Lei Zhu, Ph.D.

Dr. Lei Zhu is an Assistant Professor of the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at the William States Lee College of Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and an affiliate faculty member of the School of Data Science (SDS) at UNC Charlotte.

Research lab - Smart Infrastructure and Mobility (SIM), covers Smart Mobility Systems and Spatial Sensing,  Big Data in Transportation, Transportation Energy, and Shared and Automated Mobility System Modeling and Simulation.  Before joining UNC Charlotte, Dr. Zhu was a research scientist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. Before joining NREL, he served as a postdoc fellow at the University of Nevada, Reno, and has worked as a Research Engineer in Metropia Inc. for years. Dr. Zhu got his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Arizona. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of IEEE Smart Cities Technical Committee of Control Systems Society, and a member of ASCE. 

My research interests: Google Scholar website

Lab News:


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Graduate Student Hiring (Ph.D. and/or M.S. Level):

I am looking for graduate students with expertise in Systems Engineering, Traffic/Transportation Engineering, OR, AI/ML, Computer Vision, Control Theory, etc. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested.  

Visiting Scholars and Collaborations are always welcome!!

For M.S. students at the ISE department at UNC Charlotte:

I am always open to advising M.S. students at the ISE department for Thesis and Capstone projects if you are interested in transportation systems-related topics. 
