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On the areas of focus for the 2022 quadrennial assessment, parties sought to include new and emerging challenges, such as energy efficiency in light of the HFC phase-down, while also maintaining a focus on ozone layer depletion without overburdening the Assessment Panels, which already have a myriad of tasks to complete.

__________________ Negotiations on an international agreement to protect the ozone layer were launched in 1981 under the auspices of UNEP. In March 1985, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was adopted. It called for cooperation on monitoring, research, and data exchange, but it did not impose obligations to reduce ozone depleting substances (ODS) usage. The Convention now has 198 parties, which represents universal ratification.

1_________________ At MOP 28, held in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2016, delegates agreed to amend the Protocol to include HFCs as part of its ambit and to set phase-down schedules for HFCs. HFCs are produced as replacements for CFCs and thus a result of ODS phase-out. HFCs are not a threat to the ozone layer but have a high global warming potential. To date, 88 parties to the Montreal Protocol have ratified the Kigali Amendment, which entered into force on 1 January 2019.

The Philippines urged parties to address the management and disposal of unwanted ODS. Bangladesh underscored its effective use of public-private partnerships to phase out ODS. Grenada said they have facilitated the introduction and use of natural refrigerants, with zero ozone depleting potential and negligible global warming potential in the domestic cooling sector.

Japan expressed concern that the unexpected emissions of CFC-11 have brought the credibility of the Protocol into question. The European Union (EU) questioned, in light of the CFC-11 emissions, how parties can achieve better enforcement of the Protocol and avoid backsliding on existing commitments and limit any delay in the recovery of the ozone layer.

A contact group, co-facilitated by Cindy Newberg (US) and Samuel Par (Burkina Faso), was established to consider the issue and met from Tuesday through Friday. Parties aimed to provide detailed recommendations for the assessment panels, ensuring the requests are within their ToRs and are reasonable under the requirements of the Montreal Protocol. Parties stressed the need to keep recommendations specific. They worked to keep focus on ozone layer depletion and incorporate HFCs and their linkage to climate in the draft decision without overburdening the TEAP.

2_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Co-Chair Wilmart introduced this agenda item (UNEP/OzL.Pro.31/2) on Tuesday. The SAP and the TEAP presented their initial assessment, noting the five chemicals occur at very low concentrations. They added that although three of the gases are ODS, these substances are currently not threats to the ozone layer and their climate impact is likely negligible. 5376163bf9

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