About LGRRC 3
Anchored on the Department’s role as the primary catalyst for excellence in local governance, the Local Governance Regional Resource Center (LGRRC) supports this mandate and facilitates the integration of knowledge management in DILG processes and systems towards building the Department as a Knowledge Centric Organization (KCO). It also capitalizes on the premise that LGRRC is DILG and vice-versa and that every DILG activity is attributed to the LGRRC.
The primary goal of the LGRRC is to promote a culture of learning and knowledge sharing in local governance. It is guided by three (3) major principles which are Knowledge Management (KM), Multi-stakeholdership and Convergence.
LGRRC-3 works in ultimately achieving its value proposition of developing Business Friendly and Competitive, Environment Protective and Climate Change Adaptive, Socially Protective and Safe Communities and Transparent and Accountable Local Government Units in the region.
The center operates under the auspices of LGA. It is managed by the LGRRC-3 team headed by its program manager and coordinator with the support of the four Facility Focal Persons and sub-Regional LGRRCs.