No other instrument or testing method, whether biochemical, functional, EAV / electrodermal, computerized, biofeedback, or muscle testing can detect as much useful medical information as the Lecher antenna.

Much like a scalpel, stethoscope, and numerous medical instruments, the Lecher antenna may seem to be a fairly simple device. However, in the same was the scalpel and stethoscope may be used for numerous medical applications in the hands of a skilled physician, so can the Lecher instrument. This is due to the ability of the antenna to accurately measure wavelengths generated by electromagnetic signals.

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Disease is a disruption of information. When such a disruption lingers for too long, it causes physical, visible complaints. These information disruptions can be measured with the Lecher antenna. We will try to explain how this works

Current developments in quantum physics reveal more and more information and things -until recently not understood and inexplicable- can now be explained. This also applies to how the Lecher antenna works.

Similar to moving your fingers and strum the strings when playing the guitar to make music, nothing will happen when you just hold the Lecher antenna. A potential difference is required in order to be able to measure the energy value. To generate this potential difference, you will have to move the Lecher antenna. This compares to the operation of a dynamo.

First, by way of illustration, a simple test you can do with your remote car key. Find the maximum distance away from your car at which the remote key still works to unlock it. If you then repeat this test while holding the key against your head, you will find that the key works at a much larger distance, the signal has been amplified. Your head becomes an antenna. Or: when you hold the antenna of a radio or old-fashioned tv with your hands, the signal is amplified as well, and improves reception.

My parents want me to go to a holistic doctor who uses a lecher antenna and bio_resonance to make diagnoses. I know it screams pseudo science its basically a fancy dosing rod. But my mother is very insistent and I am having a problem finding it debunked on mobile. Any help would be appreciated guys.

After years of studying, teaching, researching, writing, and experimenting, Lecher developed two devices, Lecher lines, and the Lecher antenna, used to measure wavelengths, take qualitative readings on energy, and determine energetic capability between an individual and products, such as medication or supplements.

Professor Lecher used this technology to develop the Lecher antenna, a highly sensitive device now used in integrative medicine to identify energetic blocks or imbalances and measure what is compatible with the human organism.

The Lecher antenna, also referred to as the Lecher instrument, is a handheld apparatus used for the qualitative detection of energy field interactions. It is the principal scientific instrument used within Bioresonance Analysis of Health and ACMOS balancing therapy. Like how a tuning fork, set to a specific tone, will audibly alert its listener whenever a similar harmonic wavelength is transmitted through acoustic resonance. Through vibrations, the Lecher antenna informs its users of the frequencies impacting organic matter through bioresonance. By setting the conductive shorting bar to a certain calibrated notch, the presence of precise oscillatory waves can be detected.

The Lecher antenna can also be used to measure and analyze different fields of electro-magnetic energy and circuits within the human body. These measurements give detailed information about the cells within the body, which represent the body in three dimensions: physical, emotional, and psychological. It can identify where in the body there are perturbations energetic disorders or disturbances.

Ernst Lecher gave us the tools to look at the human body energetically and create customized treatment plans based on our own unique energetic fields. The goal is synergy. The Lecher antenna puts an end to the days of guesswork and supports completely customized medicine that is only possible by first having a three-dimensional portrait of the patient.

TREAT\n YOURSELF TO A BIOENERGETICS TREATMENT SESSION BY THE TRAINER OF LECHER \nANTENNA BIOENERGETICS THERAPISTS ANNE-MARIE DELMOTTE Book a Lecher antenna Bioenergetics treatment session or a Lecher antenna training coaching session with Complementary Health Lecher Antenna Therapist and Clinical Chemistry Scientist Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte. Anne-Marie is the owner of the Lecher Antenna Delmotvibres Training Center and developer of the Lecher Antenna Delmotvibres-methods.

Anne-Marie is very committed to you as a client and takes every \nbio-energy treatment session she does very seriously in order to achieve\n the best result. 

These sessions are very labour intensive. \nAnne-Marie's workload for 1 Lecher antenna treatment session is \napproximately 5 hours. This includes the set-up of a confidential client\n file, the preparations (energy connection, study of the file), the \nbio-energy reading and balancing as such and the post-discussion.

\nAnne-Marie is offering a limited number of exclusive Lecher antenna \nbio-energy treatment sessions in order to expand her database of cases \nthat will help create awareness and recognition of this complementary \ntherapy as valid to improve health and well-being at a physical, \nemotional and\/or psychological level. 

She wants to use this database\n in order to persuade private insurance companies and governments in \norder to get reimbursements and\/or to become VAT\/GST free, integrated as\n a form of complementary therapy that improves health and well-being, \u2026\n\nThe Delmotvibres Bioenergetics-method is experienced as soft and very efficient by all her clients.TESTIMONIALS LECHER ANTENNA BIOENERGETICS DELMOTVIBRES-METHOD

\n\nTESTIMONIAL 1\n\nDear Anne-Marie\n\nI would like to let you know that for two nights after my treatment with\nyou, I slept soundly the whole night through, which has been very rare for me.\n\nI also have been feeling more energized and really enjoying the feeling\nof well-being.\n\nAndy Nolan Ireland\n\n \n\nTESTIMONIAL 2\n\nA gentle yet in depth session carried out with great skill, accuracy and\ncompassion.\n\nThank you Anne-Marie !\n\nScottie Babs United Kingdom\n\n \n\nTESTIMONIAL 3\n\nDear Anne-Marie,\n\nI just wanted to say thank you so much. I love what you are doing. I'm\nnot sure what changed on an energetic level but I believe you helped balance\nsomething. The pain I had in my back that I felt ease during your session was\ncompletely gone the next day and has stayed away since.\n\nI would highly recommend Anne-Marie and the technologies she offers.\n\nThanks again \n\nTasha\nMcCullough Ireland

TESTIMONIAL 4\n\nDear Anne-Marie,\n\nThis is my feedback of your two remote Lecher antenna\ntreatment sessions. \n\nI no longer have polarity reversals, nor do I have\nanymore drops of my energy. \n\nI get considerable comfort and well-being from it.\n\nThank you Anne-Marie Denis Meneguzzi


\n\nMy name is Daniel and I'm a 36 year\nold resident of New Zealand. \n\nSo far, I have had two remote Lecher\nAntenna sessions with Anne-Marie. \n\nFrom the sessions, I received\nsignificant benefits - benefitting my energy levels, mental health, and I also\nfelt that the sessions allowed me to be purged of some draining resentment I\nwas harbouring. \n\nBased on Anne-Marie's intuitive\nassessments and the immediate results - Anne-Marie is clearly tapping into the\nphysics and facilitating healing. \n\nI am grateful for her time and\nabilities. \n\nFurther - I had done the research to\ndetermine whether the Lecher Antenna was a powerful and legitimate therapy,\nhowever, I was still taken a back when\nmy lower back discomfort was immediately resolved following my first session.\n(This was evident as I no longer needed to rest my arm on my knee when bending\nover..) \n\nI am anticipating my next\nsession. Thank you. \n\nDaniel Crawford\nNew Zealand

Anne-Marie also holds following qualifications: USUI Reiki, Shamanic \nReiki and Reiki Crystal Master\/Teacher\/Practitioner Degree as well as a \nReiki Space Clearing Practitioner Degree.\nDisclaimer:\nThe person performing a reading and\/or balancing of your bio-energies with the Lecher antenna and by means of color therapy does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the person performing a reading and\/or balancing of your bio energies is only to help you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the information offered by the person performing a reading and\/or balancing of your bio-energies for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the person performing a reading and\/or balancing of your bio-energies assumes no responsibility for your actions.\n ","image":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/delmotvibres\/image_files\/preview\/63a5f08367b379856813307fbee5f73d.jpg","@type":"Person"}],"priceRange":"EUR 110 - 200","currenciesAccepted":"EUR","hasOfferCatalog":[{"itemListElement":"ENG Measure & balance of bio-energies with Lecher antenna 1h15 to 2 hours (please read in FULL before booking)","description":"\ufeffNORMAL PRICE: 250 EUROS

TREAT YOURSELF TO A BIOENERGETICS TREATMENT SESSION BY THE TRAINER OF LECHER ANTENNA BIOENERGETICS THERAPISTS ANNE-MARIE DELMOTTE Book a treatment session with Complementary Health Lecher Antenna Therapist and Clinical Chemistry Scientist Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte. Anne-Marie\n is also the author of several books with her Lecher antenna findings \nand research and instructor of Lecher antenna online coaching and \ntraining at the Delmotvibres Training Center.

Anne-Marie is very committed to you as a client and takes every \nbio-energy treatment session she does very seriously in order to achieve\n the best result. 

These sessions are very labour intensive. \nAnne-Marie's workload for 1 Lecher antenna treatment session is \napproximately 5 hours. This includes the set-up of a confidential client\n file, the preparations (energy connection, study of the file), the \nbio-energy reading and balancing as such and the post-discussion.

\nAnne-Marie is offering a limited number of exclusive Lecher antenna \nbio-energy treatment sessions in order to expand her database of cases \nthat will help create awareness and recognition of this complementary \ntherapy as valid to improve health and well-being at a physical, \nemotional and\/or psychological level. 

She wants to use this database\n in order to persuade private insurance companies and governments in \norder to get reimbursements and\/or to become VAT\/GST free, integrated as\n a form of complementary therapy that improves health and well-being, \u2026\n\nPlease make sure that you book a slot during which you are in a \ncomfortable place where you can sit or lie down and you don't have to \ndrive.Please do NOT book for another person due to the complexity of connecting energetically at a distance. 

TESTIMONIALS\n\nTESTIMONIAL 1\n\nDear Anne-Marie\n\nI would like to let you know that for two nights after my treatment with\nyou, I slept soundly the whole night through, which has been very rare for me.\n\nI also have been feeling more energized and really enjoying the feeling\nof well-being.\n\nAndy Nolan Ireland

\n\nTESTIMONIAL 2\n\nA gentle yet in depth session carried out with great skill, accuracy and\ncompassion.\n\nThank you Anne-Marie !\n\nScottie Babs United Kingdom

\n\nTESTIMONIAL 3\n\nDear Anne-Marie,\n\nI just wanted to say thank you so much. I love what you are doing. I'm\nnot sure what changed on an energetic level but I believe you helped balance\nsomething. The pain I had in my back that I felt ease during your session was\ncompletely gone the next day and has stayed away since.\n\nI would highly recommend Anne-Marie and the technologies she offers.\n\nThanks again \n\nTasha\nMcCullough Ireland

TESTIMONIAL 4\n\nDear Anne-Marie,\n\nThis is my feedback of your two remote Lecher antenna\ntreatment sessions. \n\nI no longer have polarity reversals, nor do I have\nanymore drops of my energy. \n\nI get considerable comfort and well-being from it.\n\nThank you Anne-Marie Denis Meneguzzi France


\n\nMy name is Daniel and I'm a 36 year\nold resident of New Zealand. \n\nSo far, I have had two remote Lecher\nAntenna sessions with Anne-Marie. \n\nFrom the sessions, I received\nsignificant benefits - benefitting my energy levels, mental health, and I also\nfelt that the sessions allowed me to be purged of some draining resentment I\nwas harbouring. \n\nBased on Anne-Marie's intuitive\nassessments and the immediate results - Anne-Marie is clearly tapping into the\nphysics and facilitating healing. \n\nI am grateful for her time and\nabilities. \n\nFurther - I had done the research to\ndetermine whether the Lecher Antenna was a powerful and legitimate therapy,\nhowever, I was still taken a back when\nmy lower back discomfort was immediately resolved following my first session.\n(This was evident as I no longer needed to rest my arm on my knee when bending\nover..) \n\nI am anticipating my next\nsession. Thank you. \n\nDaniel Crawford\nNew ZealandWHAT

Measurement\n and balancing of bio-energies with Lecher antenna, a scientific \ninstrument that works on the principle of (bio)resonance.Become the best you you can be and thrive to feel fantastic.

The\n purpose of the measurements is to determine issues that have priority \nto be addressed during the bio-energy balancing so the energy can flow \nfreely in your energetic body again and toxins can be optimally \neliminated.Inclusive of feedback\/discussion after the session.

Regular sessions will allow:

-to\n balance the energetic body so it is capable to heal itself, or in other\n words to optimize the cellular regeneration capacity. We make cancer \ncells every day which we are very well capable of eliminating if our \nenergies are well balanced-to make sure that our immune system is functioning optimally

-to strengthen against, remove or balance any aggressions and\/or negative energies we are exposed to

These\n sessions are experienced as soft and enjoyable. You also might \nexperience some warmth or tingling. You might get sleepy or drowsy when I\n am doing colortherapy.Anne-Marie\n \u2018s workload for 1 session is about 5 hours and this is without \npreparing her own bio-energies and strengthening herself before the \nsession so that she is in the best possible shape for her client.WHAT TO EXPECT

All sessions and communications are in English.A\n few days before the session: intake form in English. This has to be \nfilled in and returned to Anne-Marie as soon as possible so she can make\n the appropriate preparations and set up a confidential client record \nthat will be stored in a safe place.During\n the session: takes about 1 hour measurement and balancing of \nbio-energies with Lecher antenna, a scientific instrument that works on \nthe basis of (bio)resonanceBalancing of bioenergies with specific colors at different levels: as Harmonic Remedies and toxin elimination levelThese\n sessions are experienced as soft and enjoyable. You also might \nexperience some warmth or tingling. You might get sleepy or drowsy when I\n am doing colortherapy.It\n is important that you are not driving during the session and are \nsomewhere comfortable where you can sit or even lie down. Anne-Marie \nwill stay in touch via E-mail, Whatsapp or Messenger.After\n the session: short post discussion of results and what issues came up \nand were addressed during the session. On Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp or Messenger.\n\n\n\n\nHOW TO BOOK

\nClick on the \"Book Now\" button at top of this page

\nThis will bring you to another page where you set your timezone by clicking on the \"clock\" symbol.

\nThen choose an available date. Under the date the available slots will \nappear. Make sure to choose a slot when you are not driving and can be \ncomfortable sitting or lying down.

\nThen click on the slot of your choice. Then you can enter your details and confirm booking.

\nThis should take you to the payment section.

Anne-Marie's workload for 1 session is about 5 hours.

Anne-Marie also holds following qualifications: USUI Reiki, Shamanic \nReiki and Reiki Crystal Master\/Teacher\/Practitioner Degree as well as a \nReiki Space Clearing Practitioner Degree.\nDISCLAIMER\nThe person\nperforming a reading and\/or balancing of your bio-energies with the Lecher antenna\nand by means of color therapy does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the\nuse of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems\nwithout the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of\nthe person performing a reading and\/or balancing of your bio-energies is only to\nhelp you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the\ninformation offered by the person performing a reading and\/or balancing of your\nbio-energies for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the person\nperforming a reading and\/or balancing of your bio-energies assumes no\nresponsibility for your actions.","name":"ENG Measure & balance of bio-energies with Lecher antenna 1h15 to 2 hours (please read in FULL before booking)","url":"https:\/\/\/en\/company\/book\/delmotvibres?service=1","image":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/delmotvibres\/image_files\/preview\/a21c86cb44f97682159b21035120a384.jpg","@type":"OfferCatalog"},{"itemListElement":"ENG Live 1 on 1 Lecher antenna online coaching session in English","description":"The VIP Experience.

Book a live 1 on 1 coaching video session with Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte, owner of the Delmotvibres Training Center and developer of the Lecher Antenna Delmotvibres-methods.

For students who have acquired Anne-Marie's book \"Practical Guide for Dowsing with the Lecher Antenna - Elaborate Basic Training in Geobiology and Bio-energy\" and\/or taken one or more of Anne-Marie's online or live Lecher Antenna courses and would like some additional live coaching about its content and how to apply. Questions\/answers (maximum of 6 single questions) or discussion after assignment of own choice.In order to get the most out of your session, you can send in your questions or result of an assignment to Anne-Marie by email beforehand:

Duration 40 minutes.Anne-Marie's workload for 1 session is about 3-4 hours.","name":"ENG Live 1 on 1 Lecher antenna online coaching session in English","url":"https:\/\/\/en\/company\/book\/delmotvibres?service=2","image":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/delmotvibres\/image_files\/preview\/b7f3225b7297cad4b5cdb8ac56436f90.jpg","@type":"OfferCatalog"},{"itemListElement":"FR Session antenne de Lecher coaching individuel en ligne en fran\u00e7ais","description":"\n\nL'exp\u00e9rience VIP.

R\u00e9servez\nune session de coaching individuel en ligne par vid\u00e9o avec Anne-Marie Delmotte qui a le centre de\nformation Delmotvibres.\n\nLes\nsessions de coaching sont destin\u00e9es aux \u00e9l\u00e8ves qui ont suivi la formation en\nligne ou en pr\u00e9sentiel d\u2019Anne-Marie ou qui se sont procur\u00e9 son livre \u00ab Guide\npratique pour faire la radiesth\u00e9sie avec l\u2019antenne de Lecher \u2013 formation de\nbase \u00e9labor\u00e9e en g\u00e9obiologie et bio\u00e9nergie \u00bb et qui ont besoin de tutorat\nindividuel sur le contenu et comment ce qui est appris dans la formation suivie\nou guide pratique est appliqu\u00e9. \n\nQuestions\/r\u00e9ponses (maximum 6 questions uniques)\nou discussion apr\u00e8s t\u00e2che choisie par l\u2019\u00e9l\u00e8ve.Afin de profiter un maximum de votre session, vous avez la possibilit\u00e9 d'envoyer Anne-Marie vos questions ou le r\u00e9sultat de votre t\u00e2che par courriel, de pr\u00e9f\u00e9rence quelques jours avant la session:

\n\nDur\u00e9e :\n40 minutes1 session demande \u00e0 peu pr\u00e8s 3 \u00e0 4 heures de charge de travail pour Anne-Marie.

\n\n","name":"FR Session antenne de Lecher coaching individuel en ligne en fran\u00e7ais","url":"https:\/\/\/en\/company\/book\/delmotvibres?service=3","image":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/delmotvibres\/image_files\/preview\/fbfe5f6f386a2424cdf11fb74825c098.jpg","@type":"OfferCatalog"},{"itemListElement":"NL Lecher antenne live 1 op 1 online coaching sessie in Nederlands","description":"\n\n\n\nVIP behandeling.

Boek een live 1 op 1 coaching video sessie met Anne-Marie Delmotte\nvan het Delmotvibres Training Centrum en degene die de Delmotvibres methodes heeft\nontwikkeld. \n\nVoor studenten die Anne-Marie\u2019s live of online opleiding hebben\ngevolgd of haar boek \u201cPraktische Gids voor het werken met de Lecher antenne \u2013\nuitgebreide basisopleiding voor het gebruik in geobiologie en bio-energie\u201d\nhebben aangeschaft en die graag extra uitleg behoeven over de inhoud en het\ntoepassen van wat wordt aangeleerd in de inhoud. \n\nVragen\/antwoorden (maximum 6 vragen elk over 1 uniek onderwerp) of discussie over taak naar keuze.Om het meeste uit uw sessie te halen heeft u de mogelijkheid om uw vragen of het resultaat van uw taak op voorhand aan Anne-Marie per e-mail te bezorgen, liefst enkele dagen op voorhand:

\n\nDuur: 40 minuten.Anne-Marie's werklading voor 1 sessie is ongeveer 3-4 uur.

\n\n","name":"NL Lecher antenne live 1 op 1 online coaching sessie in Nederlands","url":"https:\/\/\/en\/company\/book\/delmotvibres?service=4","image":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/delmotvibres\/image_files\/preview\/8607a72a628ab2ae98f7078f66fe5bd9.jpg","@type":"OfferCatalog"},{"itemListElement":"NL Behandeling van uw bio-energie\u00ebn met Lecher antenne 1u15 tot 2 uur","description":"TIJDELIJK NIET BESCHIKBAAR WEGENS TIJDSGEBREKTARIEFPRIJS: 250 euros

Zorg ervoor dat u een tijdslot\nboekt wanneer u op een comfortabele plaats bent waar u kan zitten of liggen en\ngedurende wanneer u niet hoeft te rijden. 

\n\nReserveer een op afstand uitgevoerde (teleradiesthesie)\nbioenergie behandelingssessie met Complementaire Lecher Antenne Therapeute, Klinisch\nChemicus, Wetenschapper en Ridder in de Leopoldsorder Anne-Marie Delmotte 

\n\nAnne-Marie is de auteur van verschillende boeken over\nhaar Lecher antenne onderzoek en bevindingen, lesgeefster van Lecher antenne\nonline opleidingen en oprichtster van het Delmotvibres Training Centrum in\nIerland

\n\nAnne-Marie is heel erg begaan met u als klant en neemt elke behandeling \ndat ze doet heel serieus teneinde het beste resultaat te bereiken. Deze \nbehandelingen zijn zeer arbeidsintensief en vragen veel tijd. 

Anne-Marie\u2019s\n werklading voor 1 Lecher antenne behandeling is ongeveer 5uur. Dit \nomvat opmaken vertrouwelijk klantdossier, voorbereidingen (energetische \nconnectie, bestuderen dossier), sessie als dusdanig en postdiscussie.\n\n

WAT\n\nOp afstand\nmeten (teleradiesthesie) en equilibreren van bio-energie\u00ebn met de Lecher antenne, een wetenschappelijk\ninstrument dat werkt volgens het principe van (bio)resonantie. \n\nStreef\nernaar om je bio-energie\u00ebn optimaal te doen stromen en je zo goed mogelijk tot fantastisch\nte voelen.\n\nHet doel\nvan de metingen is om te bepalen wat als prioriteit\ndient bijgesteld te worden tijdens de bio-energie balancering zodat de energie\nweer vrij kan stromen in je energetisch lichaam en gifstoffen optimaal kunnen\nworden ge\u00eblimineerd.\n\nInclusief\nfeedback\/discussie na de sessie. 

\n\nRegelmatige\nsessies zorgen ervoor dat: \n\n- het\nenergetische lichaam in balans wordt gebracht zodat het in staat is zichzelf te\ngenezen, of met andere woorden om het cellulaire regeneratievermogen te\noptimaliseren. We maken elke dag kankercellen die we heel goed kunnen elimineren\nals onze energie\u00ebn vloeiend kunnen stromen\n\n-om ervoor\nte zorgen dat ons immuunsysteem optimaal functioneert \n\n-om ons\ntegen agressies en\/of negatieve energie\u00ebn waaraan we worden blootgesteld te\nversterken en\/of ons ervan vrij te maken \n\nDeze\nsessies worden als zacht en plezierig ervaren. Je kunt ook wat warmte of\ntintelingen voelen. Je kunt slaperig worden als ik kleurentherapie doe.

\n\nAnne-Marie\n's werklading voor 1 sessie is ongeveer 5 uur en dit is zonder haar eigen\nbio-energie\u00ebn voor te bereiden en zichzelf te versterken voor de sessie, zodat\nze in de best mogelijke staat is voor haar cli\u00ebnt.

\n\n WAT TE VERWACHTEN\n\nAlle sessies\nen communicatie verlopen in het Nederlands.

\n\nEen paar\ndagen voor de sessie: intakeformulier. Dit dient zo snel mogelijk te worden\ningevuld en teruggestuurd naar Anne-Marie, zodat zij de juiste voorbereidingen\nkan treffen en een vertrouwelijk klantdossier kan opstellen dat op een\nveilige plaats wordt bewaard.

\n\nTijdens de\nsessie: duurt ongeveer 1 uur. Meten en equilibreren van bio-energie\u00ebn met de\nLecher antenne, een wetenschappelijk instrument dat werkt op basis van\n(bio)resonantie.\n\nVerder ook\nequilibreren van uw bio-energie\u00ebn met specifieke kleuren op verschillende\nniveaus: als harmonische remedies en op toxine-eliminatieniveau.

\n\nDeze\nsessies worden als zacht en plezierig ervaren. Je kunt ook wat warmte of\ntintelingen voelen. Je kunt slaperig worden als ik kleurentherapie doe.

\n\nHet is\nbelangrijk dat u een tijdslot boekt wanneer u op een comfortabele plaats bent\nwaar u kan zitten of liggen en gedurende wanneer u niet hoeft te rijden. Ik\nblijf in contact met u via E-mail, Whatsapp or Messenger.

\n\nNa de\nsessie: korte bespreking van de resultaten en welke kwesties naar voren kwamen\ntijdens de behandeling. Op Zoom, Whatsapp of Messenger.

\n\nGETUIGENISSEN\n\nGETUIGENIS 1\n\nBeste Anne-Marie\n\nBij deze laat ik u weten\ndat ik na uw Lecher antenne behandeling 2 nachten de hele nacht en heel goed\nheb geslapen, wat voor mij uitzonderlijk is.\n\nIk voel dat ik meer\nenergie heb en geniet van het gevoel van welbevinden. \n\nAndy Nolan Ierland\n\n \n\nGETUIGENIS\n2\n\nEen zachte, maar\ndiepgaande sessie uitgevoerd met veel vaardigheid, accuraatheid en medeleven.\n\n Dank u Anne-Marie !\n\nScottie Babs Verenigd\nKoninkrijk\n\n \n\nGETUIGENIS\n3\n\nBeste Anne-Marie,\n\nIk wil je gewoon heel erg\nbedanken. Ik hou van wat je doet. Ik weet niet zeker wat er op energetisch\nniveau is veranderd, maar ik geloof dat je iets in balans hebt gebracht. De\npijn die ik in mijn rug had die ik tijdens je sessie voelde wegebben, was de\nvolgende dag helemaal weg en is sindsdien weggebleven. \n\nIk beveel Anne-Marie en\nde technologie\u00ebn die ze aanbiedt ten zeerste aan. \n\nNogmaals dank \n\nTasha McCullough Ierland\n\n \n\nGETUIGENIS\n4\n\nBeste Anne-Marie,\n\nDit is mijn feedback van\njouw 2 op afstand behandelingen. \n\nMijn polariteit blijft\nstabiel en ik ervaar geen plotse daling van mijn energie meer. \n\nIk ervaar door jouw\nsessies aanzienlijk comfort en welbevinden.\n\n Dank u wel Anne-Marie \n\nDenis Meneguzzi Frankrijk\n\n \n\nHOE RESERVEREN\n\nKlik\nop de \u201cBoek nu\u201d toets bovenaan deze pagina.\n\nDit brengt u naar een\nandere pagina waar u eerst uw tijdszone instelt door op het \u201cklok\u201d symbool te\nklikken.\n\nDan kiest u de juiste\ndienst, met name \"Lecher antenne behandeling in Nederlands\". Dan ziet u de\nbeschikbare tijdsloten (in paars). \n\nGelieve een tijdslot te\nselecteren voor uw behandeling wanneer u niet hoeft te rijden en ergens op een\ncomfortabele plaats bent waar u kan zitten of liggen.\n\nNa het selecteren van uw\ntijdslot kan u uw gegevens invullen en uw reservatie confirmeren. Dit brengt u\ndan naar het betaalgedeelte.


\n\n\nAnne-Marie 's werklading\nvoor 1 sessie is ongeveer 5 uur.\n\n \n\nAFWIJZING\nVAN AANSPRAKELIJKHEID \n\nDe persoon die de meting en\/of het bijstellen van\nuw bioenergie\u00ebn uitvoert met de Lecher antenne en door middel van\nkleurentherapie geeft geen medisch advies en geeft eveneens geen aanbevelingen\nnaar het gebruik van een techniek als een vorm van behandeling voor fysieke of\nmedische problemen. Een (huis)arts en\/of specialist dienen steeds geconsulteerd\nte worden, zowel direct of indirect. De bedoeling van de persoon die de meting\nen\/of het bijstellen van uw bioenergie\u00ebn uitvoert zijn is enkel om u te helpen\nin uw zoektocht naar welbevinden. In het geval u de informatie verschaft door de persoon die de meting en\/of het bijstellen\nvan uw bioenergie\u00ebn gebruikt voor uzelf of anderen, wat uw constitutioneel\nrecht is, neemt de persoon die de meting en\/of het\nbijstellen van uw bioenergie\u00ebn uitvoert geen verantwoordelijkheid voor uw acties.\n\n","name":"NL Behandeling van uw bio-energie\u00ebn met Lecher antenne 1u15 tot 2 uur","url":"https:\/\/\/en\/company\/book\/delmotvibres?service=5","image":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/delmotvibres\/image_files\/preview\/e5460e5b8009aead8228b69fb5406fbe.jpg","@type":"OfferCatalog"},{"itemListElement":"FR Soin bio\u00e9nergies antenne de Lecher \u00e0 distance 1h15 \u00e0 2 hours","description":"\n\nSERVICE TEMPORAIREMENT SUSPENDU DU A UN MANQUE DE TEMPSPRIX NORMAL: 250 euros

Merci de r\u00e9server un cr\u00e9neau horaire\n\u00e0 un moment o\u00f9 vous ne devez pas rouler et que vous soyez quelque part\nconfortablement o\u00f9 vous pouvez vous asseoir ou m\u00eame \u00eatre allong\u00e9 sur un lit,\ncanap\u00e9, \u2026 

\n\nR\u00e9servez un soin bio\u00e9n\u00e9rg\u00e9tique avec Anne-Marie Delmotte, th\u00e9rapeute antenne de Lecher\nen sant\u00e9 compl\u00e9mentaire, scientifique en chimie clinique et chevalier de l\u2019Ordre\nde L\u00e9opold 

\n\nAnne-Marie est \u00e9galement l\u2019auteur de plusieurs livres avec ses d\u00e9couvertes\net ses recherches avec l\u2019antenne de Lecher et formatrice des cours en ligne sur\nl\u2019antenne de Lecher au Centre de formation Delmotvibres en Irlande

\n\nAnne-Marie est tr\u00e8s engag\u00e9e envers vous en tant que client et prend \nchaque soin \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique qu\u2019elle fait tr\u00e8s au s\u00e9rieux afin d\u2019obtenir le \nmeilleur r\u00e9sultat. Ses soins sont tr\u00e8s laborieux et n\u00e9cessitent beaucoup\n de temps. 

La charge de travail d\u2019Anne-Marie pour 1 soin \u00e0 \nl\u2019antenne Lecher est d\u2019environ 5 heures. Cela comprend l\u2019\u00e9tablissement \nd\u2019un dossier client confidentiel, les pr\u00e9parations (connexion \n\u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e9tude du dossier), le soin \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique en tant que telle et\n la post-discussion.\n

QUOI\n\nMesures et\n\u00e9quilibrage de vos bio\u00e9nergies \u00e0 distance (t\u00e9l\u00e9radiesth\u00e9sie) avec l\u2019antenne de\nLecher, un instrument scientifique qui fonctionne sur le principe de la (bio)r\u00e9sonance.\n\n\nDevenez le\nmeilleur que vous pouvez \u00eatre et poursuivez de vous sentir fantastiquement bien.\n\nLe but des\nmesures est de d\u00e9terminer les probl\u00e8mes qui ont la priorit\u00e9 \u00e0 traiter lors de\nl\u2019\u00e9quilibrage de vos bio\u00e9nergies afin que l\u2019\u00e9nergie puisse circuler \u00e0 nouveau librement\ndans votre corps \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique et que les toxines puissent \u00eatre \u00e9limin\u00e9es de\nmani\u00e8re optimale.\n\nInclutse aussi\nune discussion et des informations apr\u00e8s la s\u00e9ance.\n\nDes s\u00e9ances\nr\u00e9guli\u00e8res permettront : \n\n-d\u2019\u00e9quilibrer le\ncorps \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique afin qu\u2019il soit capable de se gu\u00e9rir lui-m\u00eame, ou en d\u2019autres\ntermes d\u2019optimiser la capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9g\u00e9n\u00e9ration cellulaire. Nous faisons des\ncellules canc\u00e9reuses chaque jour que nous sommes bien capables d\u2019\u00e9liminer si\nnos \u00e9nergies sont bien \u00e9quilibr\u00e9es \n\n-pour s\u2019assurer\nque notre syst\u00e8me immunitaire fonctionne de mani\u00e8re optimale \n\n-pour nous renforcer\ncontre ou \u00e9liminer les agressions et\/ou les \u00e9nergies n\u00e9gatives auxquelles nous\nsommes expos\u00e9s\n\nLes sessions\nsont ressenties comme douces et agr\u00e9ables. Vous pouvez ressentir de la chaleur\nou quelque chose qui commence \u00e0 circuler (courant ou petits picotements). Vous\npouvez aussi conna\u00eetre un moment de fatigue ou m\u00eame vous endormir.\n\nIl est conseill\u00e9\nde boire beaucoup d'eau pendant les jours apr\u00e8s la session afin d\u2019\u00e9liminer ce\nqui est d\u00e9bloqu\u00e9 pendant la session.\n\nLa charge de\ntravail d\u2019Anne-Marie pour 1 s\u00e9ance est d\u2019environ 5 heures et ceci est sans compter\nle temps qu\u2019elle pr\u00e9pare ses propres bio\u00e9nergies et se renforce avant la s\u00e9ance\nafin qu\u2019elle soit dans la meilleure forme possible pour son client.

\n\n COMMENT\n\nToutes les s\u00e9ances\net communications se font en fran\u00e7ais.\n\nQuelques jours avant la s\u00e9ance\n: contact par e-mail avec conseils et questions. R\u00e9ponse \u00e0 Anne-Marie d\u00e8s\nque possible afin qu\u2019elle puisse faire les pr\u00e9parations appropri\u00e9es et \u00e9tablir un\ndossier client confidentiel qui sera conserv\u00e9 \u00e0 un endroit s\u00e9curis\u00e9. \n\nPendant la session: dur\u00e9e d\u2019\u00e0 peu\npr\u00e8s 1 heure : des mesures et l\u2019\u00e9quilibrage des bio-\u00e9nergies avec\nl\u2019antenne de Lecher, un instrument scientifique qui fonctionne sur la base de\nla (bio)r\u00e9sonance. \n\n\u00c9quilibrage des\nbio\u00e9nergies avec des couleurs sp\u00e9cifiques \u00e0 diff\u00e9rents niveaux: comme rem\u00e8des\nharmoniques et au niveau d\u2019\u00e9limination des toxines.\n\nLes sessions\nsont ressenties comme douces et agr\u00e9ables. Vous pouvez ressentir de la chaleur\nou quelque chose qui commence \u00e0 circuler (courant ou petits picotements). Vous pouvez\naussi conna\u00eetre un moment de fatigue ou m\u00eame vous endormir.\n\nC\u2019est tr\u00e8s\nimportant que vous ne rouliez pas pendant la session et que vous soyez quelque\npart confortablement install\u00e9 o\u00f9 vous pouvez vous asseoir ou m\u00eame \u00eatre allong\u00e9\nsur un lit, canap\u00e9, \u2026 Anne-Marie reste en contact via E-mail, Whatsapp ou\nMessenger.\n\nApr\u00e8s la session: br\u00e8ve\ndiscussion des r\u00e9sultats et de ce qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 soulev\u00e9 et abord\u00e9 au cours de la\nsession. Sur Zoom, Whatsapp ou Messenger.\n\n \n\nT\u00c9MOIGNAGES\n\nT\u00c9MOIGNAGE 1\n\nCh\u00e8re Anne-Marie\n\nJe tiens \u00e0 vous faire savoir\nque pendant deux nuits apr\u00e8s mon traitement avec vous, j\u2019ai dormi profond\u00e9ment\ntoute la nuit, ce qui est tr\u00e8s rare pour moi. \n\nJe me suis aussi sentie plus\n\u00e9nergique et j\u2019appr\u00e9cie vraiment la sensation de bien-\u00eatre. \n\nAndy Nolan Irlande\n\n \n\nT\u00c9MOIGNAGE 2\n\nUne s\u00e9ance douce mais\napprofondie r\u00e9alis\u00e9e avec beaucoup de comp\u00e9tence, de pr\u00e9cision et de\ncompassion. Merci Anne-Marie !\n\nScottie Babs Royaume-Uni\n\n \n\nT\u00c9MOIGNAGE 3\n\nCh\u00e8re Anne-Marie,\n\nJe voulais juste vous dire\nmerci beaucoup. J\u2019aime ce que tu fais. Je ne suis pas certaine de ce qui a\nchang\u00e9 au niveau \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, mais je crois que vous avez aid\u00e9 \u00e0 \u00e9quilibrer\nquelque chose. La douleur que j\u2019avais dans le dos que je ressentais diminuer\npendant votre s\u00e9ance, avait compl\u00e8tement disparu le lendemain et n\u2019est plus\nrevenue depuis. Je recommande vivement Anne-Marie et les technologies qu\u2019elle\npropose. \n\nEncore merci\n\nTasha McCullough Irlande\n\n \n\nT\u00c9MOIGNAGE 4\n\nHello Anne-Marie,\n\nJe te fais un retour suite \u00e0\ntes deux s\u00e9ances antenne de Lecher \u00e0 distance.\n\nJe n'ai plus d'inversions de\npolarit\u00e9 et plus de baisses d'\u00e9nergies. \n\nJ'en retire un confort et un\nbien-\u00eatre consid\u00e9rable. \n\nMerci Anne-Marie\n\nDenis Meneguzzi, France\n\n \n\nCOMMENT R\u00c9SERVER

\nCliquez\nsur le bouton \u201cR\u00e9server\u201d en haut de cette page. Cela vous am\u00e8nera \u00e0 une autre\npage o\u00f9 vous choisirez votre fuseau horaire en cliquant sur le symbole\n\u00ab horloge \u00bb. S\u00e9l\u00e9ctionnez ensuite une date et heure disponibles (en\nmauve). Assurez-vous de choisir un cr\u00e9neau horaire lorsque vous ne conduisez\npas et que vous pouvez \u00eatre \u00e0 l\u2019aise, assis ou allong\u00e9.\n\n \n\nLa charge de travail\nd\u2019Anne-Marie pour 1 s\u00e9ance est d\u2019environ 5 heures.\n\n \n\nCLAUSE DE\nNON-RESPONSABILIT\u00c9\n\nUne s\u00e9ance des mesures\net \u00e9quilibrage de vos bio\u00e9nergies avec l\u2019antenne de Lecher et par moyen de\nchromoth\u00e9rapie ne peut en aucune mani\u00e8re se substituer \u00e0 un examen m\u00e9dical, une\nconsultation, un diagnostic ou un traitement m\u00e9dical. Demandez toujours conseil\n\u00e0 votre m\u00e9decin ou \u00e0 tout autre professionnel de sant\u00e9 qualifi\u00e9 pour toute\nquestion se rapportant \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9tat de sant\u00e9. N\u2019ignorez jamais les conseils d\u2019un\nprofessionnel de sant\u00e9 et ne reportez jamais la d\u00e9cision de consulter un\nm\u00e9decin en raison d\u2019une information que vous auriez apprise pendant votre\ns\u00e9ance. En cas d\u2019urgence m\u00e9dicale, contactez imm\u00e9diatement votre m\u00e9decin ou\nl\u2019h\u00f4pital. L\u2019intention de la personne qui fait des mesures et \u00e9quilibrage de\nvos bio\u00e9nergies est seulement d\u2019offrir des informations d\u2019une nature g\u00e9n\u00e9rale\nafin de vous guider dans votre qu\u00eate de bien-\u00eatre. Au cas o\u00f9 vous utilisez les\ninformations offertes par la personne qui a fait des mesures et \u00e9quilibrage de\nvos bio\u00e9nergies, qui est votre droit constitutionnel, la personne qui a fait\nles mesures et \u00e9quilibrage de vos bio\u00e9nergies ne peut pas \u00eatre tenue\nresponsable de vos actions.","name":"FR Soin bio\u00e9nergies antenne de Lecher \u00e0 distance 1h15 \u00e0 2 hours","url":"https:\/\/\/en\/company\/book\/delmotvibres?service=6","image":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/delmotvibres\/image_files\/preview\/0d6bce8b8b3ecc13a8b69bd694e72777.jpg","@type":"OfferCatalog"}],"aggregateRating":{"ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":1,"bestRating":5,"worstRating":1,"@type":"AggregateRating"},"review":[{"author":"Daniel Crawford","datePublished":"2022-07-24","description":"Hello, :)\nMy name is Daniel and I'm a 36 year old resident of New Zealand.\nSo far, I have had two remote Lecher Antenna sessions with Anne-Marie. From the sessions, I received significant benefits - benefitting my energy levels, mental health, and I also felt that the sessions allowed me to be purged of some draining resentment I was harbouring. Based on Anne-Marie's intuitive assessments and the immediate results - Anne-Marie is clearly tapping into the physics and facilitating healing. I am grateful for her time and abilities.\n\nFuther - I had done the research to determine that the Lecher Antenna was a powerful and legitimate therapy, however, I was still taken a back when my lower back discomfort was immediately resolved following my first session. (This was evident as I no longer needed to rest my arm on my knee when bending over..)\n\nI am anticipating my next session.\n\nThank you. \n\n- Daniel Crawford ","name":"Remote Lecher Antenna session ","reviewRating":{"ratingValue":5,"bestRating":5,"worstRating":1,"@type":"Rating"},"@type":"Review"}],"@type":"LocalBusiness","@context":"http:\/\/"} All categories  Events and entertainment  Sport  Business Services  Beauty and wellness  Personal meetings and services  Education  Medical  Supermarkets  More   Events and entertainment  Sport  Business Services  Beauty and wellness  Personal meetings and services  Education  Medical  Supermarkets   Delmotte Vibrating Energies Rsonnantes - Book Lecher Antenna Practitioner and Coach Anne-Marie Delmotte Online       1 Show on map Book now Contacts  Delmotte Vibrating Energies Rsonnantes ~ Book Lecher Antenna Practitioner and Coach Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte   Book now Opening hours Sunday 2351a5e196

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