Luis A. Fernández Intriago

Labor Economist (Post-doctoral Fellow), Environmental Defense Fund

Welcome to my website!


I am an Economist within the Economics Team (subscribe to our Newsletter) at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).  I am also the editor of EDF's Economics Discussion Paper (EDP) series. Previously, I was a Post-doctoral Fellow, Labor Economist at EDF. 

Before joining EDF, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Resources for the Future (RFF). I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University (ASU). Before that time, I worked as a Policy Advisor at the Mexican Ministry of Finance (SHCP).

My background combines Macroeconomics, Environmental Economics, and quantitative economy-wide modeling. My current research focuses on Environmental Economics from a Macroeconomics perspective. Much of my work relates to understanding the effects of implementing carbon pricing or other environmental policies on the economy as a whole and the labor market.

What's new

#ClimateWeekNYC  I will be part of the event "How to use Electricity Models to Unlock the Clean Energy Transition." Lauren Beatty and I will host a Breakout room on "Fair Labor & Health: Can we achieve fairer labor and health outcomes without raising costs?"

I have a new Market Forces blog post: "Navigating a Just Labor Transition: Unveiling the JLT Progress Scale and Strategies for a Fairer Future" with Brigitte Castañeda Rodríguez, Raphael J Heffron, and Minwoo Hyun.

I was invited to discuss the paper "Commuting, Home Utilities, and Production: The Distributional Effects of Energy Price Shocks" by Mehedi Hasan Oni at the NBER's Distributional Consequences of New Energy Policies, Fall 2024 Conference (program).

My working paper:  "A Global and Inclusive Just Labor Transition: Challenges and Opportunities in Developed and Developing Countries." with Brigitte Castañeda Rodríguez, Raphael J Heffron, and Minwoo Hyun, is now featured in the Environmental Defense Fund Economics Discussion Paper Series. I will present it as a poster at the National Academies' Workshop on Macroeconomic Implications of Decarbonization Policies and Actions. Recently, I presented this paper at the AERE 2024 Annual Summer Conference and the 2024 Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI) Annual Workshop (recording). Further, I was invited to present this paper as a guest speaker for the course "TRANSICIÓN JUSTA: AVANZANDO HACIA ECONOMÍAS Y SOCIEDADES SOSTENIBLES" from the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO). Lastly, I presented this work in the 2024 internal EDF Economics Seminar. 

I have a new blog post: "Empowering Chile’s Climate Action: A Citizen’s Guide to Article 6" (English and Spanish), with Francisco Pinto and Rodrigo Bórquez (Climate Action Teams). I also wrote a post on LinkedIn summarizing it. 

I attended the SCHOOL ON ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF TRADE AND CLIMATE CHANGE from the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) at the European University Institute from 02 Oct 2023 to 05 Oct 2023. (Learn More)

My research project Job Quality and the Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy, jointly with Marc Hafstead and Roberton C. Williams III, was part of the NBER's Distributional Consequences of New Energy Policies Conference, 2023 program. You can see the recording here. I presented this work in the 2023 internal EDF Economics Seminar. 

My most recent working paper, joint with Diana MacDonald, focuses on the interaction of labor markets with informality and environmental policies. 
