Arkany grew up on an impoverished planet with higher gravity than the common standard, giving her a squatter body shape than most of her colleagues. On her home world she dreamt of space and weightlessness, of flying and of starships.

To escape her home, she tried to get into engineering but a combination of a lack of aptitude and an abundance of attitude prevented her from qualifying. Instead, she ended up running tugs and space lifters from an orbital space station. From there she moved into working on Launch Bays for mercenary ships and eventually became CAG.

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Jem's family were heavily into Earth history and when they were resettled, renamed their family for the first African American woman in space. Jem's father lived and died as capital ship fighter pilot and instilled in Jem a sense of honor and duty as well as a desire to work amongst the stars. Her desire drove her to work and she was top of her class, en route to a place aboard the same capital ships her father flew for.

Fractured Space is quite a bit like Dreadnought, which I previewed earlier this year: giant, slow-moving spaceships battle other giant, slow-moving spaceships for that Battlestar Galactica experience. In Fractured Space, two teams compete for control of mining bases, which generate resources that buff their ships, and then go after each other's bases for the win. The current Early Access release has serious issues, but I've been having a good amount of fun when I can get into a match. Watch a full round in the video above as I command a stealthy Assassin.

Even when setting Margin to 0 in the cell fracture settings, I get a visible gap between the fractured elements. Is there a way to get rid of these? I want to animate my elements breaking off one by one, so I need to use the fractured object and can not simply switch from solid to fractured at a specific keyframe, like most tutorials show.

In bedded sedimentary rocks, the energy for spontaneous growth of multiple vertical fractures from a bedding plane may be provided by an overpressurized sublayer fracture that connects a fluid source to the bedding plane. In this paper, using our coupled deformation and flow model, we study the processes and mechanisms involved in the formation and interaction of closely space fractures from preexisting flaws or starter fractures located along the bedding plane. Fracture growth from multiple flaws can be convergent, parallel or divergent, depending on the factors like contrasts in moduli and far-field stresses, flaw sizes and locations, and initial bed conductivity, fluid viscosity, and injection rate, as well as time. The results presented here have been obtained for conditions where fluid viscous dissipation is dominant, in contrast to other results available in literature based on uniform pressure assumption equivalent to use of an inviscid fluid. It is demonstrated that the earlier a hydraulic fracture starts to extend, the more likely it is to become the primary fracture in a system of closely spaced fractures. The fracture closest to the fluid source typically grows faster as a result of a higher pressure level because viscous dissipation results in a decrease in pressure with distance from the fluid source. But its development does not completely inhibit the growth of other hydraulic fractures. Simultaneous growth of closely spaced fractures is supported by the local stress and energetic analyses, and the fracture distance can be very small. Their length to spacing ratio is accordingly much larger than that predicted previously. Under certain circumstances, a longer and more permeable fracture may grow to a greater extent than a shorter fracture closer to the fluid source, which may grow toward and merge with the longer fracture to create fracture clusters adjacent to a bedding plane.

So it won't be an easy landing for Houck in Space City, but the Red Sox really need him to provide a spark after Monday night's 9-4 loss to start this four-game set. Red Sox relievers would greatly appreciate another starter who can eat some innings down the stretch as Boston makes a last grasp for a playoff spot.

United Space ResearchUSR build its ships on a backbone of exploration and research. The firm grew from profits made out of exploring the galaxy and finding habitable worlds using self-sufficient ships designed for long distance travel. Eventually, the ships were adapted for military use.Tropes associated with United Space Research: Beware the Nice Ones: An exploration vessel manufacturer now turns its head toward military field. Standard Human Spaceship: Among all three corporations, USR fits this trope the most, drawing inspiration from real-life space vessel.

Zarek IndustrialBuilt upon highly successful mining and construction corporation. They are specialist in zero-G construction and are responsible for building mining platform, shipyards and space stations.Tropes associated with Zarek Industrial: Improvised Weapon: Some of their vessel utilize Mining Laser. Used Future: A downplayed example.Spaceships Enforcer Role: Medium AttackCrew: 4.935Length: 910m

An older generation A.I. mech, Ru-T0lf was originally designed for use on desert planet with extreme conditions. This accounts for his appearance and use of long outdated features, such as his antler like antenna, where every single possible extra bit of extended communication range could be the difference between life or death, while his face lights are designed to be visible even in extremely low visibility of a dust storm. Since then, he's transferred to being a ship navigator, where his experience and equipment led to building a sort of "instinct" to know where the ship is in space, and plotting jumps even if the ship doesn't have all the information. On the warships he works on now, "getting lost" is almost never a concern, though some captains enjoy the extra bit of redundancy he brings along.

Target two suggests that we study Jupiter from sending Cassini to Saturn. We understand that we are trying to find out as much as possible about our solar system, however I think if we are sending Cassini to Saturn we should use the opportunity to focus on Saturn. By discovering more about Rhea and Tethys we will gain public interest, therefore gaining funds for space exploration. In the future, we could then consider investigating Jupiter.

Low back pain with climbing can occur when twisting or when positioning your hips towards the wall. This is likely from excessive stress to the joints, or space between your bones. Core weakness usually goes hand in hand with this type of low back pain.

Not Alone: First Encounter is a prequel to the globally acclaimed Not Alone series, set several years before two worlds collide under the weight of the grandest conspiracy of all time. For the first time ever, First Encounter lifts the curtain on a deadly series of events surrounding the initial meeting between the ruthless Richard Walker - untouchable head of the controversial Interspace Defense Agency - and a young truth-seeker from Birchwood, Colorado....

Michael Freeman is a disabled veteran who had just been fired from his mind-numbing cubicle job, which allowed his opportunistic girlfriend to dump him. Now, he only wants to spend some time at his grandfather's mountain cabin so he can unwind, away from the drudgery of daily life and with a cold beer in his hands. Standing in his way is an ancient spaceship with an emotional AI, nanites that have invaded his body, an international crime syndicate, a suicidal FBI agent on a vigilante mission, terrorists . . . and that's just the beginning.

Ten B-52H Stratofortress bombers took part in a minimum interval takeoff exercise, or MITO, showcasing ground and aircrew's abilities, here Aug. 14.During a MITO, each aircraft is equipped with eight starter cartridges filled with gunpowder, that allows the engines to start up faster than a normal

One rescue saw, two qualified technicians and less than 45 minutes later, the final B-52G Stratofortress accountable under the New START Treaty was eliminated Dec. 19 at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, commonly referred to as "The Boneyard," Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,

Bryant has been limited to six games this season. He tore his left Achilles tendon in April and fractured the tibial plateau in his left knee this season. Despite his injuries, fans voted him a starter in the All-Star Game, his 16th career selection.

"This offseason, with all the cap space, seems to be right in the Lakers' wheelhouse, in terms of turning things around pretty quickly," he said. "We've never really faltered. We've normally made excellent decisions that put us back in contention."

Entering the week, the Cardinals reportedly were about $18 million under under the cap of $133 million. Colledge signed with the Cardinals as a free agent in 2011 and started every game in his three years with the team. He has not missed a game in eight NFL seasons and played through a fractured leg in 2013. be457b7860


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