Modeling Small Watersheds Using SWAT

Dr. Clyde Munster, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University

Sayantan Samanta, Ph.D. Candidate, Texas A&M University

The following exercises were developed by Dr. Munster and Sayantan Samanta and numerous other graduate students at Texas A&M over a 20 year period. These exercises were used in the graduate course "Modeling Small Watersheds" at Texas A&M University. This website was developed to provide step-by-step instructions to simulate the hydrology in small watersheds using SWAT 2012 (Soil Water Assessment Tool). These exercises require a basic knowledge of ArcGIS and uses ArcGIS 10.5. More information about the SWAT model can be found at 🢂

You are welcome to use these exercises but please give credit to Dr. Munster, Sayantan Samanta, and the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at Texas A&M University in any presentations, publications, etc.

Dr. Clyde Munster, P.E.

Professor Emeritus

Bio. & Ag. Engr. Dept.

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843

Sayantan Samanta , Ph.D. Student

Water Management and Hydrological Science

Soil and Crop Sciences

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843