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Lead can have a significant negative impact on health in large amounts and with prolonged exposure. Some reports indicate even small amounts of lead can collect in the body where the metal remains for decades

Potential Sources and Dangers of Lead Exposure

Studies show as much as 75 percent of America's drinking water may be contaminated with heavy metals. Though a number of elements fall into this category, one of the most commonly found is lead. This single metal is extremely widespread and can cause a range of serious health issues. While groundwater remediation solutions provided by Hepure can go along way toward eliminating contaminants like this one, it sometimes comes from sources a little closer to home.

How are People Exposed to Lead?

Although lead has been largely weeded out in some arenas because of its potential dangers, it's still used in several industries. Some of its most popular current applications include automotive batteries, shipbuilding, protective aprons for radiology, ammunition and manufacturing. Those who work in fields using this metal are at high risk of exposure despite certain precautionary measures. They may also bring remnants home on their clothing, exposing others in their households to it as well.

For the most part, though, people are exposed to lead through drinking water. Heavy amounts in groundwater can be remedied with iron powder and similar products available through, but this type of product is most effective at contamination sites. Many people succumb to lead contamination through the pipes, fittings and fixtures in their own homes. Lead pipes in their earlier forms may have been taken off the market years ago, but brass products still contain this potentially harmful metal.

What are the Health Effects of Lead?

Lead can have a significant negative impact on health in large amounts and with prolonged exposure. Some reports indicate even small amounts of lead can collect in the body where the metal remains for decades. Over time, as the body naturally begins to degenerate with age, the lead stored within can affect a person to a more significant degree. Results of lead exposure may include:

Digestive Issues: Nausea, constipation and loss of appetite altogether could come from lead poisoning.

Body Pain: Pain and numbness in the hands and feet as well as abdominal discomfort and severe headaches may develop and worsen over time.

Cognitive Problems: For some, lead exposure can lead to lack of concentration and focus. Others experience varying degrees of memory loss.

These are some of the most common effects of lead toxicity. More severe issues like nerve, kidney and reproductive system damage as well as developmental issues in young children have also been linked to this metal. Despite groundwater filtration and remediation efforts from, lead coming from pipes and fixtures may also bring about heart disease, high blood pressure, behavioral issues and increased risk of cancer.

Not all sources of lead can be eliminated before contaminated water has a chance to enter the nation's homes; in fact, this dangerous metal sometimes doesn't become an issue until water reaches a home. For this reason, a number of solutions should be used in tandem to reduce the risks of exposure. To learn about hepure and the ways it can help, visit the company's website.