Revenge of an Idol

Chapter 1

2 years later.

"Lisa, please there is literally no one else who can." The sound of Susie throwing up on the other end of the phone made Lisa pull the phone away from her face. "Don't throw up into the phone, you know I have a sympathetic stomach."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Susie said sounding downright miserable. Her and everyone else at work, had gone out for sushi last night. What they hadn't known was that the Sushi place they had eaten at was getting shut down because of their bad food handling practices. Leaving only Lisa (the only one among them allergic to fish.) to take on their newest client, the K-Pop star Sung Yoo. "As I've already informed you, me and Sung Yoo have a rocky past that could lose the client if he has to deal with me directly."

"But if you don't then there'll be no one to meet the client and we lose him anyway." Susie's said her tone filled with a small hint of, 'you can't get out of this'. Biting her lip Lisa waited for some type of excuse to fall into your lap, but none did. She would be leaving for Hawaii in four weeks. And the money from this client would get her the ticket a lot faster.

"Fine." Lisa said, Realizing that Susie was right. He would be gone with or without her there.

Looking around her half packed home Lisa got dressed, popped a pain pill and rushed out the door. She was overreacting, she had to be. Chances were he didn't even remember her. They had only been 'technically', together for two and a half weeks. If you didn't count the years they had been friends.

Just because she had problems forgetting him. Didn't mean he hadn't forgotten her. Which was good, it was better that way. She was a mess of trouble. That did not need to find its way to anyone. . .not again.

Realizing that she had just spent almost a half an hour in her car, Lisa quickly looked at the appointed meeting time.

Shit she was late.

Rushing into her office building Lisa moved down the long hallway towards Susie's office. Inside was a big welcome fruit basket, something they got for every new client. Grabbing it quickly Lisa rushed out in to the hall and bumped right into a hard body. "Sorry-." Lisa cut off her words as her eyes drifted up to the face of Sung Yoo.

Feeling as if she were frozen Lisa stood there looking at him as he stood just as shocked. That is until a dark frown erupted over his face. "Hello Mr. Sung Yoo, I am Lisa Star and I will be your public relations representative. We at Yellow well make sure your time here in America is an enjoyable one." Lisa blow out a long string of air as she bowed to the K-Pop star and his bodyguards.

He stood tall, lean and well dressed, in a well fitting animal print suit and black tie. His hair was no longer bleach blond like at the music Awards last month but black. His face was gorgeous. Even with the layers of makeup, meant to make him look lighter and softer, than what he naturally was. He still held an air of masculine beauty. Realizing she needed to stop staring at him Lisa focus her eyes on the fruit basket, as she tried to hand it to him. His hands didn't once move to take it, and at this point she was a little scared to even look up. Not that she had to, Lisa could feel his eyes burning red hot hatred into her forehead.

Ok…This was not going well.

Pulling the fruits basket close to her chest, Lisa turned and walked back into Susie's office. Her need to escape the look of anger overtook her. Sitting the basket back on the desk. Lisa debated on how long she should wait before walking out again..

The sound of a door opening and shutting, made her turn around. Sung stood with his back to her. His body stiff as he spoke. "Where the fuck is Miss Waylon." His voice was like a whip, quick and painful. Shifting from one foot to the other, Lisa leaned back against the desk. "Every one had some bad sushi, so I'm the only one in today. Trust me, I wouldn't have come-." Before she could even finish he had her pushed up on to Susie's desk. His lips took her's in a quick kiss of lust. Making her lips part in surprise and hunger, as she gripped his shoulder. A deep moan came from him and moved over her body. Making Lisa shiver as she tried, to stop the throbbing of her hungry pussy.

As if he had flipped a switch within her, Lisa melted in to his touch. Opening up her legs to give him better access to every part of her body.

The feel of Sung's fingers gripping her hips to hold her still, excited her. The lust and heat he made within her, had Lisa taking in a deep breath of pure pleasure.

"Please" she shuttered against his lips. The need to have more of him, stopped every logical thought.

Hissing as if he were in pain. Sung ripped himself away from her. Not stopping until he was back against the wall.


Head spinning with lust and confusion. Lisa braced herself on the desk.

The desire to reach her hand out and becon him back to her, was only stopped by the look on his face.

Trying to get a hold of herself Lisa stood up and fixed the tight bun on her head. "I won't fall into this again. Sung said getting his own self together. Frowning Lisa looked up at Sung in confusion. He was done getting himself together and was heading for the door.

"What are you talking about?"

As if her words had frozin him in place Sung slowly turned back to her as if every move was hard and angry. Everything about him felt so angry.

"You, and your lying ways! Tell me were you trying to use me to get back at your husband." At the mention of Frank, a sharp pain shot down her right leg. Twisting her fear until it bubble within her stomach. Lisa shucks her head even ask her hands began to shake. Gripping them tightly together. Even as a cold sweat broke out over her back.

"Maybe he's not making enough money again, is that it?" He said coming closer, his anger and rage solely focused on her. For a moment she thought of Frank. Thought of how different their anger was. His anger was not the yelling kind. It was more silent . . .the kind that you didn't see coming until it was too late.

"Thats not it, I-." She flinched as he slammed his hand down on the desk beside her.

"If money is all you wanted, then I'll be sure to pay you properly for a fuck." He said reaching into his pocket to throw bills at her.

Stunned Lisa watch a Sung walked from the room. Not once looking back at her as he slammed the door behind him.

Unable to hold herself up any longer, Lise fell to her knees. Hot tears wetting her cheeks as the hateful words of Sung rang in her ear.

But this was good. Him staying away from her and her drama was the best thing she could do for him. . .so let him think she was a money hungry whore. Let him hate her. It's for the best.

Pain gripped her chest as Lisa cried even harder.

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