Today, good communication skills are at the top of the list of employee qualifications that are in high demand. Additionally, it is important to be able to process and communicate information in today's high-tech environment. Those equipped with these skills will have a distinct advantage in the workplace. This course examines real-world business communication issues such as ethics, cultural diversity, technology, teamwork, law, audience-centered messages and the writing process. It teaches techniques, strategies and forms of writing used in the professional world in order to achieve business goals. This course also provides an understanding of business research. Through library research and online information gathering, this course will increase your knowledge of organizational writing and communications including case analysis, data interpretation, problem solving, and report writing.

This is an introductory course that is based on the assumption that E-business practices are not only being used by ""dot com"" companies, but are also being adopted by established businesses as well. E-business is not just about new venture startups; it is also about transforming business to gain efficiencies. The references in the text for this course are fairly exhaustive and represent e-business practice as of the year 2003. The heavy reliance on trade journals is due to the rapidly evolving business environment. Information in trade journals typically precedes material found in textbooks, journals, or academic papers. Over the past fifteen years, the Internet has grown from a new way to communicate to a driver of technological transformation of business processes. The current focus has produced dramatic change in both pure-play e-business and traditional brick-and-mortar companies. This course will address the new technological environment that marketers are facing by introducing strategic considerations related to technology and technology implementation. The course will explore the basics of marketing exchange utilizing the information highway, multimedia techniques, database marketing, and interactive telecommunications and other e-business techniques. Prerequisites: All Required Liberal Arts and 100/200-Level

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This course is designed to acquaint you with the unique challenges of resolving ethical dilemmas and making ethical decisions is today's complex business organizations. This course relies upon applying a stakeholder perspective and value-based management approach to situations that involves groups and individuals who often have competing demands and interpretations of a problem, crisis, or opportunity. The stakeholder management approach ideally aims at having all parties reach win-win outcomes through communication and collaborative efforts. Unfortunately, this does not always happen in reality. Business professionals need straightforward frameworks to thoughtfully and objectively analyze and then sort through complex issues in order to make decisions that matter - ethically, economically socially, legally, and spiritually.

This course provides students with a general overview of the business and administrative functions of non-profit and profit theatrical and performing arts organizations as well as an introductory look at the processes and responsibilities of production management, with specific consideration given to applications relevant to Deaf theatre practices. Open to non-majors.

11. As an employee in today's digital workplace, you can expect to work more independently rather than collaboratively in groups. a. True b. False 12. Laura values individualism and personal responsibility in herself and coworkers. These values are typical ofNorth American culture.a. Trueb. False 13. The first step in learning intercultural skills is being aware of your own culture and how it contrasts withothers. a. Trueb. False 14. Establishing a receptive mind-set refers to the listener's openness to learn something new. a. Trueb. False 15. Our culture molds the way we think, behave, and communicate.a. Trueb. False 16. Despite their popularity among teens, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are rarely used intoday's business world.a. Trueb. False 17. The U. workplace is expected to remain dominated by males and be Anglo-oriented. a. Trueb. False 18. Greg wants to make sure that his posture during his upcoming job interview affirms his interest in the position. To accomplish this, he should lean slightly forward, sit erectly, and maintain eye contact. a. Trueb. False 19. Individuals in high-context cultures prefer direct verbal interaction, value individualism, rely on logic, say "No"directly, and give authority to written information. a. Trueb. False 20. Cross-cultural communication can be improved by practicing tolerance and ethnocentrism.a. Trueb. False

31. Because of today's communication technology, employees in today's workforce can expect to write fewer messages. a. True b. False 32. Only managers and business executives need strong communication skills. a. True b. False 33. To improve your listening ability, focus both on what is spoken and what is unspoken. a. True b. False 34. The physical appearance of your business documents (such as resume and cover letter) transmit important nonverbal messages. a. True b. False 35. Employees in today's workforce must be prepared to write using a variety of media. a. True b. False 36. Zach's company does business globally. By associating with people from diverse cultures, Zach can widen his knowledge of intercultural messages and can increase his tolerance of differences. a. True b. False 37. Recruiters often rank communication skills as the highest skill set sought by employers. a. True b. False 38. Most communication is nonverbal. a. True b. False 39. Trying to write down the majority of what a speaker is saying can improve your listening skills. a. True b. False 40. Lori will be traveling to Germany for a business meeting. Because she and her German counterparts work for the same company, she can rightfully assume that they are like-minded and have similar ideas about how to accomplish goals. a. True b. False

59. Strategic use of e-mail, internet, voice mail, and texting are most important in developing your a. on-the-job accuracy. b. relationships with your co-workers. c. professional reputation. d. productivity goals. 60. According to Edward T. Hall, in which spatial zone do most people converse with friends and family members? a. Intimate b. Personal c. Social d. Public 61. To show that you are actively listening during a job interview, you should a. nod strategically and maintain eye contact. b. take selective notes. c. ask related questions. d. do all of these. 62. Which statement about the effect of social media and communication technology on culture is most accurate? a. Because of social media, communicators can now reach out to larger and more varied audiences than in the past. b. Social media always makes individuals of various cultures feel connected. c. Social media offers very little potential for intercultural engagement. d. Developers of social media should use the same design principles for all audiences. 63. Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is most accurate? a. The meaning of some gestures can vary among cultures. b. The way an e-mail, letter, memo, or report looks can have either a positive or a negative effect on a receiver. c. The manner in which we structure and use time can reveal our personalities and attitudes. d. All statements are accurate. 64. Which of the following statements is most accurate? a. The need for well-written messages has declined in today's workforce. b. Employers rank soft skills as less valuable than hard skills. c. Social media are playing an increasingly prominent role in business. d. Today's use of digital media requires less written communication.

71. While conducting business with a customer from Italy, Zoe was careful to speak slowly and clearly, using short sentences and familiar words. However, she noticed that the customer had a glazed expression and did not understand her. Zoe should a. repeat what she has said in a louder voice. b. graciously accept the blame for not making her meaning clear. c. end the conversation until an interpreter can be found. d. require the Italian businessperson to restate the message in simple words. 72. Which of the following is associated with active listening? a. Establishing a receptive mind-set b. Focusing on appearance and delivery c. Concentrating on your next comment d. Taking as many notes as possible 73. Stephen's manager notices that he slammed his desk drawer right after he said that he was happy to work late. To optimize communication, the manager should a. tell Stephen that he should behave more professionally. b. respond to the verbal message only and thank him for working late. c. seek additional information by saying, I'm not sure that you're okay with staying late. Do you have somewhere you need to be? d. avoid asking Stephen to stay late in the future. 74. Most people think that the best predictor of a speaker's true feelings is his or her a. facial expressions. b. posture. c. gestures. d. eyes. 75. Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture? a. Valuing group membership b. Preferring indirect verbal interaction c. Placing emphasis on written information d. Relying on context and feeling 76. According to researchers, most people listen at what level of proficiency? a. 100 percent b. 5 percent c. 25-50 percent d. 75 percent

77. Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is most accurate? a. Nonverbal communication comprises very little of a message that is sent or received. b. When verbal and nonverbal messages contradict, receivers believe that the verbal message is more accurate. c. Meanings of nonverbal behaviors are often influenced by the communication context and by one's culture. d. Nonverbal communication applies to only intended messages. 78. Which of the following is key to improving workforce diversity? a. Hiring a more homogenous work group. b. Making fewer assumptions. c. Ignoring differences. d. Requiring employees to conform to a standard company culture. 79. Every country has a unique culture or common heritage that a. teaches its members how to behave and conditions their reactions. b. results from a common gene pool. c. is created by a structured educational system. d. comes from an orderly system of government and laws. 80. Which of the following tips should you follow to improve your nonverbal communication skills? a. Focus only on the sender's words when you are engaged in conversation. b. Proofread all correspondence you send. c. Avoid individuals from other cultures so that you don't start using nonverbal behaviors displayed in other cultures. d. Avoid asking the speaker questions when his or her nonverbal and verbal messages contradict. 81. Nonverbal communication includes a. all unwritten and unspoken messages, intended or not. b. only body language and gestures that accompany a spoken message. c. only eye contact and facial expressions that support the meaning of the words. d. only cues that reveal agreement with or contradiction of the verbal message. 82. Which statement about today's workplace is most accurate? a. Employees can expect to have more managers. b. Very few businesses involve employees in decision making. c. Today's employees can expect to interact with people from many cultures. d. Businesses use social media only to interact with customers. 2351a5e196

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