Welcome to Leon Chan's Webpage

About me

I am an astrophysicist working at JILA and the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences at the University of Colorado. I am also a member of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. I previously worked at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I am interested in a wide range of high-energy astrophysics problems, including but not limited to black holes, accretion discs, collapsars, supernovae, and compact objects like white dwarfs and neutron stars. To address these problems, I performed numerical simulations and sometimes semi-analytical calculations. I also developed my numerical tools to solve complicated astrophysical fluid dynamic problems.

External Profiles

Consider reading my CV. I have also created official profiles on Linkedin, Github, and Research Gate. Visit my ORCID, Google Scholar, or ADS to read more about my publications. Please feel free to reach out to me via my email:  hschanastrophy1997@gmail.com

Research Interests

Black Hole Imaging



DarK mATTER AND Compact Objects

Code Development