The Red Room

He sat there on a red couch.

His back relaxed, as he leaned into the chair, his legs wide.

In a way he was welcoming

Yet the room itself was anything but inviting.

Colorless white wall, tables, and even white hardwood floor, surrounded him.

Nice and neat.

Maggie Cipper couldn't help but feel underwhelmed at the sight

Every other room within the incubus house had been sexually exotic and exciting. Stimulating one sensation or another. Each room offering a different experience.

And yet this one was so boring.

What experience could this room offer? Maggie wondered as she watched him get to his feet and walk over to her.

With a sting of nervousness Maggie tried to get her stiff body to wave at him as she said "Hello."

Purple eyes stairs down at her, wordless in it intimidation.

'Star spangled angels,' what was she doing Maggie thought when he finally jescherd for her to take a set in his red chair. Hesitating long enough for him to move. Maggie finally took a sit at the edge of the couch.

With a controlled breadth Maggie looked out the only window in the entire room.

It was the same window Maggie found herself looking down at, from her office cubicle right next door.

It had been easy to look into his open window.

A window that wasn't blacked out, like all the others.

As if he were inviting on lookers.

For most of her life she hadn't been interested in sex. So The thought of catching two people in such an intimate moment didn't quiet interest her.

That is until she had seen him in action.

One moment she had been opening a window for a midsummer's breeze, and the next she was looking at a woman with her back smushed up against the window, as he ate her out.

For what had to be half an hour Maggie had found herself hypnotize by the two, her own pussy dripping with need. As she watched the woman wiggle and squirm in his touch.

If her friend David hadn't found her first, Maggie was sure she would have been fired.

Watching him had been what got everyone before her fired.

Yet here she was on a red chair, in an all white room. Waiting for this man to say something. . . anything.

He was standing a few feet away from her, his true incubus form hidden behind his dyed black hair and his black business suit. It was only his purple eyed gaze that gave him away as something other than human.

“I . . .I don't really know how this goes. Do I just tell you what I want. . .?”

She trailed off hoping he would jump in.

He didn't.

He only stood there watching her with his purple eyes. Making her shift her eyes and body away from him.

When. . . when was he going to speak?

Though he was still silent he did start to move. Pulling out two sheets of paper from a white dresser, next to his king sized white bed. Maggie watched as he came closer to hand it to her. He seems to avoid touching her, yet his eyes never left her. She could feel it burning away at her.

Hesitating for just a second, Maggie slowly looked over the papers.

It was a document, though only one paragraph was about sex, the rest was about her job.

“Wait are you saying that if I have sex with you- Khoo. . . just three times, I can get the position I want.” She looked back at him with disbelief and a laugh.

Getting to her feet, Maggie offered the paper back to him. Shaking her head with amazement at how far this 'visit' had shifted.

“Give yourself to me . . . everyway that I want and any time I want." He stepped closer, “In return, I'll give you what you want.” He said finally speaking. His voice was deep and oddly kingly. With a tone that put a silent command in the air.

The command was simple, ‘lesson when he spoke.’

Feeling uneasy by the shiver that ran over her body, at his words. Maggie dropped the papers. “I didn't come here for that.” She said taking a step away from him. “I really just came here for some head.”

Khoo didn't move, just watched her through curious lenses.

“No one at your office told you about me?” He said turning his head.

Blinking Maggie stepped back again. Wondering how he knew she worked in an office.

Had he seen her through the window, like she had seen him that day?

“No, and they can't know I was here.”

“I see . . . will that will make things a little more complicated.” He said walking even closer. As if somehow her words had excited him.

Not knowing what else to do Maggie moved back again. Until her back was up against the wall.

“Wait.” She said putting her hand on his chest.

Leaning forward Khoo smelled her, his face softening. Right before he closed his eyes and took a deeper whiff.

Maggie's breath caught, as her heart sped up. He was so close, she could now truly see his beauty. It was shockingly scary, how perfect he was. Even the malevolent gleam of his eyes made a rush of heat spill over her skin.

Maggie watched as his muscles jumped, as if her scent were a drug.

“You smell like a freshly made book. . .unopened, untouched.” Khoo took another whiff, this one bigger than the last. “Like a virgin.”

“Why does everyone know that?” Maggie mumbled under her breath. It seemed like everyone in her life had known this about her at first sight. And no amount of pornhub or masterbation would stop that.

It was so fucking annoying.

“I need a new contract.” He said snapping Maggie out of her thoughts.

Moving away from her, with an odd spark of joy in his step. Maggie watched as he rushed through his shelf, throwing paperwork around like a madman.

Not knowing what to say, yet not wanting to stay and see how far she broke this incubus with the discovery of her virginity, Maggie shifted on her feet.

“What do you want for it?” Khoo said looking back at her, as if she held a priceless piece of art.

“I'm sorry what now?”

“I said, What do you want for your virginity?” He snapped making her jump and move to the door.

“I don't want anything I just came here for some oral sex, not penetration.”

“Money, travel, promotions at work, name it and I can do it.” He moved from the dresser, eagerly awaiting her desires.

Shifting uneasily from foot to foot, Maggie looked over at the door, finally reconsidering her decision to come here.

Maybe this was a bad idea. If anyone from her job, found out she was here, then Maggie would be quickly fired, and that would piss Chris off. Though she didn't understand why her job cared so much about its workers coming here.

Maggie still understood that she couldn't lose this job. Not when Chris needed her to get the new position that would be opening up in three weeks.

But getting help to get that promotion, was not Maggie's style.

No she didn't need anyone's help, not this incubus and not Chris.

Maggie's teeth clenched at the thought of their last conversation. About 'their' lifestyle and how 'they' needed to work harder to get the life they both wanted.

“No, I just want you to give me head.”

He watched her. . . long and silently, before speaking again. “Go home.”

“What?” Maggie said frowning back at him.

She watched as he turned from her and headed to the window. “Leave here.”

Irritated and at a loss for words, Maggie walked to the door.

Only stoping to giver him a look of irritation. “I don't know what your problem is but I don't have to do shit you-.” Her words died, when their eyes locked from acrosses the room. As if her desires were nothing more than a movie. Maggie felt helpless as he somehow tugged at her darkest desires, letting them play out in her mind.

"Is that really what you want." Khoo said playing with her lust, letting the sexual image of him pushing her up against the wall face first play through her head. Making a pool of both fear and lust seep from her core.

Maggie couldn't understand why her pussy throbbed for his touch. To feel the pressure of his body up against her own.

"I will give you so much more than anything you could think of." He said with a deep growl that made her body shiver. "Now be a good girl and head home."

Feeling as if she could finally breathe. Maggie took a deep breath before nodding her head.

This Chapter could change when the story is done.