Recent progress in glassy systems

Marginally Stable Phases, Quantum Behaviour, Machine Learning and Mathematical Physics

Les Houches School of Physics

February 16-21 2020

This workshop is dedicated to PhD Students, Post-Docs as well as confirmed researchers interested in the Statistical Physics of Disordered and Glassy Systems, its fundamental aspects and the applications in the fields of Statistical Inference and Machine Learning. The school will focus on recent progresses achieved in the subjects of the lectures. For each topic, there will be a review lecture and four topical seminars. Ample time will be left for discussions and interactions among the participants.

Arrival: Sunday, February 16, from 3pm

Departure: Friday, February 21, after lunch




  • Marginal Phases in Structural Glasses: P. Urbani

  • Excitations in Low-Temperature Glasses: E. Lerner

  • Quantum Disordered Systems: A. Rosso

  • Mathematical Methods for Diluted Mean-Field Models: A. Coja-Oglan

  • Theory of Machine Learning: L. Zdeborova

Talks: E. Agoritsas, J. Barbier, P. Charbonneau, E. De Giuli, H. Ikeda, R.Monasson, M. Muller, S. Pascazio, A. Sclocchi, G. Semerjian, B. Seoane, G. Sicuro, S. Spigler, M. Tarzia

Note that no contributed talks can be accepted. However, a poster session for participants will be organized.

Applications are now closed. A registration fee of 375€+VAT includes meals and housing. No financial support for participants is available.

Organising committee: S. Franz, G. Parisi, F. Ricci-Tersenghi, F. Zamponi

Scientific secretariat: Luisa Sutera ( )

We acknowledge funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No.694925, LoTGlasSy).