How do I restore an absence?
Complete the LHS Absence Restoration Form
OR complete the restoration time (60 minutes per absence). Restoration time can be completed with your teacher, After School Center or Super Saturday.
How do I make up assignments?
Complete the work and submit it to your teacher.
How do I restore a tardy?
Option 1- To restore one tardy, go to class on time for 5 consecutive class periods and complete the Tardy Restoration Form. YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN TO YOUR LHS ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THE FORM
Option 2 -One tardy can be made up with 20 minutes of restoration.
One late tardy can be made up with 60 minutes of restoration. Restoration can be completed with your teacher, After School Center or Super Saturday
How do I restore Long Term Citizenship Grades?
Process for Long Term Citizenship Grade Restoration
Long Term Citizenship Grade Restoration is for students to restore and improve a citizenship grade from a previous term or year.
Option 1
When a student earns an S or H citizenship grade for the current term, the student can change their previous term citizenship grade by submitting the Term Citizenship Form for the same course. Form must be submitted within three weeks of the new term. YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO YOUR LHS ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THE GOOGLE FORMS
e.g.- Student earns an “H” for 2nd term in ELA 9, their citizenship grade for 1st term in ELA 9 will be replaced with an “H”.
Option 2
Email the citizenship coordinator, Mr. Ramirez, to create a restoration plan.