Literacy Development in Young Children

An ILA Special Interest Group

What is LDYC-SIG

The Literacy Development in Young Children (LDYC) is a Special Interest Group (SIG) within the International Literacy Association (ILA). The mission of the LDYC-SIG is to provide a forum for the discussion of research and best practices with the goal of promoting literacy among young children. Membership is open to all those with an abiding interest in the development of literacy in young children, including birth-5 child care providers and teachers, Pre-K through Grade-2 teachers, librarians, teacher candidates, administrators, university professors, etc.


We invite interested members of ILA to join LDYC-SIG. At this time, there are no dues to become a member of this SIG. However, LDYC-SIG members must be members of ILA. If you are interested in participating in the activities of this group but are not a member of ILA as yet, then please consider joining so you can also join our group.

This website is still under development. Therefore, some of the links are not operational at present. For questions, comments, and suggestions regarding this website, please contact Dr. Abha Gupta at