This is the place where customers who have bought books by Dick Claassen or Connie Sanderson can download the free MP3 audio files that go with them.


A HEADS UP: If you found this page, congratulations! It means you read the Reply email when you asked us for instructions after buying our book. You were also given the PASSWORD required to open the zipped files that go with the book you bought. You will need it when you unzip the files you download on page 2.

1. After reading the following instructions, go to the DOWNLOAD page. How do you do this? For desktop and laptop computer users the Download page link is at the upper right corner of this screen. For mobile device users the page menu option pops up in the hamburger menu, (three little lines), probably at the upper left side of the screen. (Mobile devices vary in layout.)

2: On the download page are all the book titles that have free mp3 files. At the right of each title is a black button. Find the book you purchased and click or touch that button. This will open a folder that has the zip files for all the mp3s for that book.

3: If you are downloading from your desktop or laptop computer, right-click on each zipped file. (The number of zips will vary from 2 to 5, depending on the book.) Choose "download" from the dropdown list that appears. If you are downloading from a mobile device, and if you don't know the procedure for downloading files, go to There you will find simple tutorials for just about any iOS (Apple), Windows, or Android mobile device.

3: Once the zipped files are downloaded, you will have to unzip them to get to the tunes inside. (If you are unsure how to unzip, you will find tutorials on When asked for the password during the unzip procedure, type it in. The zipped file will open and show all the mp3 files. Your password has all upper case letters along with a few numbers. Do not type lower case letters! Prepare yourself for lots of files and lots of tunes! Notice that each mp3 filename is preceded by a page number, making it easy to coordinate the tune with the book page. Here’s a tip. Once unzipped, put the tune folder in a convenient to get at place. Also, save the tunes folder to a USB drive or whatever cloud service you might have to back them up.

4. Now you can play all the tunes on your device. Every computer or mobile device, be it Apple or PC, has a built-in mp3 player. No additional software should be required.

5. Go to page 2 to download your tunes.