This is a great post, and yes, I would like to see more of these. I post a selection of quotes on my blog each Monday, in the hopes it helps people get their week started out right. People seem to like that I do that.

Suffering is an inescapable part of life and it can come in many forms - from physical suffering to family issues or mental struggles that limit us from reaching our full potential. God doesn't promise us a life without struggle, as we're called to "pick up our crosses and follow" Jesus (Matthew 16:24). But He does promise to be there for us during those struggles.

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These are the best encouraging Bible verses for when you're going through a difficult time in your life. We've paired them with examples from Pure Flix Original and Exclusive movies and shows that can show you just how to navigate life's unexpected ups and downs.

In Karen Kingsbury's "A Thousand Tomorrows," Ali continues to persevere in her career as a barrel racer and be successful despite her life-threatening illness. She doesn't ruminate on the severity of her illness too much, because she has faith, trust and peace in knowing that God has a plan and a purpose for her life.

In "No Vacancy," Cecil is a vagrant who is struggling with addiction and homelessness. Through the kind charity of a local church, Cecil is able to get the help he needs in order to right his path. When he, in turn, starts helping others in the same community struggling with homelessness, he gives thanks and praise to God who brought him to the church that turned his life around.

Scott Beck in "Nothing Is Impossible" used to have everything handed to him as a NBA basketball hopeful. When that door suddenly closed, Scott didn't have a backup plan, resulting in him living a life that was a far cry from what he had once hoped and dreamed for. But when he gets a second chance at pursuing his dreams and love, his journey brings him to back understanding that without God, he wouldn't be able to do any of it.

In "Sun Moon," Kelsey feels abandoned, lonely and hard-pressed to find a "win" for herself after her fiance leaves her at the altar. While she feels down, she knows she's not out, which is why she chooses a new beginning for herself as she takes a job teaching English in an entirely foreign country. Her willingness not to give up and carry her cross through the struggle reminds us all that God is with us in our trials even when we can't always see or feel Him there.

Will Brown in "Moonrise" knows just how hard it is to overcome the life struggle of losing a spouse. Though his wife has been gone for two years, Will continues to grieve and is unable to let go of his mourning. It's only through the strength and encouragement of his daughter, a talented horse trainer and a resilient horse who are able to show Will that God is saying he can let go of the past and move forward. Will learns that his life wasn't over when his wife passed, but that he can live again in renewed spirit and happiness.

The New Testament is filled with encouraging letters meant to strengthen and embolden Christians to persevere and keep the faith despite whatever persecution comes their way. These Bible verses are still relevant to our daily life struggles in our modern world.

Let's not disregard the Old Testament's wisdom and encouragement when seeking answers about overcoming life's struggles. Israel in the Old Testament suffered many hardships where they turned to the great prophets to seek answers. God gave them words of great strength and courage that we know He still speaks into our hearts today, despite whatever trials and tribulations we're currently dealing with.

As we've mentioned above, Great American Pure Flix has many Original and Exclusive movies and series that depict characters navigating life's struggles with their faith in the forefront. You can watch thousands of inspirational films, TV series and documentaries by taking advantage of your free 7-day trial.

The struggle of life is one of our greatest blessings. It makes us patient, sensitive, and Godlike. It teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

 ~ Helen Keller

All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.

 ~ Pope Paul VI

We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future.

 ~ Steve Maraboli

No matter what struggles I come across, I will keep going, because I have the will and strength to overcome it all. All my greatest accomplishments, I once thought I would never achieve, but I keep on succeeding every challenge that faces me. No matter what is beyond my control, nothing will ever make me less than a woman. I am and will always be a powerful woman.

 ~ Victoria Enriquez

However, when you struggle to achieve something in life, you learn to value it. That makes you a better man who commands respect from everyone. Moreover, you will learn to value your relationships and possessions.

This life struggle quote urges you to treat your problems as opportunities. That will make you grab the opportunity in every challenge you face in life. Your spirits will be lifted and your outlook toward life will change.

This is indeed a deep quote that asks you to move on from your past. We often get chained down by our past experiences. That prevents us from moving ahead in life. But, if you let go of your bitter experiences from the past, you will be able to focus more on your future goals.

Sometimes, you get stressed up with all the problems in life. You face so many challenges that you become helpless and hopeless. In such situations, it is normal to have anxiety. These relaxing and motivational quotes will help you deal with stressful situations like a pro.

There are times when life gets tough. Your professional and personal life goes for a toss. You feel like leaving everything and running away. But, these motivational quotes will keep that fire burning within you.

Keeping all these inspirational life struggle quotes aside, you have to motivate yourself from within every single day. So, buckle up and start working for your goals. And whenever you feel hopeless, take a glance at these inspirational quotes.

The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved.

Chavez resigned from the CSO in 1962, after other members refused to support his efforts to form a labor union for farm workers. That same year, he used his life savings to found the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) in Delano, California.

Working doggedly to build the NFWA alongside fellow organizer Dolores Huerta, Chavez traveled around the San Joaquin and Imperial Valleys to recruit union members. Meanwhile, Helen Chavez worked in the fields to support the family, as they struggled to stay afloat.

In Prinkipo, a suburb of Istanbul, Trotsky wrote his autobiography, My Life. In that book is this remarkable description of Stalin, by then the sole ruler of the Soviet Union:


"He is gifted with practicality, a strong will, and persistence in carrying out his aims. His political horizon is restricted, his theoretical equipment primitive. His work of compilation, The Foundations of Leninism, in which he made an attempt to pay tribute to the theoretical traditions of the party, is full of sophomoric errors. His ignorance of foreign languages compels him to follow the political life of other countries at second-hand. His mind is stubbornly empirical and devoid of creative imagination. To the leading group of the party (in the wide circles he was not known at all) he always seemed a man destined to play second and third fiddle. And the fact that today he is playing first is not so much a summing up of the man as it is of this transitional period of political backsliding in the country."

Everybody wants what feels good. Everyone wants to live a carefree, happy and easy life, to fall in love and have amazing sex and relationships, to look perfect and make money, and be popular and well-respected and admired and a total baller to the point that people part like the Red Sea when you walk into the room.

Because if you want the benefits of something in life, you have to also want the costs. If you want the beach body, you have to want the sweat, the soreness, the early mornings, and the hunger pangs. If you want the yacht, you have to also want the late nights, the risky business moves, and the possibility of pissing off one person or ten thousand.

Who you are is defined by the values you are willing to struggle for. People who enjoy the struggles of a gym are the ones who get in good shape.9 People who enjoy long work weeks and the politics of the corporate ladder are the ones who move up it.10 People who enjoy the stresses and uncertainty of the starving artist life are ultimately the ones who live it and make it.11

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.

Now the trumpet summons us again--not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need--not as a call to battle, though embattled we are-- but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"--a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. 17dc91bb1f

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