Liana Heuberger

I am a post-doc working in Algebraic Geometry at the University of Bath with Alastair Craw. You can reach me at lh2457 [at] bath [dot] ac [dot] uk. I am also a collaborator of the 3CinG program.

My current research is in birational geometry and toric geometry, specifically finding Fano varieties of dimension up to four which are either smooth or have mild singularities. A useful tool in achieving this is the combinatorics of polytopes, reflecting the geometry of (possibly singular) toric varieties they correspond to. My aim is to construct an explicit (partial) smoothing of these objects in order to obtain a Fano variety. I'm also interested in moduli spaces of quiver representations, quiver flag varieties and the McKay correspondence.

Here is a copy of my CV.

Here are photos from the Oberwolfach conference "K-stability, birational geometry and mirror symmetry" I co-organised in March 2024.

Here are photos from a conference I co-organised at the ICMS in Edinburgh in November 2018.

Member of the Department Equality and Diversity Committee of the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath.

In 2023-2024 I have taught one half of the MsC course "Algebraic Curves" MA40188 at the University of Bath.

Where I'll be:

Recent past events

Scientific seminars: KCL, Marseille, Bordeaux.

PiWorks Seminar (Piscopia Initiative – Women and Other Researchers Keynote Series), February 2024.

Workshops and conference talks: 

Articles and preprints

Currently being refereed:

Published and soon to appear: