Since I was unable to see the screen shots for some reason, I am not sure whether my problem is the same or different, but when I use the (very unimpressive) Impress under gnome (3.28, using Lubuntu 17.10 on a Yoga 2 Pro) in presentation mode the font rendering is a joke-- some characters appear correctly, while others appear much smaller and different. If you interrogate the characters as to their format (font, size, etc.) they are all the same, but some appear different.

Interestingly, this is a problem ONLY in gnome-- when I boot into Lubuntu, all is fine (looking at the very same presentation).

I have the same problems (except the speed problem), you need good nerves to use tables in impress. But I would rather not heed mariosv advice: embedding a calc table is much worse: editing the table after embedding has often made the table unusable for me, as rows and / or columns become invisible etc.

Libreoffice Impress

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On is is the same and even more worse.

On one could shrink the rows by crushing the rows (at its outer border). This does no longer work. Tried to make this on a row-basis - astroundingly, the row GROWs sometimes, if you left the mouse!

I making documents with Impress and nearly all tables are really a pain and even ugly (different line-heights, anyway, what you select/define).

And alway, as long as I use impress, it is NOT possible to set the lower border (inner, the cells padding to zero), while all others work. And this does not depend on fonts or space after paragrapghs.

I habe the older version an another computer and compared:

Event the padding cannot brought to very low or zero, the crushing of the table is possible.

I am running LO from debian-backports, will look to downgrade.

Seems like it is a bug see +source/libreoffice/+bug/980467. I think the only workaround is to mark the text on the slides individually and select "format" -> character and there select the language you want.

I cannot successfully load video or audio files onto a slide. On occasion they will load but will not play and/or the program freezes. I have no problem doing the same with impress on Fedora 23 (also 5.1). Do I need to install codecs? I'm not sure whether video and audio files could be loaded with Impress 4.0 since I have only recently tried to include multimedia with an Impress slide presentation (I do a pacman update on a daily basis).

I cannot play *any* video in libreoffice impress (tried inserting or the tools=>media player), but no format I can test with (mp4, asf, avi, mpg, mov) works unfortunately. I've tested gstreamer, using ff782bc1db

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