Life sciences 3/2/23 webinar supplemental information

Webinar supplemental information

On Thursday March 2, 2023 the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club hosted a webinar for civic leaders to gain an edge in understanding the evolving Life Sciences industry. With public mistrust and local municipalities' modest knowledge of laboratory projects it's crucial to understand the critical considerations for successful development projects.

Attendees heard from leading experts from the Boston/Cambridge area and California as they clarified the challenges and share best practices for Life Sciences development for the Bay Area. 

webinar recording

East coast cities and states quick reference

Below is a compilation of 14 Massachusetts towns and their methods employed to manage Life Sciences labs, with relevant links. 

"Site and Zoning" generally refers to siting of a lab, where it can be placed 

"Oversight" refers to what agencies or committees have oversight and permitting authority  

"Additional Notes" are relevant and related notes   

East Coast States and Cities Quick References


Copy of Environmental Concerns V4
Dennis Carlone - Lessons learned for BAy Area Communities.pptx
Sierra Club Presentation 2mar23.pptx
LIPSON_Life Sciences Development_Public Health and Safety_v2 gd.pptx
A view from a residents' perspective 2.pptx

sierra club loma prieta chapter life sciences guidelines    

On November 11, 2022 the Sierra Club published "Planning Review and Entitlements of Biotech Development"

"Dear Members of the City Council and Planning Commission: 

The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter’s Sustainable Land Use Committee (SLU) advocates on land use issues inSanMateo and Santa Clara Counties. In that role, we are interested in the overall planning of our cities for thephysicaland environmental health of our communities. 

Bio-tech has brought us many great advantages in saving lives and food production. Bio-tech labs deal withawiderange of infectious agents from benign to lethal. Therefore, it comes with a certain level of risk. However, theserisksare not well understood." 

The full document is available at this LINK on the Loma Prieta website

*The below video "Biosafety Levels (for Cities) is supplemental to "Planning Review and Entitlements of Biotech Development"

3/2/23 webinar


“What is Life Sciences & Biotechnology?” 

A short presentation on Life Sciences and BioSafety

Lesson Learned in Planning Life Sciences Projects

Dennis Carlone, Five-term City Council Member & Urban Design/Architecture consultant, City Council, Cambridge, Mass.

Understanding BioSafety

Dr. Vanessa Cook, PhD, Associate Biosafety Officer, UC San Diego, BioNet - Biological Safety Information Network

Public Health and Safety

Sam Lipson, Senior Director of Environmental Health, Dept of Public Health, Cambridge, Mass. 

Community, Transparency and Safety

Paul Magginetti, Staff Quality Engineer

Summary & Q&A


Dennis Carlone 

Dennis Carlone, a city planner, architect, and urban design consultant with 10+ years of experience, is serving his fifth term on the Cambridge City Council. His firm, Carlone & Associates, has advised several municipalities, including Boston, Chelsea, Plymouth, Winchester, and Cambridge. Known for his advocacy for social justice, he specializes in citywide planning, transit policy, and sustainability initiatives, earning him multiple awards in urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, planning, and implementation strategies. 

Dr. Vanessa Cook

Vanessa Cook, a Biosafety professional with 17+ years of research experience and expertise in Medical Microbiology, is an Associate Biosafety Officer at UC San Diego and Secretary of BioNet, a not-for-profit network for Biosafety Professionals in Southern California. She started her career in Biosafety in 2018 at University of Southern California after moving to the USA in 2007 for her PhD in Virology. 


Sam Lipson 

Sam Lipson is Senior Director of Environmental Health at the Cambridge Public Health Department and Chair of the Cambridge Biosafety Committee. He is responsible for conducting hazard assessments, permitting for lab biosafety and other activities, promoting COVID safety and providing consultation on exposure risks and hazards to City of Cambridge departments. He is in demand as a speaker and is called on to be an advisor to many cities on biosafety and public health.  

Paul Magginetti 

Paul Magginetti, a citizen advocate with 40+ years of experience in Life Sciences, brings expertise in Manufacturing, R&D, Scale-up, Transfer, and QA Engineering. He has witnessed the evolution of biosafety practices since the AIDS epidemic and is now focused on his neighborhood's transformation due to new Life Science labs replacing brownfields left by the semiconductor industry.