Recently switched from to lichess and actually really enjoying it. I played on for almost 10 years but didn't love a few things: 1 the app and ux are just kind of busy 2 the level of chat is annoying, even at 1500+ still get players that shit talk, do silly stuff like run out the clock in a losing position and it really takes away from the fun of playing 3 they added stuff like emojis that make it even more annoying.

I found a lot of numbers regarding the expenses of lichess under , which is exceptional, but I also wonder how much money does lichess actually make and (if there's a discrepancy) where this extra money is allocated to.

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As of April 28, 2022, had a global rank of 683 at Alexa, with most of its visitors coming from the United States, India, and China.[15] According to Alexa rank, Lichess is ranked second only to as one of the most popular internet chess servers in the world.[16]

In August 2023, an article was published on lichess website, stating "Lichess will no longer cooperate with the US Chess Federation and the Saint Louis Chess Club". The article included previously unpublished details of sexual misconduct allegations against two US grandmasters, and criticized the handling of it by both organizations.[35]

Most people agree that lichess ratings are inflated by around 300-ish points. I moved to lichess from a while ago for better analysis and prep, and have gotten considerably stronger since then. I'm around 1900 lichess rapid. I'd assumed this equated to 1500-1600 I went back to my account (rated around 1150 where I left it) and was very surprised to find myself having to work really hard to win against 1100-1200 players. I still mostly won, but there were several losses that I didn't expect to have, with an avg playing strength I'd expect to see in about 1700-1800 lichess player.

I wanted to get people's thoughts on it. Is lichess inflation really THAT bad, are chesscom players underrated or am I just overestimating my own playing strength? Weirdly enough, I play friends who are around 1400-1600 on, and we're reasonably evenly matched, so I was confused.

I am trying to use the lichess python API, but I cannot import it into python. I used the pip command and made sure it was updated and various other attempts, but it still gives me the error that says 'no module named 'lichess''

14,155,483 chess positions evaluated with Stockfish.Ā 

Ā Produced by, and for, the Lichess analysis board, running various flavours of Stockfish within user browsers. Download lichess_db_eval.json.zst

In our ongoing initiatives to make online rated play more available and to provide more certainty about the integrity of online games, the US Chess Executive Board worked with the US Chess Ratings Committee to review the fair play methodology and implementation of

lichess is a chess game for Android. Play a quick match against hundreds of thousands of users from all over the world, right from the comfort of your Android smartphone. In addition, you can choose if you want to play by correspondence (that is, making moves from time to time: no rush, no pressure), or prefer to play with a timer (after time's up, you lose). In all you'll find more than half a dozen different ways to play chess.

Although ideally you'll be playing against any of the thousands of users who are always on lichess, you can also practice against the AI. This is especially useful when you don't have an Internet connection. Choose from several AI difficulty levels so you can improve your strategy bit by bit.

TD: It happened organically, as with most open source projects. It was a one-person hobby project for a couple years, with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel which people would join to discuss the project. Volunteers would come and go, some making a single contribution, others sticking around for years and really pushing the project forward. To join the Lichess team, one has to be helpful to the chess community. Either by contributing to a Lichess open source code base, or by using its API ( to build something cool, or by helping out other players in forums and chats. At some point I'll ask you to join the team. It's not a big deal, it's just a group of people who are interested in the same thing.

Am 14. Dezember 2017 gewann Schachweltmeister Magnus Carlsen das erste Lichess-Turnier fr Titeltrger (Lichess Titled Arena). Das Preisgeld gab er an fr die nchste Titled Arena zurck.[11] 2351a5e196

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