Perhaps the most universal place to collect and deepen attention is the breath. This meditation begins with an intentional breath that calms the nervous system, and then opens to a clear, intimate presence with our natural breathing. With breath as our home base, we practice returning again and again when the mind becomes distracted. As presence grows, we can let the breath be in the foreground, and include whatever waves of life come and go. This brings a quiet mind, and a peaceful, happy heart.

As a patient nears death, it is common for their breathing patterns to change. These end-of-life breathing patterns can happen very quickly, or it can occur over many hours or even days. This is a normal part of the dying process as the body begins to slowly shut down. Families may choose to use this time to maintain a calm, supportive presence for their loved one, sitting with them quietly or speaking to them, saying prayers, or playing soft music.

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In the days and hours before a patient passes away, it is common for their breathing to become irregular. The time between breaths can begin to stretch out with many seconds or even minutes passing between breaths.

Cheyne-Stokes breathing is an abnormal pattern of breathing commonly seen as patients approach death. It is named for the physicians John Cheyne and William Stokes, who first described the pattern in the early 1800s.

Patients who experience Cheyne-Stokes breathing will take several breaths followed by a long pause before regular breathing resumes. These cycles of breathing will become increasingly deeper and can be difficult for family members as they wait for the final breath to come.

In addition to end-of-life breathing patterns, there are several other end-of-life signs to be aware of. Although no one can predict the exact moment of death, knowing the signs and symptoms that indicate death is coming can help family members prepare. These symptoms include:

Interested in learning more about breathing patterns near death and other signs at the end of life? You can download a free guide to end-of-life signs and symptoms by completing the form on this page.

Contemplative practices, such as meditation and yoga, are increasingly popular among the general public and as topics of research. Beneficial effects associated with these practices have been found on physical health, mental health and cognitive performance. However, studies and theories that clarify the underlying mechanisms are lacking or scarce. This theoretical review aims to address and compensate this scarcity. We will show that various contemplative activities have in common that breathing is regulated or attentively guided. This respiratory discipline in turn could parsimoniously explain the physical and mental benefits of contemplative activities through changes in autonomic balance. We propose a neurophysiological model that explains how these specific respiration styles could operate, by phasically and tonically stimulating the vagal nerve: respiratory vagal nerve stimulation (rVNS). The vagal nerve, as a proponent of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), is the prime candidate in explaining the effects of contemplative practices on health, mental health and cognition. We will discuss implications and limitations of our model.

So the character in question was not brought back to life, because he never died. BUT:PFSRD wrote: If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead.So... they come back to life if they aren't ever dead, but if they are really dead... they stay this a long way of saying "heals 5d8+[max]25?"

Also it is understood that the Breath of Life spell suspends the "A dead character counts as being at hit-points equal to negative Constitution score", until after the affect is applied. Otherwise any character who died in the last round would get up from breath of life, since 1 point of healing from "neg con" would bring them back.

He so did!PS, that halfling was a beast. Should've known to never get between a halfling and his SAM (static ability modifiers). AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Alizor May 3, 2011, 07:56 am Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber Mikaze wrote: Red-Assassin wrote: Death effectsBeating that alone makes this spell a champ. Did they errata BoL later to not include death effects? Cause my PDF definitely says:Quote:Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by breath of life. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) David Thomassen May 3, 2011, 08:17 am -of-life

PRD has not changed from your PDF "

Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by breath of life.

Like cure spells, breath of life deals damage to undead creatures rather than curing them, and cannot bring them back to life."

Did they errata BoL later to not include death effects? Cause my PDF definitely says:Quote:Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by breath of life.Probably yes, here is the PRD link to breath of life. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Are May 3, 2011, 08:33 am Alizor wrote:Did they errata BoL later to not include death effects? Cause my PDF definitely says:

AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Kyle Baird May 3, 2011, 10:14 am Don't forget the negative level comes in after they've been brought back to life, costing them 5 hit points... So in the 16 Con example, they really need to be healed back to -11 hp.

What's funny is if you are under the protection of deathward when they resurrect/raise dead on you, it is possible to not gain any negative levels at all. My book says, "Creatures brought back to life through breath of life gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day." AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Happler May 3, 2011, 10:25 am Abraham spalding wrote: Kyle Baird wrote: Don't forget the negative level comes in after they've been brought back to life, costing them 5 hit points... So in the 16 Con example, they really need to be healed back to -11 hp. Incorrect -- that only happens with effects that state it happens. Like raise dead (which gives 2 neg levels), or resurrection (which gives 1).Unless the effect states you gain negative levels you don't.

Unlike other spells that heal damage, breath of life can bring recently slain creatures back to life. If cast upon a creature that has died within 1 round, apply the healing from this spell to the creature. If the healed creature's hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life through breath of life gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day.

Like cure spells, breath of life deals damage to undead creatures rather than curing them, and cannot bring them back to life. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Abraham spalding May 3, 2011, 10:28 am Kyle Baird wrote: Abraham spalding wrote: Incorrect -- that only happens with effects that state it happens. Like raise dead (which gives 2 neg levels), or resurrection (which gives 1).

What's funny is if you are under the protection of deathward when they resurrect/raise dead on you, it is possible to not gain any negative levels at all. My book says, "Creatures brought back to life through breath of life gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day." I see the same in the pfsrd too -- and I'll check my book once the dragon that is sleeping in which den it lies wakes up...That does make it significantly less useful though since you then need to clear their negative con +-5 hit points in order to stabilize them.

Character is dead.

Super-cleric casts BOL and improves dead character's hp enough that they're no longer dead.

Thus, BOL brought the character back to life (because for all other intents and purposes, the character is dead).

Thus, the character gains a negative level for a day, as per the spell description.

On the 'plus' side though if the BoL brought you back to life and then you died from damage from the negative level you have another round for them to use another BoL on you to bring you back to life again (since the round the first BoL was used brought you back to life, and then you died again).

In which case, it's a moot point. You have 60hp. You go to -25 from a hit. Your con is 18. Cleric casts Breath of Life and heals 30 hps. You go to +5 hps. You are at 5 hps, alive, and have a maximum of 55 hps for 1 day. If the cleric later heals you after combat is over, he can only heal you up to 55hp, despite you having started with 60hp max. Not by the way that negative levels are worked out:Quote:In addition, the creature reduces its current and total hit points by 5 for each negative level it possesses. So, you drop the -5 from the current hit point total and from your max per negative level. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) LazarX May 3, 2011, 11:19 am 1 person marked this as a favorite. Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber James Jacobs wrote: Breath of life effectively rescues someone from death BEFORE that negative level sets in. If you "die" and are restored to life within a round by breath of life, you do not gain a negative level. 006ab0faaa

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