Extensions Like Video Download Helper

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I want to create a Razor helper to cut down on on the amount of code I need to write. I added an App_Code folder to my project and added a file called MyHelpers.cshtml, with the following contents (trivial example for the purposes of illustration)...

However, this gives a compiler exception, saying there isn't an overload for Html.ActionLink that takes three strings. The ActionLink code was copied from a Razor page where it works fine. I get similar problems when trying to use any of the other standard helpers inside my own helper.

If I try to use the MVC wrappers for Telerik's KendoUI, which are referenced like @Html.Kendo.ComboBox... then I get a red line under the Html with a message "Cannot convert instance type System.Web.WebPages.Html.HtmlHelper to System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper"

However, either approach is really overkill for something like this this. Don't go overboard in your quest to be DRY. You can use line numbers as a rough guide. If your abstraction takes as many lines as the code you're abstracting, then you should take a very hard look at whether it's worth while. Is the abstracted code likely to change? Does it have complex logic? Something like a call to Html.ActionLink is exceedingly simple and highly unlikely to offer any true ROI by abstracting it away.

Testing is another way to view this issue, as the purpose of DRY is really about reducing the amount of code that needs to be tested. Viewed in that light, Html.ActionLink is already thoroughly tested by Microsoft. Aside from just outright borking the method signature, which Intellisense would warn you about immediately, there's no way you can truly break it. However, by creating a helper, partial, etc. you're now introducing complexity. This is new code that can fail for any number of reasons. If your abstraction introduces complexity and new tests that would otherwise not be needed. Then, once again, you should step back and really think about if it's worth it.

Hey @bstep, hope you're doing well. The 1Password extension helper is a component that is required in order to run the classic extension. However, we do have a new extension available, and it sounds like this is what you have installed in Microsoft Edge. Let's help you get the new extension in Chrome as well.

I have ASP.NET MVC3 project and I am writing some extension methods that returns HTML but I need UrlHelper for rendering them. To do that I am extending UrlHelper but I don't like the semantics because UrlHelper should work with URLs and HtmlHelper with HTML. I'd like to extend HtmlHelper with this methods instead of UrlHelper.

I remember using this extension years ago, and it worked perfectly when no other extension could even find the videos in the first place. I just downloaded it again to try and dl my lecture videos, but it now requires you to download some spammy "app" which, according to a quick google, is crappy adware that is difficult to remove. I don't want to risk my chances downloading anything sketchy, so I'd prefer an alternative. Problem is, none of the top video downloading extensions even recognize my lecture videos in the first place.

Hi, i added helper block to my extension and pass it to public function argument with @Options

No problem in extension creation to aix file.

Also no problem when i loaded the extension to my ai2 project, i can see my helper block in my extension blocks.

The problem when i run the companion, error appeared (argument is neither class nor type)

That helper type isn't part of the base App Inventor system AFAIK. I assume this is something you've defined yourself. Please reference this document, particularly the notes about placement of the helper blocks for extensions (i.e., they should be in a helpers package beneath your extension's package):

Something else..

When i tried to use another exist helper block as FileScope.java which placed in common folder, the errors disappered

I think that creating extension do not contain my helper block though compiler creates extension without errors

Source code of extensions published for MIT App Inventor - appinventor-extensions/appinventor/components/src/edu/mit/appinventor/iot/foodscale at extension/food-scale  mit-cml/appinventor-extensions

If you're planning to build in-tree that's fine, but any extensions need to be defined in a separate package other than com.google.appinventor. Other tools like the extension-template repository or Rush are available as well since building in-tree is more resource intensive.

I tried to get serial port feedback in vscode as well but had no success. I tried serial monitor extension and got: **** Failed to open the serial port /dev/ttyACM0 ****

With the serial port helper I get no output at all when compiling the hardwaretest example and uploading it to the patch init.

So, as an experiment, I developed a little utility and decided to load up on extension methods to really try them out, having previously only been a client of them. I was writing a bunch of things out to an HTML file and using the XDocument API to do it (taking advantage of the fact that HTML is conceptually a subset of XML), so I thought I had the perfect opportunity. I added a bunch of extension methods for XElement that would do things like create tables, styles, and other HTML constructs. I would do something like myXElement.CreateTableOutline(rows, columns, title, headerColor);

You describe that use of extension methods makes your code more procedural and less object-oriented. Did you consider the fact that extension methods can also be seen as a way to introduce Functional programming concepts into C#. If you look at the LINQ or Reactive extensions libraries, extension methods are mainly used to achieve a combination of functional programming and object oriented programming that i rarely see in other languages.

A browser extension to provide various AI helper functions in Jupyter Notebooks, powered by ChatGPT. - GitHub - TiesdeKok/chat-gpt-jupyter-extension: A browser extension to provide various AI helpe...

To customize pages, our plugin needs to register its own custom templatedirectory containing template files that override the default ones.Edit the ckanext-example_theme/ckanext/example_theme/plugin.py file that we created earlier, so that it looks likethis:

Just as plugins can add their own template helper functions, they can also addtheir own snippets. To add template snippets, all a plugin needs to do is add asnippets directory in its templates directory, and start adding files.The snippets will be callable from other templates immediately.

Not all CKAN config settings are available to templates viaapp_globals. In particular, if an extension wants to use its owncustom config setting, this setting will not be available. If you need toaccess a custom config setting from a template, you can do so by wrapping theconfig setting in a helper function.

____________________________________________________1_________________________________________________________________________________________2________________________________________________________________3________________________________________________________________4________________________________________________________________________________5_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6______________________________________________________________________________________7_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Test audience lists You can test audiences such as Dynamic remarketing lists with the UET tag helper. Show it which audience that you want to test and then navigate through your website, and the UET tag helper will tell you what events it records and what problems it encounters. 8_____________________________________________9______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10________________________________________________________________11________________________________________________________________12_____________________________________________________________________________13_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14____________________________________________________________________________ UET Tag Helper FAQ Can UET Tag Helper be installed on computers that don't have admin privileges? Yes, UET Tag Helper can be installed on computers with standard access privileges. However, you need the Edge or Chrome browser installed on your computer and it might require admin approval to install.

What it is: Microsoft Advertising has seen your UET tag, but haven't recorded any conversions in the last 7 days. This is most likely because you either have created the goal incorrectly, have not tagged your entire website, especially the pages that have the conversion action or you don't have any users converting on your site.

Apps Helper is a malicious browser extension that has been discovered while inspecting a malicious installer hosted on an unreliable website. Apps Helper can read and change data on websites and manage apps, extensions, and themes when added to Chrome browsers. It is highly advisable to remove this extension from affected browsers. 5376163bf9

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