And yet the empire these two queens shared encompassed modern-day France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, western and southern Germany, and swaths of Switzerland. And they ruled during a critical period in Western history. Janus-like, they looked back toward the rule of both the Romans and tribal barbarian warlords, while also looking forward to a new era of nation-states.

Typically, men bonded while serving in the armed forces. Armies had their own cultures, jokes and shared histories. Friendships were formed while marching, pitching camp, deciding strategy; fortunes were made while robbing and pillaging towns. A queen might occasionally be behind enemy lines with her king or while being evacuated from one place to another, but she was decidedly not considered a warrior in her own right.

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The legendary Roman emperor Caesar Augustus was on the Greek island of Samos, preparing for an important expedition to Syria, when he received envoys from the Kingdom of Kush, in present-day Sudan. Journalist Selina O\u2019Grady records in her book And Man Created God that the ambassadors presented Augustus with a bundle of golden arrows and relayed this message: \u201CThe Candace sends you these arrows.\u201D (Candace was the Latinized spelling of Kandake, the Kushite term for \u201Cqueen.\u201D) They added that the emperor had two options for how to view the offering: \u201CIf you want peace, they are a token of her warmth and friendship. If you want war, you will need them.\u201D

But this Kushite queen \u2014 whom the Greek geographer and historian Strabo of Amasia described as \u201Ca masculine sort of woman and blind in one eye\u201D \u2014 had proved to be a formidable foe for the \u201Cson of god,\u201D the title given to Caesar Augustus on Roman coins. He received the bundle of arrows from the envoys and promptly signed a peace treaty.

But the queen\u2019s ruse had worked. Petronius had marched so far and now did not have the capacity to unleash his army on the kingdom\u2019s true ruler. He had already traveled more than 570 miles from Syene, a distance almost as long as the entire length of Egypt. Strabo wrote that Petronius \u201Cdecided that the regions beyond would be difficult to traverse.\u201D Cassius Dio added that \u201Cthere was no advantage to be gained by remaining where he was with his entire force, so he withdrew, taking the greater part of the army with him.\u201D

Up until this point, Queen Amanirenas and her troops had been fighting a defensive war, aimed at keeping the Romans from permanently annexing any part of her kingdom. But after the destruction of Napata and the death of Prince Akinidad, they went on the attack. Over the next two years, she fought with all she had to offer. Her fearlessness even forced the admiration of Strabo, who said, \u201CThis queen has a courage above that of her gender.\u201D

The kings, queens and jacks of the standard English (International) pattern are not thought to represent anyone. They have never carried names, nor is it probable that they originally portrayed anyone.

Charles reportedly may play a key role during the first event of the jubilee weekend, taking the salute of passing soldiers during the annual military review known as Trooping the Colour. The queen will attend the more than 400-year-old ceremony that marks her official birthday if she feels ok, but will decide on the day.

In the evening, Mary and her ladies retire to Mary's chambers and discuss the success of the negotiations. Francis interrupts them by walking in, asking to borrow his fiance. Out on the balcony, Mary praises Francis' judgement, both with his head and his heart, and how it'll make him a great king. He also thinks that she's a good queen.

Bash and Mary walking alone, with Prince Charles, and Prince Henry, everyone is all bundled up for the winter. Bash shows Mary how he has brought the winter festival to the castle. As they could not go to it, he brought it to them. The boys run off to grab masks, and Mary apologizes has she acted earlier. Bash quickly forgives her, and they kiss. Charles then calls Mary over to help him with his mask.

Later that night, Francis praises Mary for how well she fooled his mother with that bluff she told about the riders. However, Mary confirms that it wasn't a lie, that she indeed had three riders with knowledge that could harm him. Upon asking as to why she would do that, Mary all but says that she will always put Scotland above Francis, because it is her duty as queen.

The next day, Francis goes to Mary and tells her that he wants to go to Scotland with her. Mary apprises her brother that Scotland will soon meet her queen and king, but much to Mary's surprise, he isn't so pleased. He doesn't think a French Dauphin arriving in Scotland with French soldiers will aid Scotland's health, but Mary points out that his argument sounds silly, and he apologized and admits that Scotland will be pleased to see their queen anyway, as the crown will be stronger and so will her mother's position.

When Mary leaves the room, she asks Nostradamus how long the symptoms will last, as she and Nostradamus have given Catherine a potion to make her ill, so that she couldn't kill the Valents herself. Late that night, Eduard yet again goes to Mary, asking for Catherine. But Mary quickly asserts herself as the queen.

Francis and Mary run into Narcisse and boast about how the Protestant prisoners have been found and traded for grain and for the cause of religious tolerance. Francis adds that a king must keep making new friends, in which he alludes to not needing Narcisse anymore. Narcisse feels betrayed, but Mary warns him not to lecture her husband on betrayal, given how he betrayed his promise to deliver grain. He asks Francis if Mary speaks for him and Francis reminds him that she is is his queen, and he should address her accordingly. Narcisse then announces that the grain will arrive today.

In the office, Sebastian apprises King Francis and Queen Mary of Protestant radicals taking over a monastery and holding the boys hostage as retaliation for sending troops into Scotland and thus supporting a Catholic queen. As the troops are away, Francis is left with no choice but to order Bash to put together a team from the castle, despite the fact that they aren't trained for that type of mission.

However, when Darnley comes, Mary reveals that she was pretending and only needed to talk to him in private. She warns Darnley that Knox is using him, and that once Knox and the privy council abolish the monarchy, they will turn on Darnley. Mary asks him to help her escape the castle, and once they do, they will take back all that is their as king and queen.

The king, the queen, the jack and 10, all of spades, are lost from a pack of 52 playing cards. A card is drawn from the remaining well-shuffled pack. Find the probability of getting a (i) red card (ii) king (iii) black card.

The king, queen and jack of clubs are removed from a deck of 52 playing cards and the remaining cards are shuffled. A card is drawn from the remaining cards. Find the probability of getting a card is (i) heart (ii) queen (iii) clubs. be457b7860

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