This got rid of the error, but I still have a problem launching Matlab. Each time I launch it (by typing "matlab" in terminal), the Mathworks software activation window pops up. I provide the path to the licence file, it appears to activate successfully (no errors), but then Matlab doesn't launch. If I try to run it again, the same thing happens.

Try running /usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/bin/matlab (change the path according to the location on your system) in the terminal to see if that runs MATLAB. If not, perhaps you can still get some error messages from there that might be useful for your question.

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Old thread I know, but I just had this same problem. The problem for me at least, was that it is recommended installing matlab with root priviledges and as such when it came to activation the default user to be granted a licens became root. In this way I could only start matlab when logged in as root. Problem is easily fixed by running the activation again outside of root.

Way too old thread but viewed 4523 times and active 16 days ago so still relevant I guess. Here is how you solve it. In my case the folder "~/.matlab/R2015a_licenses/" did not exist. though "~/.matlab" did. So I created R2015a_licenses. Now the problem is this folder was accessible only to root. So the activation application could not write the required file. So change the permission of this folder using "sudo chmod 777 R2015a_licenses". Now run matlab normally(no sudo). It should take you to the activation client. otherwise run the activation client manually(no sudo), it is called "" in the bin folder. follow the steps and let it detect the user-name and do not change it. when it exits without error you are done with the licence part. Now there could be another problem that your matlab freezes just after the opening window and doesn't go any further. Take a look at this. "Go to the ".matlab/" directory in the users home directory. Rename the directory named after the version of MATLAB you are using to have _old at the end. If there is a folder with "_licenses" in the name, DO NOT rename that folder" kind of worked. By kind of I mean matlab complained that it cant write preferences in "~/.matlab". So I changed the permission for that folder by "chmod" and then it worked.

Then enter "open cat_defaults.m" in your matlab command window. The file is opened in the editor. If you are not sure how to change the values, open the module "Segment Data" in the batch editor as a reference.

The Nobel cluster is a shared system without a job scheduler. Because of this, users are not allowed to run MATLAB in multi-threaded mode. The first step in using MATLAB on Nobel is choosing the version. Run module avail matlab to see the choices. Load a module with, e.g., module load matlab/R2019b. After loading a MATLAB module, to run MATLAB interactively on the script myscript.m:

If you have an older version, the built-in editor in MATLAB 6.0 has a block-comment feature, which will simply put a comment character on each line. Or you can use matlab-mode for Emacs, which supports this as well.

Start MATLAB using the command matlab -nodesktop. A related switch is -nojvm, which starts MATLAB without the Java Virtual Machine, making it take much less memory. However many of the editor and browser features will not work.

MATLAB and LaTeX: Arno Linnemann has written an M-file to simplify the inclusion of MATLAB graphics into LaTeX documents, along with a nice document of tips and tricks.

February 17, 2021 : m1matlabMatlab on M1 MacsMatlab appears to work well on M1 Macs under Rosetta 2. It appearsto work from version 8.6 to 9.9. This is not an official statement of support by Mathworks. It is only based on the fact it will run thematlab bench function without any problems.It seems to bench well on a M1 Mac Mini even under Rosetta 2.To run older matlab 9.9 or below on ARM devices you need to lightly modify the script at matlab app/bin/util/ as it does not recognizethe output of uname -p on the ARM hardware. Look for this portion of the scriptand modify as indicated. case "`/usr/bin/uname`" in Darwin) # Mac OS X case "`/usr/bin/uname -p`" in i386|arm) ARCH="maci64" ;; esac ;; esac

February 15, 2021 : bigsurBig Sur and M1 Notes - Miscellaneous - Two attempted upgrades to Big Sur resulted in utter failure. The onlyfix was basically a clean install. - Installing the 11.1 and 11.2 upgrades from 11.0.1 have caused variousexternal display to fail. When I upgraded to 11.2 on an M1 mini, myexternal display went berserk. I turned off the dispplay. The upgradeeventually finished and my external display seems to be working fine. - When users are logged in at the console, the root user is blocked from accessing varying system pref panes. In particular in users and groups the logged in console users are greyed out. Other pref panes won'teven open. - To run cron jobs as root, do the following.system pref > security & privacy > privacy > full disk access > unlock > add /usr/sbin/cron to the list of apps that have full disk access.There may be other services with similar requirements - Matlab runs well under rosetta 2 on M1 mini. Here are a few bench runsfrom matlab 9.6. Run bench on your machine to see how these compareto other machine types. 0.1272 0.0961 0.0146 0.0785 1.6836 1.0202 0.1077 0.0751 0.0147 0.0801 1.3584 1.0443 0.1172 0.0931 0.0164 0.0677 0.1643 0.1102 0.1176 0.0752 0.0153 0.0693 0.1657 0.1113

February 14, 2021 : dotfilesSpecial mex error on catalina onlyIf you see an error when doing mex compiling that contains xcodebuild: error: SDK "macosx10.15.4" cannot be locatedThis is simply because SDK should not have minor version numbers.The following mathworks page will give the fix for the issue. error is only seen on catalina for matlab 2020a and 2020b.

May 10, 2020 : searchdomains Set search domains from the command line macOSHere is a typical usage. networksetup -setsearchdomains Ethernet nyu.eduTo see the result, do networksetup -getsearchdomains EthernetThe above applies to your ethernet networking and if you have multiple ethernet nodes, the syntax is a bit different.If you want the above to apply to your wireless networking, then replaceEthernet with Wi-Fi. April 10, 2020 : caseDiffering in caseTo list all files and folders in /path/to/foodir whose paths differ only in case, you can use the following command. find /path/to/foodir | sort -f | uniq -i -DFor example, for the current working folder, you would do find . | sort -f | uniq -i -D January 10, 2020 : adobeSigning in for Adobe CC appsWhen you launch an Adobe app and you are not signed in, it will give youan adobe sign-in panel, use for email address, which willthen give you the usual NYU sign-in page. Note that once your are signed in to Adobe, it is good for all Adobe CC appson that machine.To sign out from an Adobe app, do Adobe app > Help > Sign out.**** 2019 **** June 10, 2019 Matlab 9.6 for all platforms [macOS, Linux, Windows]Matlab 9.6 is executable from our /share area. But this is so large, you should only run this from your local disk and not a network volume.If you need this installed on a desktop machine here, please email systems@cns.nyu.eduTo install it on your own machine, follow the simple instructions at January 30, 2019 : myip What is my public IPv4 To get your public IP address, do one of the following. - In Terminal, paste curl ; echo - In your browser search text field, enter what is my ipv4 January 20, 2019 Changes to NYU VPN: full VPN supported and MFA requiredNote that NYU VPN now offers full and split VPN as the choice betweenAll Traffic and NYU-NET Traffic Only. The All Traffic means all your networktraffic is routed through NYU VPN as opposed to only NYU-NET traffic isgoing through NYU VPN. As a general rule, if you need to access restricted journals, use the All Traffic group, otherwise use the NYU-NET Traffic Only group.Do NOT use It will no longer work!Secondly, NYU VPN now requires MFA. In the Cisco GUI, the first passwordfield is for your netid password and in the second password field you normallyenter push to request a Duo push to your default mobile device. However, if you have multiple MFA devices, then you need to enter pushN where N is the N-th MFA device you had registered for MFA. But if you have numerousMFA devices, then it may be difficult to figure out the number N, in whichcase it may be easier to simply enter the passcode given by the Duo app on themobile device you have at hand.-- NYU VPN Page January 7, 2019  Apple locked files macOS has the ability to set some flag values to make a file immutableno matter what your privileges are. To see the flag values, do ls -lOTo unlock all files in folder foodir, do chflags -R nouchg foodir

September 20, 2018 Using a particular matlab license file To use a particular matlab license file, do matlab -c /path/to/license/fileExamples: matlab -c /usr/local/matlab9.4/licenses/2network.lic matlab -c ~/Desktop/2network.licIn the second example, I have placed a copy of the license file fromthe licenses subfolder in the Matlab app onto my Desktop. This fixes an issue with calls to matlab's parallel toolbox respondingextremely slowly. As every parallel worker requires a license and withmore and more users relying on this toolbox, calling matlab with aspecific license file seems to make the license checkouts by parpoolto go significantly faster.See an old post below for more information.

March 18, 2016 Matlab 9.0 (2016a) available for testingMatlab 9.0 (aka R2016a) is now available for testing forour UNIX platforms (Mac OS X and Linux). For either platform, you may invoke the 9.0 Matlab GUI via the command matlab9.0 (/share/erda/bin/matlab9.0)Alternatively, you may just double click on /share/erda/matlab9.0.If you just want the matlab shell, you may do matlab9.0 -nodesktop -nodisplayFor systems where our /share area is not accessible, we haveappropriate platform-specific versions for users to downloadat our usual Matlab distro point on our localweb webserver. This is available for all platforms supported by Matlab (OS X, Linux and Windows). be457b7860

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