If my thoughts and prayers were publicly exposed to scrutiny, they would appear just as self-centered. If God will be a safe God, a me-serving God, ensuring my comfort, provision, and care, then I will worship and follow Him.

Peter was a natural leader. For three years, his leadership training took him through unfamiliar territory of following Jesus. Just when he was beginning to get the hang of this following stuff, Jesus left. What does a follower do without a leader?

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Help me to realize that when you close one door, you open the one you want me to walk through. Help me also to realize that what I desire may not be what is meant for me, or what is best for me. Maybe it will lead me away from what your great plan is for me.

Lord, let me accept each day as a gift. Let me follow the path you choose for me. Help me to be thankful for what you give me and not to worry about my needs. I trust you will take care of all my needs. Remind me that my role is to care for those around me and focus on those who need my help.

Another significant block of time that you have with your children occurs when they are sick and have to stay home from school. While no one looks forward to his or her child being sick, it does provide time to have a healthy conversation. Sick time gives you a chance to watch videos or listen to music together. So why not choose videos that will naturally lead to talking about issues of faith and life?

Most Christian parents assume that our way of connecting with God and Jesus is the way our children will or should connect with Him. But there is no one size fits all approach to faith or leading your child to Christ.

Lord, I declare that I have the anointing to lead and the anointing to follow! I am willing and obedient to You and my leader that You placed in my life. I will follow and I will lead, not by the best of my ability, but by the best of Your ability that You have placed in me through the anointing!

Moses, the great Old Testament leader of the Hebrews, was no different. He wanted God to show him a sign, too. On one occasion, Moses got alone with God, away from the rest of the Hebrews, to seek direction. He wanted another divine guidepost, an omen, a heavenly gesture. It's not that Moses had not had indicators along the journey. In fact, he witnessed some rather remarkable visual demonstrations. A burning bush. A staff that became a snake. Tree branches that cleaned up polluted water. Pillars of fire leading the crowd by night. Clouds leading them by day. Manna, the heavenly bread falling each morning. But now Moses wants further clarification. He prays, not unlike us, "Look, You have told me, 'Lead this people up,' but You have not let me know whom You will send with me. You said, 'I know you by name, and you have also found favor in My sight.' Now, if I have indeed found favor in Your sight, please teach me Your ways, and I will know You and find favor in Your sight. Now, consider that this nation is Your people" (Ex. 33:12-13). Moses asked God to "guide me clearly along the way" (LB). Other translations say, "teach me your ways" (NIV), or "let me know thy ways" (NASB), or "show me now thy way" (KJV).

Moses wanted to see God's glory - he wanted a sign. God said you see signs all the time - my goodness, my grace - are all around you. But if you want a visible appearance - a theophany - do the following: "Here is a place near Me. You are to stand on the rock, and when My glory passes by, I will put you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take my hand away, and you will see My back, but My face will not be seen" (Ex. 33:21-23). Moses did as he was instructed. He stood in the crevice of the rock and God passed by. A visible appearance, this time in human form. And Moses saw him, not his face, but his back.

These temptations cross into every generation and every geographical border. Every leader will face particular temptations that come from three directions: money, sex and power. These are temptations all leaders face.

The king will have his own philosophy. He will have his own vision and values, as every leader does. But he must allow the Word of God to rebuke him and correct him. The Word of God will always be shaping his thinking and challenging his ideas.

The true Christian leader is always being challenged by this Word, always humbled by it, always learning from it. We are not to pose as people who have got it all right, but as people who are always humbly seeking to follow the Word of God.

It will take time to learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit, and the following principles will help you grow in doing that. But without understanding this first, you will be trying to do everything in your own strength rather than using the greatest resource God can give you: Himself.

The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.

First, I will point out that God created Adam (man) first. (Genesis 2:7) Why is that significant? We can only speculate, but I believe it is. This could be a much longer post if I focused on that, but I just want to point out that this is probably significant because ORDER seems to matter to God as you can see throughout the Bible. There are many examples where God demonstrates that he is a God of order, hierarchy, and processes. Dive deeper into the process and order of how he went about creating things. Look at the detailed and orderly process of building the temple and setting up the leadership of the 12 tribes of Israel.

You are not supposed to figure out your path through this life alone. God will guide you throughout all the twists and turns of life. He will protect you and take care of you. He will lead you to a life of freedom and purpose greater than any life you could carve out for yourself.

1) Reflect on what it would be like if God was your guide through life.

2) Ask God to lead you. Commit to trust him and follow him wherever he leads.

3) Ask God to let you in on what He wants to do in your life next.

I want to encourage you to follow where God is leading you. God is leading some of you into unconventional places. You may feel like the direction He is taking you is the exact opposite of the place you thought you were heading. I want to encourage you to trust Him fully and to follow in faith.

As the Lord was giving me this word, I imagined a child cheerfully following behind their parents. I thought of our almost two year old and how whenever she notices any of us putting on our shoes, she joyfully grabs hers and is excited for the journey ahead. She rarely knows where we are going or how long we will be there, but she trusts that it is going to be good.

Lord Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father and Mary Immaculate,

give to our young people the generosity necessary

to follow Your call and the courage required

to overcome all obstacles to their vocation.

Give to parents that faith, love and spirit of sacrifice

which will inspire them to offer their children

to God's service and to rejoice whenever

one of their children is called to the priesthood or religious life.

May Your example and that of Your Blessed Mother

and Saint Joseph encourage both young people

and parents and let Your grace sustain them. Amen.

O God, in the past you called men and women

to dedicate their lives to you

through priesthood and religious life.

Today stir up the grace of a religious vocation

in the hearts of many within our parish community.

Grant them the willingness and generosity

to place their lives completely in your hands

as priests, brothers and sisters.

Help me to support them by my own fidelity

to your call to holiness through prayer & Christian service.

If you desire that one of my family or friends

follow you in this way,

grant me the wisdom and insight

to support and encourage that person

to listen to your voice and follow you without delay.

13. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. 14. Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.

But instead of allowing those unexpected events to cause anger, confusion or panic, servant leaders recognize that God is present in every circumstance. They have the willingness to practice being flexible and actually invite change!

We can trust, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to behave in the same way as Daryl, the shepherd on Price Edward Island. Jesus came to heal the sick, love those who were broken, and bring hope to those who were hopeless. He laid down His life for His sheep, not break them. We need to follow suit. Breaking people will not heal them. Love and sacrifice are our guides to retraining, coupled with natural consequences for sin.

Oh, that we would take a lesson from sheep and run to the Good Shepherd who will lead us to the spring of living waters and take care of us forever. Furthermore, that we would truly know our value as one who is priceless to the Shepherd.

Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me here. Jesus You are The Word, may all believers find a deep heart passion to read YOU from Genesis to Revelations, each and every year that You give them breath on earth. Thank you for the vision of heaven with multitudes who will follow through preparing their hearts to see YOU, Jesus, Face to face, in your name I pray and praise AMEN. 17dc91bb1f

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