LERA 2018

First Workshop on Large-scale Emotion Recognition and Analysis

IEEE Automatic Faces & Gesture Recognition 2018, Xi'an, China


[October 2018] Second Workshop on Large Scale Emotion Recognition & Analysis at IEEE FG 2019 [LINK].

[May 2018] Tentative Program has been posted.

[April 2018] Prof. Guoying Zhao, University of Oulu will present the keynote talk.

[January 2018] Paper submission deadline (extended)- 14th February; Microsoft CMT [LINK].

[December 2017] Paper submission [LINK].

[October 2017] Dr. Daniel McDuff, Microsoft Research will deliver the keynote talk.

[October 2017] Workshop portal up.

With the advancement in social computing, multimedia, and sensing technology, the amount of emotionally relevant data has grown enormously. It becomes crucial for the affective computing community to develop new methods for understanding emotion conveyed by the media and the emotion felt by the user at a large scale. This workshop invites researchers to submit their original work proposing methods to create data and new methodologies for large-scale analysis. Much development has been observed in the computer vision community after large-scale databases such as the ImageNet and MS COCO have been released. The first LERA workshop at FG’18 aims to transfer current research focus on small-scale, lab based environment to real-world, large-scale corpus.

Topics for the workshop include but are not limited to:

1. Large scale data collection and annotation

2. Large scale emotion recognition in the wild

3. Big data approaches for emotion recognition

4. Face tracking and affect analysis in videos

5. Group-level emotion recognition

6. Fusion techniques for audio-visual/physiological signals

7. Localization & identification of salient affect signals

8. Applications in education, entertainment & healthcare