Lauren Howe-Kerr, PhD

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Minderoo Foundation in the lab of Dr. Kate Quigley, where my work focuses on applying 'Omics tools to support the advocacy and implementation of reef conservation efforts. Prior, I pursued my interest in ocean and climate policy through my time as a 2022 Knauss Marine Policy Fellow at the U.S. National Science Foundation. 

I received my PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Rice University, under the guidance of Dr. Adrienne Correa. My dissertation examined how the microbes that reside inside of tropical corals (including bacteria, dinoflagellates, and viruses) impact coral health and coral responses to changing ocean conditions. 

My research expertise spans microbial ecology, coral reef ecology, symbiosis biology, and environmental virology. I am interested in advancing research to support marine climate resilience.

For more information:

lihowekerr [at]
