For Remembrance Day 2020, composer Toby Nelms has teamed up with Rodney Earl Clarke and Georgi Mottram to bring to life a piece of music, Letters from Home, which commemorates the lives of those we have lost. With many Remembrance Sunday events unable to take place due to the pandemic, this statement piece of music represents that we will indeed continue our acts of remembrance despite being unable to gather together in person.

The single has been composed by Toby Nelms, with lyrics by Micah Mackay. It will be released on the 1st November and is available to pre-order now.

Georgi Mottram

As a Classic Brit Award nominee with her group, Ida Girls London, Georgi Mottram has enjoyed performing in shows internationally and in the UK (West End Live, The Other Palace, Noosa Alive, Jersey Opera House, Adelphi, Charing Cross Theatre). She is thrilled to be bringing this story to life.

Rodney Earl Clarke

Rodney Earl Clarke (Les Miserables, Sondheim Theatre, Porgy and Bess, Berlin Philharmonic, BBC Friday Night is Music Night) is excited to be bringing to life a new musical work, providing vocals for the track alongside Georgi Mottram.

This year we remember all those who lost their lives during times of war and periods of conflict. However, it is also important to remember that this year has also been one of isolation. We have been separated from loved ones, face-to-face communication has been difficult, and we've often been unable to express our emotions in person. Many of us have lost loved ones, many of us have sacrificed time with our families and those we care about, and many of us have suffered the effects of loneliness and isolation.

At times like these words become even more important than usual, whether it is through a text message, by a phone call or, in this case, through a letter. ‘Letters from Home’ commemorates all those lost during war time but also remembers those who we have lost and have been separated from this year. It is a tribute to the lasting power of words during times of conflict, isolation and anxiety. Moreover, it encapsulates the hope we all have to be reunited with our loved ones and to be able to tell them face-to-face how much they mean to us.

Toby Nelms

Toby Nelms, whose works have previously been featured on BBC’s Late Night Proms, has played with Britain’s Got Talent winners, Collabro, and has musically directed cabarets with the West End Cast of Les Miserables. He is excited to introduce Letters from Home to the public and hopes that the message it sends will touch a chord with many.

Micah Mackay

Micah Mackay is a freelance lyricist, writer and poet based in Oxford.

Full Credits:

Georgi Mottram - Vocalist - @georgimottram

Rodney Earl Clarke - Vocalist - @rodneyearlclarke

Toby Nelms - Composer - @tobynelms1

Micah Mackay - Lyricist - @micahmackay

Lydia Alonso - Cello - @cellistlidia

James Burrows - Producer - @haringeymusicstudio

Niamh Simpson - Artwork

© Toby Nelms 2020