characters suicide. This includes anything leading up to an attempt or successful character suicide. 

Often times people act without considering others trauma and that is why it is not allowed here. Roleplay is meant to be an escape. While not everything is peace and love, this is a line of RP that will not be allowed.

This also includes #text-rp. 

If you are a witness, you are allowed to break character in these scenarios to avoid being in an uncomfortable and/or triggering situation to tell them to stop.

Mutilation & Dismemberment

Mutilating is forbidden UNLESS it has been agreed to by all partaking parties. 

You cannot force someone down this line of roleplay if they aren't interested in doing it, this is a strong line of roleplay that should only be pursued if everyone is 100%.

To pursue this, feel free to utilize asking them in /me's or get consent through Discord before proceeding.

If you are the victim, you are allowed to break character in these scenarios to avoid being in an uncomfortable and/or triggering situation where you do not consent.

Imprisonment RP

Do not keep a person captive or in custody for more than 30 minutes.

Character Relations & Transfers

All knowledge and possessions of each character must stay to that character and never be transferred or shared between characters.

Any sort of money or possession transfer between characters is prohibited and will be reverted, and punishment that will be swiftly followed.

Do not make characters that are siblings, cousins, or have close relationships to each other.

Characters are not allowed to be in the same gang together.


No more than 6 people on either side can participate in a group conflict

If you are engaged upon and you have more than 6 players, you can keep everyone but cannot have any reinforcements

No location camping, you cannot setup and hold one location in order to constantly engage with other groups. This does not apply to Official Gangs holding down their gang territory.

Combat Logging & Respawning

Combat Logging is when you log out of the game mid situation, or to avoid a scenario completing its course. 

Respawning at a situation with a medic or an officer is tending to you can also warrant the same punishment as you are whisking yourself out of the situation you have ended up in.

Only log out or switch characters once the situation or scene has come to an end and you have actively left the scene as your character so they don't just watch your character disappear in thin air.


Inappropriate and Toxic Behavior

Everyone is entitled to a safe and healthy community to grow with, learn from, and socialize with. Inappropriate behavior can be seen in a number of different lights, and it doesn't have to be the person being harassed reporting it.

Here are the things we feel strongly against that you should avoid doing:

• Harassment, sexual harassment, and inappropriate advances.

• Toxicity/Griefing

• Targeted statements concerning race, religion, sexuality, gender, or any personal attacks are all considered harassment.

• Extreme language will not be tolerated. This includes slang terms that could be considered degrading, like "retard", "tranny", or the N word. 

• At no point should anyone ever roleplay any sexual assault or rape,  regardless if it is pre-planned or consent is given. Anyone caught doing this will be permanently banned. This is one of the few scenarios you are allowed to break character to stop the RP. 

Scripting / Exploiting / Attempted Exploitation

Using anything that will give you an advantage via means that aren't intended for everyone to have access to. 

• This includes aim assists, money spawning, vehicle spawning, bug abusing, keyboard/mouse macros, etc. 

• Scripting or exploiting could result in a permanent ban. 

• Attempts to exploit will also be punished.


Spreading, being or breeding toxicity in any way sharp or form.

If your toxicity stems from an angering situation, collect yourself and walk away. Most toxicity comes from actual words themselves, especially after a scenario where someone was downed by another player. Do not remain at the scene to talk shit. Makes people not want to fly in and we welcome all forms of life.



No baiting people out of the green zone just to cause them harm 


DO KILL EMTS - they are the backbone of the city and to be honest what are you gaining? 

DO NOT KILL PD WITHOUT JUST CAUSE - just cuz they gave you a ticket doesn’t mean you shoot them in the face. just cuz they took pookie to jail DOES NOT MEAN shoot the cops up.