Since the beginning of the pandemic and in response to member state requests, the classification and terminologies unit has been progressively activating emergency codes for COVID-19 in ICD-10 and ICD-11 after consultation with the relevant committees and reference groups of the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) Network.

Patent classification is a system for organizing all U.S. patent documents and other technical documents into specific technology groupings based on common subject matter. On January 1, 2013, the USPTO moved from using the United States Patent Classification (USPC) system to the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system, a jointly developed system with the European Patent Office (EPO). CPC has now been adopted by many countries throughout the world.

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Classification Standards and Development (CSD) is responsible for administrating the classification standards and development of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC). CSD supports Technology Centers in developing and maintaining the patent classification systems searched by examiners and other stakeholders. CSD also contributes to the IP5 Working Group on Classification and International Patent Classification (IPC) system to enable searches of unified classification schemes that yield both US and foreign documents.

The Classification Quality and International Coordination (CQIC) division is responsible for ensuring classification quality, formulating classification policy, and developing objective quality assurance metrics. CQIC supports internal and external stakeholders by providing classification training. CQIC also oversees the administration of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) project and works with international partners on classification harmonization.

The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) effort is a joint partnership between the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) where the Offices have agreed to harmonize their existing classification systems (European Classification (ECLA) and United States Patent Classification (USPC) respectively) and migrate towards a common classification scheme.

The USPC classification scheme presented is primarily for historical purposes. After the implementation of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC), only the plant and design classification material is updated within the USPC.

A Classification Order documents changes to the USPC which have occurred while maintaining the system over time. A Classification Order identifies Reclassification Project team members, USPC classifications abolished, USPC classifications established, new classification definitions and changes to existing classification definitions.

7055. For the purpose of classification, the contracting business includes any or all of the following branches:


 Print a complete list of the "Description of Classifications" or click the specific classification below for the individual description.

This database includes:a list of all medical devices with their associated classifications, product codes, FDA Premarket Review organizations, and other regulatory information.learn more...

Position classification standards provide information used in determining the occupational series and title for positions performing white collar work in the Federal Government. They also provide grading criteria for positions classified under the General Schedule (GS) Classification System.

If a series is not included in this list, we have not issued a specific classification standard for that series. Documents on the Classifying White Collar Positions webpage provide series definitions and guidance on classifying positions in series with no published standard.

The VCSP is available for taxpayers who want to voluntarily change the prospective classification of their workers. The program applies to taxpayers who are currently treating their workers (or a class or group of workers) as independent contractors or other nonemployees and want to prospectively treat the workers as employees.

Additionally, the taxpayer cannot currently be under employment tax audit by the IRS and the taxpayer cannot be currently under audit concerning the classification of the workers by the Department of Labor or by a state government agency.

If the IRS or the Department of Labor has previously audited a taxpayer concerning the classification of the workers, the taxpayer will be eligible only if the taxpayer has complied with the results of that audit and is not currently contesting the classification in court.

To participate in the VCSP, a taxpayer must apply using Form 8952, Application for Voluntary Classification Settlement Program. The application should be filed at least 120 days prior to the date the taxpayer wants to begin treating its workers as employees. The IRS will make every effort to process Form 8952 with sufficient time to allow for the voluntary reclassification on the requested date.

Maine has had a water classification system since the 1950's. This classification system establishes water quality goals for the State. The classification system is used to direct the State in the management of its surface waters, protect the quality of those waters for their intended management purposes, and where standards are not achieved, direct the State to enhance the quality to achieve those purposes. The classification standards establish designated uses, related characteristics of those uses, and criteria necessary to protect the uses, and establish specific conditions for certain activities such as the discharge of wastewater.

While it is desirable for the actual quality of a water to achieve the standards in any proposal to upgrade a classification, upgrades may be proposed where there is a reasonable expectation for higher uses and quality to be attained. Upgrades to classification may be appropriate where it is socially or ecologically desirable to attain higher standards and where the technological and financial capacity exists to achieve those higher standards within a reasonable time. Once a classification assignment is made, and the uses and criteria are achieved, that goal is protected by the antidegradation provisions of the water quality statute (38 M.R.S. 464(4)(F)). Thus, the law provides a mechanism for the State to continually move forward in the improvement and protection of water quality. Downgrades to classification have been infrequent and, as directed in State and federal law, are limited to situations where existing conditions do not afford the possibility to achieve the assigned class.

The classification system should be viewed as a hierarchy of risk, more than one of use or quality, the risk being the possibility of a breakdown of the ecosystem and loss of use due to either natural or human-caused events. Ecosystems that are more natural in their structure and function can be expected to be more resilient to a new stress and to show more rapid recovery. Classes AA, GPA and SA involve little risk since activities such as waste discharge and impoundment are prohibited. The expectation to achieve natural conditions is high and degradation is unlikely. Class A waters allow impoundments and very restricted discharges, so the risk of degradation while quite small, does increase since there is some small human intervention in the maintenance of the ecosystem. Classes B and SB have fewer restrictions on activities but still maintain high water quality criteria. Finally, Classes C and SC have the least restrictions on use and the lowest (but not low) water quality criteria. Classes C and SC waters are still good quality, but the margin for error before significant degradation might occur in these waters in the event of an additional stress being introduced (such as a spill or a drought) is the least.

Standards and Classification. The reclassification of waters of the State is governed by 38 M.R.S. 464(2), 464(2-A) and 464(3). This statute requires the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct water quality studies, and the Board of Environmental Protection to hold hearings and propose changes to the water classification system to the Legislature for final approval. This is to be conducted from time to time, but at least every three years. In 2019, the Department concluded a re-classification initiative; please see here for further details. In January 2020, the Department initiated a Triennial Review of Maine's water quality standards to evaluate whether changes are needed. For further information, please visit the Triennial Review webpage.

Worker misclassification occurs when an employer treats individuals as independent contractors when they are employees. Under the law, workers are presumed to be employees unless the employer proves that workers meet the legal criteria to be independent contractors.

This classification is assigned to a site at which contamination does not presently and is not reasonably foreseeable to constitute a significant threat to public health or the environment. This classification is not to be used for sites where insufficient data is available to make a definitive decision concerning significant threat.

This classification is assigned to a site that has been properly closed but that requires continued site management consisting of operation, maintenance and/or monitoring. Class 4 is appropriate for a site where remedial construction actions have been completed for all operable units, but the site has not necessarily been brought into compliance with standards, criteria, or guidance (e.g., a groundwater extraction and treatment system has been installed and is operating properly but groundwater standards have not been achieved yet). The Record of Decision should define the remedial action objectives that need to be achieved during site management. If a Certificate of Completion (CoC) is to be issued for a site, the CoC is issued concurrently with the reclassification. 006ab0faaa

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