Ways to help the

people of Ukraine

"Today, in the midst of war, United Methodists continue to serve others. As many thousands across Ukraine are fleeing their homes in search of safe sanctuary, UMC congregations in western Ukraine are opening their hearts and doors, providing food, shelter, and other forms of emergency care to families in need."

~ a Feb. 24th email excerpt from John Calhoun, missionary in Vienna who served the UMC in Ukraine for over a decade

Information below posted on March 17th

What can you do to help?

First, pray, pray, and pray some more - for an end to the violence,; for comfort for those grieving and uprooted; for provision for those in desperate need.

Second, GIVE to the United Methodist Church of Ukraine through Global Ministries. 100%, yes 100% of funds given by the link below will go directly to the UM churches in Ukraine !


Pray for Rev. Oleg Starodubets and Rev. Dr. Yulia Starodubets - Oleg serves as the District Superintendent of the UMC of Ukraine, and he needs strength and wisdom to lead and encourage in this time. Yulia, Oleg's wife, is both clergy and a medical doctor serving the people of Ukraine.

Pray for Bishop Eduard Khegay - the UMC Bishop whose episcopal area includes both the UMC of Ukraine and the UMC of Russia. He needs wisdom and strength and courage to lead amidst precarious circumstances in this time.

Pray for Bishop Patrick Streiff - the UMC Bishop whose episcopal area includes Central and Southern Europe, which has the UMC of Poland, the UMC of Hungary, and the UMC of Romania. These UMCs are providing care for refugees crossing the border. He needs wisdom and strength and love to continue to lead the UMCs in his area in response to this situation.


GIVE to the United Methodist Church of Ukraine through Global Ministries. 100%, yes 100% of funds given by the links below will go directly to the UM churches in Ukraine !

Give directly to the UMC of Ukraine here.

Give to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) - the disaster response arm of the UMC. Funds given here can be made available to UMCs throughout Central and Southern Europe assisting refugees.


country or even a local church within that country assisting refugees. Usually these gifts are motivated by personal relationships which have been established over many years.

Bulgaria, Advance # 00223A

Czech Republic, Advance #00399A

Estonia, Advance # 00222A

Hungary, Advance #00175A

Latvia, Advance # 22235A

Lithuania, Advance # 12168A

Moldova There is no UMC church presence in this country.

Poland, Advance #00408A

Romania, Advance #00211A

Russia and Belarus Advance 11510A

Slovakia, Advance # 00236A

Information posted on this website on February 25th

What can you do to help?

First, pray, pray, and pray some more - for an end to the violence,; for comfort for those grieving and uprooted; for provision for those in desperate need.

Second, GIVE to the United Methodist Church of Ukraine through Global Ministries. 100%, yes 100% of funds given by the link below will go directly to the UM churches in Ukraine !

John Calhoun (quoted above) had this to say in another part of the email:

"Many of you have contacted me in recent days, asking how you might assist the Ukrainian people. Through The Advance, the donation platform of the UMC Board of Global Ministries, there are two ways that you can give in support of those fleeing war in Ukraine:

Advance #14053A: Eurasia In Mission Together -- Ukraine and Moldova. Donations to this Advance account will be quickly transferred to the bank account of the UMC of Ukraine, which has a system in place to receive these donations, put them to immediate use, and provide reporting on the usage of these funds. Click here to GIVE NOW

Advance #982450: UMCOR International Disaster Response. Donations to this Advance account will be directed to UMCOR, which is already partnering with agencies on the ground in Eastern and Central Europe to assist those displaced by the fighting.

Donations to this account should be designated "for Ukraine."

To give, go to: https://umcmission.org/advance-project/982450/

I encourage you to give generously in support of the innocent victims of this tragedy. I thank you for your prayerful generosity and faithful witness."