Lewen Zheng

I am a final-year PhD student in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I am thrilled to be supervised by Prof. Dohyun Ahn, who is an expert in systemic risk in banking systems, stochastic simulation methodologies, and decision making under uncertainty.

My research primarily focuses on Monte Carlo simulation methodologies, their applications in the sell-side financial services including quantitative risk measurement and derivatives pricing, implications for regulatory practices such as systemic risk quantification, and in non-financial sectors such as network analysis. One of my ongoing projects considers the efficient estimation of risks related to rare-but-critical events under distributional uncertainty. 

Recently, I am also interested in studying multi-armed bandit problems, a subfield of reinforcement learning, with an emphasis on the best arm identification problems with high dimensional data. This is mainly motivated by healthcare applications, for example, a drug company searching for the most effective drug may want to use as few clinical trials as possible to cut costs.


The I-Sim Best MS/OR-Focused Student Paper, WSC I-Sim Ph.D. Colloquium, 2023.
First Place, Best Student Paper Competition in INFORMS Section on Finance, INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2022.
Second Place, Best Contributed Theoretical Paper Award, Winter Simulation Conference, 2021. 

Presentation Videos

This is a pre-recorded video of a presentation I gave on the paper "Efficient Simulation for Linear Programming under Uncertainty" at the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona (attended virtually).