You can fill out the workbook digitally on your computer or tablet with any PDF-editing software. On computers, we recommend using Adobe Reader (free). On iPad, we suggest the following apps: Adobe Reader, GoodReader, Noteshelf, Notes Plus.

Kate James is an independent contractor and the author of an upcoming workbook on RDA. She served as a member of the RDA Steering Committee from 2013-2019. In her role as RDA Examples Editor, she was a key contributor to the redesign of the RDA Toolkit. Kate previously worked as a senior cataloging policy specialist in the Library of Congress Policy and Standards Division, where some of her responsibilities included staff training on RDA and editing the Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements and the Descriptive Cataloging Manual. She has given presentations on RDA in the United States and internationally.

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Now, here is my issue:

The above works flawlessly when the only open workbook is the one I want to manipulate with my function. However, when I have multiple open workbooks, the function will try to manipulate a different workbook, resulting in an error.

I am quite certain that there must be a way to specify the workbook to be used, but I am unable to find it. That being said, there is another complication: The name of the workbook which I would like to manipulate is machine generated, so it always has a different name. This means that using an explicit reference to the same file name time and again is not an option.

You cannot directly refer to worksheets in other workbooks by their CodeName, this can only be done to the ThisWorkbook object (the workbook containing the VBA code). See the question Fully reference a worksheet by codename for details on how to get the sheet by its codename from another workbook. I have included the function in the answer and how to use it in this context.

Apologies, didn't realise you were trying to reference the index name in the project editor when I first read your question. The code name can be referenced from an external workbook with the following example which shows how to select the workbook and sheet codename to perform a copy/paste from one workbook to another:

I want to write a little logging function in an excel add-in that I will be calling from many different workbooks. I'd like to be able to just call it by passing only the log text, and the log function itself could handle the timestamp, workbookname, etc.

However, I cannot use either ThisWorkbook or ActiveWorkbook to determine which workbook was responsible for making the call, as Thisworkbook will return a reference to the add-in itself, whereas VBA code running in a workbook other than the workbook with active focus in Excel could make the call, but the ActiveWorkbook will return the one that has focus in the window.

you want a routine written in an addin, that when called from vba in another workbook can work out (among other things) which workbook contains the vba that made the call, without having to pass this information explicitly.

I had the same issue when coding a custom function. Function works well, but anytime another workbook is calculated or activated, all cells using that function revert to #value. It can be very frustrating when working with multiple files using this formula.

To provide a new instance of the logger class, write a global factory function (such as: set myLogger = loggerAddin.newLogger(workbook), or similar), where workbook is a reference to the caller. The reference is saved in the logger instance and then can be referred to within logging functions (e.g. myLogger.log(message) ) without these logging functions needing to be given a reference to the workbook.

You can also change the theme used by your workbook. Themes control items like the default font, colors, and line thickness. When you create a new workbook, it automatically uses the Default theme, which uses visual best practices.

You can change every type of line for all views in your workbook, or you can change just certain types of lines, such as trend lines. You can also turn off certain types of lines, including grid lines.

When you make changes to your workbook's line settings, a gray dot appears next to the setting in the Format Workbook pane. You can quickly switch back to default settings using the Reset to Defaults button.

The Format Workbook pane replaces the Data pane on theleft and provides a series of drop-down listswhere you can change all font settings in a workbook, as well as the font settings for titles of worksheets, stories, and dashboards.

If your workbook is set to a theme other than Default, it will retain that theme when you upgrade from one version of Tableau to another, but you can easily change the theme to Default. Conversely, you can change your workbook's theme from Default to a different, earlier theme.

If you upgraded from version 9.3 to version 10.x and your theme was set to Default in version 9.3, it will be set to Previous in version 10.x. After you switch to the Default theme, check your workbook to confirm that items are sized appropriately. You might need to make some manual adjustments.

When you make changes to your workbook's font settings, a gray dot appears next to the setting in the Format Workbook pane. You can quickly switch back to default settings using the Reset to Defaults button.

I actually bought this book set for my niece for Christmas so I cannot comment on the book or workbook. But, I can say that there was a delivery issue with the work book and, after contacting Bigger Pockets, the issue was resolved very quickly. Thank you, Bigger Pockets, for the help!

I have been asked to look into moving class workbooks into an online format, preferably in Moodle. The workbooks are a mixture of information pages and pages that students fill out such as reflections, feedback and profiles. I am looking at the book module and it's fine for static pages and for laying out the format of the book as a whole. I'm having problems with the content that students need to fill in. Some of this can be done with embedding a Google Form, but that has the drawback on not being able to be edited later. It would also mean that the data would be spread out over several Google Forms. I could embed some H5P but i'm not sure how the data would be saved and kept 'live' for a student to go back and edit or for a tutor to view. My first though was to create PDF forms but these can't be viewed, edited or saved in Moodle(?).

To save work, just make sure you add enough page breaks; every time the student clicks "Next page", their previous answer(s) are saved. Moodle will pick up on the page where they last were and as long as they don't "Submit all and finish" they will still be able to edit their workbook.

I have tried the suggestions above, thanks for the input. Splitting out the activities in the workbook is doable but the user experience isn't very engaging and the flow is not as good as in the original workbook. I'm not sure Moodle is the right platform for this project. I enclose a pic of a typical workbook page. I could do this as a pdf but I want to avoid the continuous uploading and viewing as these workbooks are updated throughout the year. Are there any suggestions for this outside of Moodle?

The questionaire is the most promising activity. Some of the workbook requires tutor feeback for some particular questions and also there are a couple of tabular formated questions. I may just have to think of a way to completly restructure the workbook.

The Omer Workbook is a 49-day journey of self-care using the themes and teachings of the Counting of the Omer. The workbook includes an introduction to the Omer counting season, 7 teaching pages for each week of the Omer, and 49-day pages with space and prompts for journaling, art, movement, connecting with friends and family, and taking action in your community. The workbook takes the user on a wellness journey from Passover to Shavuot guided by Jewish wisdom.

This workbook is an opportunity for individuals to focus on wellness, self-improvement, and learning. We want resources for mental health to be accesible to all. That is why a portion of all profits from every Omer Workbook will be donated to Trans Lifeline, a non-profit run by and for trans individuals, providing connections through their hotline and microgrants to the community support and resources needed to survive and thrive.

Once this has been called, no further operations, updates or reads should be performed on the Workbook.Specified by:close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseableSpecified by:close in interface getNumberOfNames()Returns:the total number of defined names in this workbookgetNameName getName(java.lang.String name)Parameters:name - the name of the defined nameReturns:the defined name with the specified name. null if not found.getNamesjava.util.List

Typically you want to force formula recalculation when you modify cell formulas or values of a workbook previously created by Excel. When set to true, this flag will tell Excel that it needs to recalculate all formulas in the workbook the next time the file is opened.

Note, that recalculation updates cached formula results and, thus, modifies the workbook. Depending on the version, Excel may prompt you with "Do you want to save the changes in filename?" on close.

If you have questions about the workbook tool or would like to provide feedback, reach out to or join one of our open calls every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-3pm ET via toll free number: 208-391-5817; Conference ID: 278 449 067, where members of our team answer questions to help firms navigate the certification process. ff782bc1db

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