Lingwa de Planeta (or Lidepla) is a neutral international auxiliary language.
It is based on the most widely spoken languages of the world, including English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, and Persian.
May urba (My town)
Dai a me kisa (Give me a kiss)
Tume nocha (Dark is the night)
Lirike gana (A lyrical song)
Leson 1: Alfabet
Leson 2: Lekting
Leson 3: Aksenta
Leson 4: Konting 1 2 3
Leson 5: Kwo-worda
Leson 6: Simple fraza
Ana Pana 1
Ana Pana 2
Ana Pana 3
Ana Pana 4
Ana Pana 5
Ana Pana 6