The She-Devil's wolf

Chapter 1

“Must you watch your sister make a fool of herself?” Emily’s maid in waiting asked, as she made up Emily’s bed.

No, she didn’t have to watch her sister make a fool of herself, of them both. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop her from gazing disdainfully at Eliza.

“I must, less she gets a scandal that falls on both our heads.” Solemnly, the maid nodded in agreement and continued to tidy up the rest of the room.

Through the thinly veiled, satin curtained windows, Emily continued to watch with dismay as her sister shamelessly caressed the new stable boy’s broad shoulder.

What had ceased to amaze Emily, was Eliza’s lack of concern for her or her own reputation. After all, it is every ladies duty to remain a chaste and pure soul until marriage. Eliza carried herself as though she were the only one who would face consequence of her lascivious behavior.

Making Emily Wonder once again why the Lord had thought to give them the same face? They were clear opposites, in every way but looks.

Emily had always made it an effort to be the exemplary debutant. A young woman that would make her parents proud. She took care of household chores, no matter what they were. She honored every minute of her lessons. retaining every bit of information that she received.

When she sang, she put her heart and soul into each and every note. On numerous occasions, her performances had led to words of adoration from every tutor that stepped foot in this house.

Emily had always strayed away from lewd behavior, her main goal was to keep her reputation as spotless as her white ball gown. But alas, all of her efforts to be perfect for her parents, proved to be futile.

No matter what Emily did to get her parents to look her way, to pay attention to her, was dor nothing. All Emily got was a simple smile and a pat on the head, then she was cast back into the shadows of her sister’s reckless Behavior.

Moving over to the door, Emily looked back to the only woman that truly knew and paid attention. Emily's valued Lady in waiting, Cloy.

Cloy, unlike Emily’s mother and father, had seen her silent cries for attention, and had given her all the love and care she gave her own children. Although her parents loved her and cared for her, what she had needed had always been pushed aside for Eliza.

When Emily walked to the dining room to have first meal with her mother and father, she found once again that the room was empty. The sting of rejection that she felt as a child had numbed to a dull ache now.

Looking up from the table before her, Emily could see her mother and father talking to her sister down by the pond. She couldn’t tell if they were scolding her sister or not, and frankly, she didn’t care. Anger boiled in Emily’s veins, surprising her at it’s fury. She was done being pushed aside, done being unseen and unnoticed. From this day forth, Emily vowed to herself that she would never again be casted aside.

Chapter 2

Devon McKenna, border lord and Highlander, was pissed as hell. Here he was standing before his only English friend Edwin Gibson, who came with news from the 'King', that he was to be married.

Not to a fiery highland hellcat as he’d originally planned. But to some soft English flower?! And not just any soft English woman, but the one known as the “she-devil” of Maglite estate.

A woman known for flirting with the help and starting unsavory gossip about her own friends and family. This woman was, his betrothed.

He, a man known for his Mystique and secrecy, now had to marry a woman who couldn’t keep her damn mouth shut. The irony was not lost on him and he barked a short humorless laugh at the absurdity of it all.

“I will not,” Devon said, abruptly turning his back to his friend as rage and fury filled him.

What the bloody hell had he done to get a promise like this? Was this for the time he had ravished a married woman at a higher party.

Its not like he had known at the time. And he had even come to like the woman’s husband, not that he’d ever tried to become friends with the man.

Could the good lord be punishing him for that? Or, maybe it was the time–.

Devon’s thoughts were interrupted when Edwin spoke again. “You have obligation to adhere to, the king has declared that you wedd, so you must.”

"Obligation. . .to who, the king or your brother."

"Are they not the same at this point." Edwin said with a bitter smark.

Devon gave a growl of displeasure right before an idea hit him. With a slow smile, Devon looked over at his friend, who seemed to sigh with tired eyes.

“I don’t think you should eat her, and I’m sure as hell not getting involved.” Devon laughed once again, remembering why they were friends. Edwin, like Devon, had his own secret that he had to hide.

“But what if-somehow- she refuses to marry me?”

Understanding dawned on Edwin’s features and a slow, mischievous smile crypt across his face. “Now that my friend, just might work,” Edwin sad as he slowly glided backwards, stepping farther away from the sunlight.

Chapter 3

Emily remembered why she never misbehaved.

She wasn’t good at it.

Not only had her clear misguided plan failed miserably, but it had backfired. She found herself once again cast in the shadows. As they talked to Eliza. Scolding her for something she hadn't even do, which only helped in making Emily feel even worse.

Why had her foolish rebellion been to kiss the stable boy.

Now after completely embracing herself Emily sat in her room where her sister now sat glaring at her. Feeling mortified with herself, Emily put her head down, ready to take the tongue-lashing that was sure to come.

Only it never did, just a collected statement. “Because of what 'you' did, they are sending me away to meet my new barbarian husband. They are hoping he'll keep me in my place.”

“Eliza I never meant for that-”

“Oh please, spare me your lies, we both know you were angry at me. So tell me, are you happy now.” She spit the last part out with spite in her voice.

Emily tried to get another apology out, tried to tell her sister how it had nothing to do with her. But she couldn’t, how could Emily when it had everything to do with her sister. Could she have really done something like that on purpose? “Liza I-I didn’t know.”

“Now you do.” She said walking to leave the room. "I always knew you weren't as sweet and docile as you want everyone to think. Just a self serving snack."

Stopping in the doorway Eliza covered her face, as if to hide her tears.

"Thats not who I am."

Snfling Eliza turned her head slightly. "Why, because you're sorry and a selfless person right."

“But I am truly sorry.”

“If you are truly sorry. You would help me with the meeting of my betrothed.” She said a little too fast, “go in my place.”

“What!” How could her sister ask her to do such a thing. Did she not think of the scandal that could arise if they were discovered, “you’re mad for even thinking such a thing.”

“It’s only a small formality nothing more, and it’s not like I got you married off to some highland barbarian . . . Oh- wait that's what you like to do-.”

“Fine, fine, but after this it’s over I’ll not do anything like this ever again.” Emily said hating herself for even speaking such words out loud.



All her life Emily had obeyed the rules.

But now she was committing the most heinous of acts.

She was an imposter.

Lord help her!

The carriage jumped off the ground as they moved through the high hills and green files. It was breath takingly beautiful, not a lot of castles or people in some parts. But enough beauty to fill her eyes for years to come.

In a way it gave the feeling of being free.

Free of the watchful eyes of her peers.

Free of the constant comparison to sister.

All looking to see if she made a mistake, to see if she was just like Eliza.

But by nightfall, the small feeling of freedom, slowly turned into a chocking fear. As the carriage was slowly engulfed by tall lengthy trees. “Just up these hills now ladies.” The carriage man informed them, making Emily more and more uneasy.

Really what had she been thinking, doing this for her sister, if Eliza’s husband were to find out, who knows what the man would do-. Emily cut herself off from thinking any further, she couldn’t turn back now.

Or could she?

She needs to calm herself it was not as if she was going to marry him in her sister’s place. “I need some air.” She shouted out quickly, making Eliza’s maid Molina jump from her sleep and look over at her in surprises.

“Can you not hold it my lady, we are almost to the lord’s castle?” The older woman said once again, trying to fall asleep.

“No I’ve been holding it for too long now and I do not wish to meet my husband if I’ve soiled myself.”

With a huff of breathe Molina told the Carriage man to stop for a rest. Coming down from the top of the carriage, the man quickly opened the door to let Emily out of the small jail. Outside Emily slowly walked behind one of the trees as the Carriage man stood back to make sure nothing happened to her.

Once out of his sight Emily took off running, deep into the forest. Her heart racing as she tried to get away.

She had finally realized how crazy her sister plane really was.

That is until she realized how crazy 'she' was for running away from the only people who knew how to get her back home. Stopping suddenly Emily turned back around and looked at her surroundings.

Trees, trees and more trees . . .

Turning around Emily ready herself to run back. But came to a stop at the sound of a growl.

Turning around slowly, Emily saw glowing blue eyes looking up at her.

With a light squeal of fear, Emily found her back up against a tree. Her eyes locked on the blue eyes that larked in the shadows of the tree.

Slowly they began to rise higher and higher. Until Emily found herself looking up at the unknow beast.

Cleanching her dress Emily watched as a man slowly walked from the darkness, his blue eyes wild as he came closer. Makeing her crack her neck farther back, showing just how big he really was.

She wanted to scream, to run, but she couldn’t. His eyes wouldn’t let her move.

He was a tall man, his body toned in a way that she had only seen with craft men.

Something she drolled over silently but never spoke about out loud.

A mess of long black hair cover his face, only reviling his eyes. His pale skin was stained with dirt, something that would normally repulse her but on him made her want to draw closer.

“Your name lass, tell me it?” He growled out, his voice rough as it cut through the darkness, making her jump.

Without thought of lying she answered, “Emily.”

He was close enough to lean his hand against the tree behind her. His head lowering to hers.

“You are mine Emily.”

This was bad, this was very bad, not only did a crazy wild man clam she was his, but she got excited about it.

Shaking her head Emily tried to move away from him, only to have his face push up against her in a soft yet demanding kiss. A kiss that took her off her feet, and into another world. A world filled with a wicked kind of delight.

A soft moan escaped as she let this wild man push up against her. His strong hands lifted her off the ground, and closer to his hard body.

She should be yelling and screaming for him to get off her.

Not wrapping her hands around his neck to better balance herself with him. Not sighing softly for more of him. Even as he moved his fingers higher up her dress, and over her smooth legs. Emily could only run her hands through his hair. Letting herself enjoy the new sensation of a parson touching her in such a personal place. It felt good, it made her want him to touch her in more places, to do more with her.

But this desier . . .it wasn't like her. It was wild and intense.

Like a flame, that engulfed her at just the sight of him.

What the devil was going on with her, it was like her hormones were taking over rational thought.

Why else would her need to feel the touch of another. No not another, but this man, this wild beast of a man. Who did not shy away from his lust, like the men of London did. No he clearly indulged in it, mastering it even.

“Eliza, Lady Eliza?” The voice of her sister’s maid calling out, knocked them both out of their passion.

Her more than him, because he kept kissing her down her neck. “I-I have to go.”

“Come to me again.” He whispered against her neck,

“Can’t . . . I have to go.” She finally got out, even as she gave a small hiss of pain when he bit her neck.


Slowly he pushed away from her. His eyes watching as he stepped back into the shadows of the forest. Leaving Emily breathless and dizzied, as she looked at where her mystery beast had once been.