Yannick Lemel

Inspecteur Général (honoraire) de l' INSEE

Dept. of Sociology CREST, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Sorbonne Université


Social Inequality; Lifestyles; Quantitative Methods.


2019, ed (with Ineke Nagel, anf Gunnar Otte), Poetics , vol 74, Special Issue: Engaging Bourdieu in a comparative perspective. Social structure and lifestyle in Europe

2018, (avec Olivier Galland) , Sociologie des Inégalités, Paris, Armand Colin, 347 p.

Full list available: here


2019, (with Gunn Elizabet Birkelund and Dominique Joye), "Traveling with Albert Gifi: Nominal, Ordinal and Interval Approaches in Comparative Studies of Social and Cultural Spaces" in Georg Blasius and al., Empirical Investigation of the Social Space, Springer Verlag, 393-410

2019, (with Ineke Nagel), "The effects of parents’ lifestyle on their children’s status attainment and lifestyle in the Netherlands ", Poetics, available online till 17 April 2019

2016, (avec Sidonie Naulin), "Conceptions de la culture et représentations des inégalités culturelles", in La France des inégalités : réalités et perceptions, O Galland (dir.), Presses de l'Université Paris Sorbonne, 99-108

2015, (with Tally Katz-Gerro)," The stratification of leisure: Variation in the salience of socio-economic dimensions in shaping leisure participation in two consumer societies", Society and Leisure/Loisir et société, 38:3, 399-422

Full list available: here


To come

Contact information:

Dept. of Sociology, CREST, ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

5 Avenue Henri Le Chatelier

TSA 96642

Palaiseau 91764, France (map)

email: lemel@ensae.fr