Background:  Reflective practice is considered an essential aspect of personal and professional development, and critical reflection is considered the cornerstone of being an accountable and autonomous practitioner. Tertiary education should lay the foundations of lifelong learning by ensuring students develop into critically reflective and reflexive practitioners, who demonstrate self-awareness and an ability to reflect on personal values and beliefs and their impact on the wider healthcare system. This level of reflective practice is essential to effect change at both an individual and societal level. Reflection should therefore be embedded into education programs as a learning, teaching and assessment strategy.

Discussion and conclusion:  The aim of developing the Holistic Reflective Model was to produce a sound educational tool to assist midwifery students to progressively build reflexivity and reflective practice. Furthermore, provide midwifery academics with an educational resource to facilitate development of reflective and critical thinking skills in students. The specific intention was to promote deep personal and transformative learning across an entry to practice program. This paper highlights a number of ways the model can be embedded within the curriculum to support the scaffolded development of critical reflection and reflexivity required to facilitate transformative learning. While evaluation is required the model may have transferability to other disciplines.

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We encourage students to reflect on what they've learned from their Bass Connections experience. Reflection can help you consolidate your experience and articulate what you've learned and how you've grown. The process and products of reflection can also help you better communicate what your team did and what skills you've developed, an important skill for interviews with future employers, essays for graduate school, applications for future research funding, etc.

Through Project Aristotle Google assembled a team of researchers to study factors for team success. They found that the following factors matter most: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning, and impact. Google re:Work provides descriptors for these factors, suggestions on how to achieve them within any team and adaptable tools for your own team.

Another on wall situation where bass control is appropriate is behind the monitors. In small rooms, monitors end up being very close to boundaries. This can cause serious frequency response issues due to SBIR. To learn more about SBIR, see our article written by Bryan Pape.

Bass, J, Fenwick, J., & Sidebotham, M. (2017). Development of a model of holistic reflection to facilitate transformative learning in student midwives. Women and Birth, 30(3), 227-235. doi:10.1016/j.wombi.2017.02.010

The first reflection point is the most discernible echo in a room; it is also the most disruptive. This reflection is the next sound you hear after the direct sound from the loudspeakers. This reflection can confuse the listener because it adds extra information. It also makes it very difficult to distinguish the true sound coming from the speakers.

The first reflection point does this by adding unwanted clutter. After you have controlled the first reflection you can appreciate true stereo imaging. You will hear increased definition and improved accuracy. The treatment of the first reflection point is vital in all rooms where music is to be enjoyed. Rooms such as mixing rooms, listening rooms and home cinema rooms will benefit.

The first reflection point is the mirror point between the loudspeaker and the listening seat. These are on the two walls either side of the mixing or control desk. The third reflection point is on the ceiling between the loudspeakers and the listening position. To find the first reflection point you will need a mirror. Depending on the size of the room or distance between the loudspeaker and you, you may may need an assistant.

While sat in your listening position get your assistant to drag a mirror along the left hand wall. The mirror needs to be about head height when seated. When you can see the left speaker through the mirror you have found the first reflection point. Do the same with the right hand side. In most cases this will be same distance from the corner as the left. This does depend on the position of the two loudspeakers in relation to each other though.

The next point to find is the reflection point on the ceiling. From above left speaker get your assistant to drag the mirror along the ceiling towards you. When you can see the left loudspeaker in the mirror you have found the right point. Repeat for the right hand speaker. This will identify the location and size of the first reflection point for the ceiling. Once you have found these three points you have located the most vital positions for your acoustic treatment.

Yes there are some other areas that you could treat if you are still having problems. If the room is suffering from to much reverberation it will need further treatment . If you are less then 10ft (3m) from the rear wall some acoustic treatment spaced along the rear wall would help. This will help to reduce the reflections coming back to your listening position. Bear in mind the rear will will not need more than 40% coverage. Another place you could add acoustic treatment is the area between the two loudspeakers on the front wall. Treat this area with a small cluster of acoustic tiles or one or two acoustic panels. This will reduce the interaction between the two speakers. This in turn will improve the stereo imaging of the room.

One area of treatment that must not be ignored but in most cases taken for granted is the use of bass trapping. This is especially important if the mixing room is small. Low end frequencies will congregate in the corners of rooms. This especially occurs behind the loudspeakers. The build up of these low end frequencies can result in the volume inreasing at certain frequencies. This can be by as much as much as 10dB, some times even more. Only by installing bass traps are you going to be able to calm these frequencies. Once you have installed bass traps the room will be more balanced. This is because you will have control along the whole frequency range; not just the mid range upwards.

These different models can be used in various settings to teach ourselves, students,peers, and health care teams to be reflective practitioners and reflective teams.The aim of reflective activities should be to move learners from the lower levels ofreflection to the higher levels and then to application. If a cycle model is used,then the next step should start from this application to trigger a new reflectivecycle. All these models are descriptions of the same phenomenon. The practitioner,facilitator, or teacher could choose 1 model, become familiar with it, and then useit to build reflective activities.

The acoustic environment of the listening space has a major influence on the sound quality. Walls, ceiling, and floor as well as large objects like mixing consoles, tables, equipment racks, and furniture cause reflections.

Acoustic calibration minimises room influences and helps to retrieve flat and neutral frequency response. Example of compromised listening condition: excessive bass level in the monitoring room may result in a lack of bass in the final mix.

First order reflections can be high level while subsequent reflections become

smaller. Control room design minimises the first order reflection level reaching the listening area. Reflections arriving very soon after the direct sound from the monitor are called early reflections. One aim of control room design is to reduce or eliminate early reflections, having mainly the direct sound from the monitors reaching the listening area.

Taction Bass blanks utilize intermediate modulus carbon fiber, ensuring strength and responsiveness without sacrificing sensitivity. The finished rods feature a timeless non-glare charcoal finish, adding an elegant touch while minimizing unwanted reflections.

Using Education Design Research (EDR) methodology as the framework for this Doctoral study, this project aims to develop and evaluate educational tools and strategies to facilitate the development of reflective capacity in midwifery students.

The third phase involved a pilot of the utility of the Bass Model of Holistic Reflection using a cross sectional collaborative study involving midwifery students enrolled in pre-registration midwifery programs at two Universities (Bass et al, 2019; Sweet, Bass et al, 2018). The findings from this study informed development of education resources for midwifery students to support development of reflective capacity and a tool to assess reflective writing skills.

Bass energy buildup can vary from corner to corner due to factors like your speaker and subwoofer placement, as well as the geometry of your room. You may not be able to treat all your corners, so a great way to prioritize bass trap placement is to determine which corners have the most bass buildup.

On the other hand, if you want to further reduce decay times in your room, additional broadband absorber panels can be arranged on your walls. Your first reflection points are a good place to start as they typically need treatment anyway (broadband absorption, diffusion, or hybrid acoustic panels that provide a combination of the two).

The example room is treated as a reflection free zone (RFZ) style critical listening / control room, but with minimal ceiling and wall treatment. If you were to apply heavy broadband absorption to the front of this room it would become a live-end, dead-end (LEDE) room.

The null at 95 Hz is probably due to speaker boundary interference. In this case bass traps will provide some help, but the most effective way to tame this null is to tweak your speaker placement using one of the three recommendations I give here: -101/speaker-placement-boundary-interference/. be457b7860

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