Levinton - Marine Ecology Lab

Grad Students and Postdocs - Where Are They Now?

Current Graduate Students (2021)

Sydney Grosskopf - B.S. College of the Holy Cross, recently graduated! Now working as tech for Prof. Yong Chen of SoMAS, Stony Brook

Theresa Hong - B.S., Penn State University, member of School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Program

Former Graduate Students: Where are they now?

Judith Spiller - Professor and Associate Provost Emerita, University of New Hampshire

Scott Brande - Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham

David C. Schneider, Professor, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland

Paul Sammarco - Professor Emeritus, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium Laboratory

Diane Stoecker - Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, Horn Point Environmental Laboratories

Peter Petraitis - Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Pennsylvania

Rosemary Monahan, Region 1, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Boston MA

Theodore DeWitt, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Newport, Oregon

Thomas Bianchi* - Jon and Beverly Thompson Endowed Chair of Geological Sciences, University of Florida

Donald Gerhart - Challenger BioSciences LLC, Eugene, Oregon

Robert Richmond - Research Professor, Manoa Kewalo Marine Laboratory Hawai'i

Paulus Klerks - Professor Emeritus, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Marc Weissburg - Professor and Co-Director, Center for Biologically Inspired Design, Georgia Institute of Technology

Daniel Martinez - Professor, Pomona College

Michael McCartney - Research Professor, University Minnesota, Minneapolis

Sean Craig - Professor, California State University at Humboldt

Gregory Dietl* - Director of Collections, Paleontological Research Institution, and adj. in Dept. of Earth and Atm. Sci., Cornell University

Josepha Kurdziel, Beverly Rathcke Collegiate Lecturer., University of Michigan

Michael Rosenberg, Professor and Director, Center for Biological Data Science, Virginia Commonwealth University

Bengt Allen, Assoc. Prof., California State University at Long Beach

Chris Noto, Assoc. Prof. Univ. of Wisconsin Parkside (coadvisor with Cathy Foster)

J. Matt. Hoch, Professor, Nova Southeastern University

Adam Starke, Nature Conservancy, Long Island**

Daria Sebastiano**, BAE Systems, Hawaii

Patrick Lyons, Assoc. Professor, Valley College, CA

Abigail Cahill, Assoc. Professor, Albion College, MI

Brooke H. Arena**, MA 2019, Anchor QEA 

Riley Pena**, MA 2020 currently Ph.D. student, UCONN

Sydney Grosskopf**, MA 2023, currently working in laboratory of Yong Chen, SoMAS, Stony Brook University

 *Masters degree with Levinton as advisor, Ph. D. in another university.

** Masters at Stony Brook


Lars Werdelin - Professor, Dept. of Palaeozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm

Anders Berglund - Professor, Dept. of Animal Ecology, Uppsala University

Per Nilsson - Associate Professor, Marine Laboratory at Tjarno, University of Gothenberg

I-Jiunn Cheng, Professor emeritus, Taiwan National Ocean University

Darcy Lonsdale, Professor, Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University

Michael Judge, Professor, Manhattan College

Christian Sturmbauer, Professor and Department Head, Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria

Shirley Baker, Professor, University of Florida

David Wong, Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection

Brendan Kelaher, Professor, Southern Cross University, Australia

Joshua Mackie, Scientist, Gilmac Pty Ltd., Perth, Australia


BENTHIC ECOLOGY MEETING 2023, MIAMI, SPEAKERS AT LEVINTON CELEBRATORY SYMPOSIUM (Paul Sammarco, Bengt Allen, Peter Petraitis, Lee Smee, Jeff, J. Evan Ward, Marc Weissberg, Mike Judge, Michael Rosenberg, J. Matt Hoch)

Jeffrey Levinton - Background

Levinton's university training was in geology and paleontology. He graduated with a B.S. from The College of the City of NY and got his Ph.D. at Yale University, working under Donald C. Rhoads. He has been at Stony Brook University ever since, first in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences and now in the Department of Ecology and Evolution (Retired 2022, now Research Professor). He has been an editor of a number of journals, including The American Naturalist, Ecology, Global Change Biology, and Ecological Applications. He is a Guggenheim Fellow, a Fellow of the A.A.A.S., and was Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook (now emeritus), and received the Chancellor's and President's Award for Excellence in Teaching. He has over 150 publications on topics ranging from soft bottom marine ecology, to macroevolution, to functional biology of feeding and thermal performance, and is author or editor of several books, including Marine Biology:Function, Biodiversity, Ecology, new 6th edition (2021), Oxford University Press, Genetics, Paleontology and Macroevolution (2nd edition-2001), Cambridge University Press, and The Hudson River Estuary (2006), Cambridge University Press. He has worked at numerous marine laboratories, including Friday Harbor Labs, Duke University Marine Lab, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Ronbjerg Marine Lab in Denmark, and the Marine Laboratory at Villefranche-sur-Mer

Current Research

Latest Research 2023: Superior Performance of a Trailing Edge Population of the Sand Fiddler Crab Leptuca pugilator, recently published.

Behavior, biomechanics, evolution of fiddler crabs. The overall objective of this study is to link the origin of an evolutionary innovation, namely the giant major claw of fiddler crabs, to reproductive function, behavioral evolution and biogeography of a widespread group. The fiddlers are pantropical and the major claw is nearly half the weight of the animal. It is used by males in threat display and combat. We are investigating the following questions: (1) Does the claw function as mainly display, or does its biomechanical features reflect a fully functioning closing structure? (2) Is sexual selection a cause of variability in this structure, much as the process works to increase variability of other structures and colors controlled by sexual selection? (3) Did behavioral complexity increase in this group, or did other factors allow the evolution of complex reproductive behavior? (3) Did this group arise in the IndoPacific as previously believed? Our work combines field studies of behavior, morphometrics, molecular phylogenetic tools, and biomechanics to answer these questions.

Recent research has focused on the functional morphology of the sexually selected major claw, which is about 1/3 the mass of a male fiddler crab. The claw is used in display and combat. Our previous work demonstrated that the major claw is fully functional and that variation of closing force with body size can be predicted successfully from simple measurements of claw dimensions, related to a simple lever system. However, there is a paradoxical result: As body size increases the closing force of the smaller feeding claw increases with the square of any linear measurement, as expected from a proportional increase to muscle cross-sectional area. But the closing force of the major claw proportionally decreases with increasing body size, mainly because the mechanical advantage decreases. Thus a fighting male is weaker than it would otherwise be if it maintained the same claw mechanical proportions of smaller crabs. I have been working on explaining this paradox - why be weaker than you were going to be? Is the claw used more for display? Is some other function being served? Thus far, we have concluded that there is a tradeoff between strength and closing speed and have tested this successfully. This tradeoff is also found in fish jaws and lizard jaws. Thus larger crabs may require speed of clasping more than strength. This fits in with observations of combat and the usual lack of severe damage that one male might inflict upon another. I believe that this general result applies to many beetles bearing pincers as well. The race is to the swift, not necessarily to the strong. A contrary argument is that closure at an interior tooth can compensate for the tradeoff, but our recently acquired data shows that this does not work for several species of fiddler crabs, and not for Leptuca pugilator

We are also working on measuring the costs encumbered by having such a large structure as the major claw. In males of Uca pugilator and other species, this size is so large that the walking limbs beneath the cheliped are more robust than the legs beneath the much smaller feeding claw. Do males pay a price by carrying this large structure? Do they escape more poorly from predators? Do they have high metabolic loads, since this claw as a high proportion of the total striated muscle of the whole crab? We have been investigating the cost by measurements of metabolic rate, subjecting crabs to stress on a treadmill, and measuring running speeds of males in the field, as compared with males not bearing the large major claw. A counterintuitive result is that running speed is the same for crabs with and without the major cheliped. In sprinting, the mass of the claw does not impede sprint speed, so males and females of similar carapace size run at the same speed. But this result does not apply to longer term running on a treadmill. The major cheliped, or a similar inanimate weight planted on the clawless male causes stress and the male loses the ability to continue to run much earlier than a clawless male, not bearing the mass.

Allen, B.J., Rodgers, B., Y. Tuan, Levinton, J. 2012. Size-dependent temperature and desiccation constraints on performance capacity: implications for sexual selection in a fiddler crab. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 438:93-99.

Thermal Ecology of Fiddler Crabs and the Effect and Role of the Giant Major Cheliped.

We have investigated a hypothesis that suggests a role for the major claw in thermal regulation. Does the major cheliped help act as a heat sink, absorbing and perhaps radiating heat to the air? Our evidence suggests that the claw can absorb heat, but there is no evidence of significant heat transfer between body and cheliped. Indeed, heating from above appears to have a small negative effect on the body as a result of bearing the major claw. This is an active area of research and not yet resolved.

Levinton, J.S., 2020. Thermal stress: The role of body size and the giant major claw in survival and heat transfer of a fiddler crab (Leptuca pugilator). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151428

Latitude, Thermal Adaptation, and Climate Change.

A different emphasis is on the thermal component of fiddler crab performance. Fiddler crabs are an excellent model for the study of thermal stress on a mobile species in the intertidal zone and climate change may have strong impacts on behavior, mating strategies and survival. We have found that male size is related to vulnerability to thermal stress and this may contribute to larger-male mating success. We are investigating tradeoffs between sexual display and physiological stress. This study is embedded in a current National Science Foundation research grant devoted to latitudinal thermal adaptations of Leptuca pugilator, in collaboration with Zachary Darnell (University of Southern Mississippi) and Warren Porter (University of Wisconsin). Current research has compared several measures of performance of males of Leptuca pugilator collected from different latitudes.

Heartbeat and Performance in Response to Temperature

How do fiddler crabs respond to changing temperature in terms of performance. We are taking two approaches, focusing on performance in air and water, since fiddlers are biphasic creatures. Heartbeat was measured using an infrared detector. We have completed a study of heartbeat of fiddlers as a function of temperature. The results in air and water were strikingly different. In water heartbeat increases with increasing temperature to 40, with a decline at higher temperatures. But in air no increasing trend was seen with increasing temperature. This may be due to continual availability of oxygen in air, but a much slower delivery when dissolved in water. This suggests perhaps a very different metabolic regime under thermal stress in water and air. We are now following this up by measuring oxygen consumption in air and water using an optode method.

Levinton, J.S., Volkenborn, N., Gurr, S., Correal, K., Villacres, S., Seabra, R., Lima, F.P. 2020. Temperature-related heart rate in water and air and a comparison to other temperature-related measures of performance in the fiddler crab Leptuca pugilator (Bosc 1802). J. Therm. Biol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2019.102502 

Global Analysis of Major Claw Length in Fiddler Crabs - published Dec. 2021

This project was done in collaboration with Marc Weissburg of GA Tech. Sexual selection is famous for producing diversified structures, as has been found for horns of scarab beetles that show diversified horn size and shape and many instances of gains and losses in phylogeny. Our previous work suggests that fiddler crabs arose over 23 million years ago and diversified from an ancestral group in the Americas, producing diverse groups throughout the Indo-Pacific, Eastern Pacific, Western Atlantic, and Eastern Atlantic. But our analysis shows that major cheliped length is amazingly in a constant linear relationship to carapace length. This strongly suggests that some functional restraint guides the constancy but we don't have complete evidence of this control. Of course, species deviate from the overall relationship and there is even a signature of sexual selection - variance of the major cheliped length is greater than that of the minor cheliped, which is much more under the control of natural selection especially feeding ecology. Do you have any ideas? See our paper and some suggestions. We look forward to discussion on this.

Levinton, J.S., Weissburg, M. 2021. Length of a sexually selected ornament-armament in fiddler crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodiidae): One way over deep time and space. Journal of Crustacean Biology Volume 41, Issue 4, December 2021, ruab066, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcbiol/ruab066