Shifat Sahariar Bhuiyan
Shifat Sahariar Bhuiyan
#Software Testing #Artificial Inteligent
#Software Testing #Artificial Inteligent
I am a PhD candidate with the TAU research group at the Software Institute of UniversitĂ della Svizzera Italiana (USI), specializing in novel testing techniques for deep learning systems. My research, part of the SNSF-funded TopoScope project, focuses on the automated partitioning of complex input spaces to maximize fault exposure in system testing. Under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Tonella in Lugano, Switzerland, my work aims to transform testing into an exploration of a topographical map, identifying and analyzing potential vulnerabilities within software systems.
I am a PhD candidate with the TAU research group at the Software Institute of UniversitĂ della Svizzera Italiana (USI), specializing in novel testing techniques for deep learning systems. My research, part of the SNSF-funded TopoScope project, focuses on the automated partitioning of complex input spaces to maximize fault exposure in system testing. Under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Tonella in Lugano, Switzerland, my work aims to transform testing into an exploration of a topographical map, identifying and analyzing potential vulnerabilities within software systems.