Life after ILLC

Saturday, 20 May 2017

13:00 - 18:00h

ILLC common room

There are more than 20 generations of ILLC alumni out there in the world. But where are they? What kind of jobs do they have? What fascinates them about their work? And how did they get where they are today? Which career and life choices did they make on the way?

Six former MSc and PhD students will share their stories with us. Join us for an afternoon of listening to their experiences from academia and industry.

There will be plenty of time for socializing over a cup of coffee during the breaks. Afterwards we'll provide food and drinks. In order to have enough for everyone, please register here until May 6 if you are planning to attend.

I you would like to have more information, please contact one of the organizers: Yfke Dulek, Julia Ilin, Nadine Theiler, Bonan Zhao, Esteban Landerreche and Mostafa Dehghani.


13.00 Arrival

13.15 Welcome

13.20 Wouter Kroese

Wouter is the co-founder of PacMed, a startup that builds machine-learning based clinical decision support systems.

13.55 Eva Hoogland

Eva works as senior policy advisor at TU Delft. In the past, she has coordinated programs at ESF and NWO.

14.30 Coffee break

15.00 Heleen Booy

Heleen works as a high school teacher as part of the "eerst de klas" traineeship. She is also the author of a philosophy textbook for primary school students.

15.35 Umberto Grandi

Umberto is assistant professor at the University of Toulouse, where he works on computational social choice.

16.10 Coffee break

16.40 Annemieke Reijngoud

Annemieke is currently studying for her MBA at the University of Oxford. Before this, she had positions at McKinsey and at the Dutch Sustainable Investment Forum.

17.15 Nal Kalchbrenner

Nal works as a scientist at Google DeepMind. He used to be a PhD student in Deep Learning at the University of Oxford.

17.50 Closing remarks

Afterwards: drinks and food