Probability and Analysis in Leiden and Delft

A series of half-day meetings with talks and discussions, occurring intermittently in Leiden and Delft

Organizers: Kristin Kirchner (TU Delft), Olga Lukina (Leiden University)

The goal of this series of meetings is to promote collaborations between subareas of Analysis, Probability and Dynamical Systems, which rarely meet in the framework of usual channels of communication, such as conferences, thematic seminars etc. Meetings consist of a joint lunch followed by four 30-min talks at the level of technical difficulty suitable for a general mathematical audience. Everyone is welcome!

Third meeting on January 31th, 13:30 - 16:30 in Snellius 174 at Leiden University, Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333 CA Leiden


Francesca Arici (Leiden),

Francesca Bartolucci (Delft),

 Robbert Fokkink (Delft),

Evgeny Verbitskiy (Leiden)