What defines Carbon?

It's important to establish a couple of things that make Carbon unique before I can really discuss what it does right and wrong. First of all, Carbon features 3 car classes (Tuner, Muscle, and Exotic), each with exaggerated differences; even more than your average arcade racer. Tuners have low top speeds, but absolutely dominate the corners. They're the easiest to drive as well. Exotics have high top speeds, but low acceleration; they have a lot of inertia to them and heavily punish mistakes. Muscle cars have ridiculous acceleration, but turn like boats. The game's career is experienced by picking one of those three classes and sticking with it to the end, which generally only takes a few hours. Secondly, the map. Palmont is a very curvy city, split into 4 districts. Each district must be claimed by winning the majority of the events there, after which the player faces off against the district boss in the canyons. The first three districts are dominated by a crew driving a specific car class, and you start your career in the district dominated by a crew driving your car class. Beat the first three to unlock Silverton, the fourth and final. Lastly, the crew system. As you progress through the game you unlock some friends that join your crew, and you can pick three to have active bonuses at once and one of those three to accompany you in races. There are three types of crew members; Blockers, Drafters, and Scouts. Now I know it's a bit weird to start the review with this, but believe me when I say that these three aspects are absolute game changers, and the nuance regarding how they work, what the devs were going for, and how they could work if done better, is absolutely insane. Now that we've established all of this, let's start with the review proper.

The Ugly

No categories here because everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is connected here. Buckle up cuz it's time for a rant.

Firstly, a lot of people will say that Carbon's map is so curvy that tuners are favored heavily throughout. They aren't really wrong, but I can see what the devs were going for. Exotics suffer in Downtown because of the varied road structure not giving them a chance to reach top speed, but excel in Kempton because it has the most straight-ish roads. Tuners suffer in Kempton because of the straighter roads, but excel in Fortuna because there are so many winding curves. Muscle cars suffer in Fortuna because the winding curves don't give them a chance to accelerate anywhere, but the varied structure of Downtown makes acceleration important. Note that you never start in an area where your car class is meant to excel or suffer. I think this is an absolutely PHENOMENAL idea... too bad they screwed the balance up entirely. First of all, tuners are too fast. The difference in top speeds and acceleration isn't enough; they still manage to not be at as heavy a disadvantage as the other classes. Secondly, the canyons exist and heavily favor tuners for obvious reasons, which is dumb because they're arguably the most important events in the game. Thirdly, Silverton is basically tuner city; it's so ridiculously tight and full of corners that anything that isn't a tuner can't handle it efficiently. On paper, the idea of a curvier and varied map combined with this class system is genius; they just managed to screw it up in every possible way!

Carbon's speedbreaker not only works better than that of the other two entries that feature it, but it also is implemented the best. The curvier map makes it so much more interesting to use; corners that would be difficult to judge are everywhere, and you don't really have enough speedbreaker to just use it at every tight corner like in MW2005. It encourages you to learn the map and strategize. But of course, there are two things that totally ruin it. First of all, tuners are so good that they barely ever need speedbreaker, which defeats the entire purpose. And secondly, Nikki. I'm not joking. You see, Silverton is the area where speedbreaker is the most useful; it's full of tight corners. So you'd think that it'd be difficult to manage your speedbreaker there, thus making it an effective test of your ability to judge the road and strategize, right? lmao nope. Nikki is unlocked as a crew member once you unlock Silverton. Despite the other crew members getting tier 3 cars whenever you do, don't for one second think that means they'll be able to keep up with you, cuz they won't. Only Nikki can in Silverton, and just barely. Guess what one of her bonuses is? +50% NOS and speedbreaker. With all that, you can basically just use speedbreaker at every slightly challenging corner and never run out.

Speaking of crew members, isn't that a cool idea? The one that accompanies you into races will attempt to help you out in some way. Blockers take out opponents on command, Scouts find shortcuts for you, and Drafters make you go fast by giving you a slipstream. My question is, why the hell is this in the same game with the overly curvy map? Colin is literally only viable in Kempton, but his bonuses suck so you would only use him in an exotic playthrough if you made Kempton your second area. What a perfect world that would be. Oh and by the way, want to know the easy way to win Speedtrap events? Just use a Scout. They rubberband to keep up with you, hence blasting by the speedtraps. Blockers are just broken. Not only can they never keep up with you, but they also can't keep up with whoever they're supposed to target and take out. Not to mention they're inexplicably unavailable to command most of the time. Might as well just be racing alone! Oh, and none of the crew members can drive. Scouts are particularly noticeable here because they're programmed to attempt to stay in front of you at all times, and to take all shortcuts. But they always get stuck on walls trying to take shortcuts, brake check you in corners (and then blame you over radio!), and, just like Blockers, become inactive for no apparent reason. I could go on and on and on about this, but the entire crew system is such a good idea, but ruined first by the curvy map, and second by piss poor programming.

There was something people really liked about MW2005... but I can't seem to remember... oh yeah, police! They exist. Barely. Carbon's pursuit system is essentially a slightly beefed up version of that of MW2005. The problem is that there's no incentive beyond reward cards to engage with the police. I'm not kidding when I say in my first playthrough (I did two; one with tuners and one with exotics. I used the RX-8, RX-7, and Evo for the first, then the Brera, DB9, and Murcielago for the second) I didn't get in a single police chase besides the prologue until 63% CAREER PROGRESSION. Not to mention, Carbon features fast travel to literally everywhere. There's no incentive to freeroam either. Hence, the police are nearly nonexistent in this game, unless you get unlucky. It's a massive shame too, because engaging with the cops here is really fun. Pursuit Breakers and Hiding Spots are less plentiful and much more spread out than in MW2005, requiring you to learn the map and strategize, which not only adds challenge but makes repeat playthroughs fun. So why the hell do the cops mean nothing in the career mode? I never even got above condition 2 in either playthrough because escaping is so easy!

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However, you won't be taking on all of these crews by yourself, because Carbon lets you bring along a wingman into many of the races. These computer-controlled companions break down into three different behavior types--blockers, drafters, and scouts. Blockers will run interference for you, spinning out opponents at your command. Drafters let you slipstream behind them, giving you some extra speed from the reduced drag, and from there you can pull aside and slingshot your way past them. Scouts have a knack for finding the many alternate routes and shortcuts that can be found in most races, and they have short neon tracers that follow them, making it easier for you to take advantage. You'll definitely find yourself in races where your wingman's influence is the difference between winning and losing. But often, your wingman's presence is either unnecessary or an actual hindrance. Blockers are only really effective in taking out competitors that are behind you, and even then, they're not very reliable. Drafters work as advertised, but the lengthy straightaway needed to set up a proper draft is rare in Palmont City, which limits their usefulness. Scouts are the least useful of the three because the neon tracers don't seem to get longer as the cars you drive go faster, so eventually, there's just not enough time for you to anticipate an alternate route. If you didn't call on your wingman, you might expect him or her to just hang back. But we found ourselves getting bumped into and boxed in by our wingman on several occasions. It's not ruinous to the experience, but sometimes it makes you wish they would just go away.

The game relies on some pretty tried-and-true types of races, but it also throws some curves. You'll find plenty of common stuff, such as lap-based circuit races, point-to-point sprints, and checkpoint races. But there are also some unique races, such as the speed-trap race, where your standing is determined by your cumulative MPH as you race through a series of speed traps. Most races take place on the city streets of Palmont, but there are also drift events, which can take place either on a closed racecourse or on the winding canyon roads that surround the city. The goal in the drift events is to score points by making clean drifts around corners. The car-handling changes completely for the drift events and feels much more slippery than in the rest of the game, which recalls the drift events found in Need for Speed Underground 2.

You'll also face off with the different crew bosses in the canyons, and these events may test your patience. Once you've taken enough turf for a crew boss to challenge you, you'll first race against him in a standard city-street event. If you beat him there, you'll advance to one of the game's canyon courses, which are narrow and undulating. Here it's a two-part race, where you'll first have to chase the boss through a point-to-point race, and then reverse roles for the second part. Your score on the first half is based on how close you stay to your rival; then in the second half, your rival tries to outdo you. These events can be quite challenging because the courses are technically complicated, and the crew bosses tend to be better, more aggressive drivers than the average street racers. There are also a number of ways in which you can instantly fail. If, during the second race, your opponent manages to get ahead of you for more than 10 seconds, you automatically lose. But on the flipside, if you can get ahead of your opponent for more than 10 seconds in the first race, you automatically win both races. Also, each course is absolutely rife with cliffs. This means that if you take a corner at the wrong angle or speed, you can launch your car off of a cliff, immediately ending the race. All of these elements can make for a tough but fair race. However, failure takes you back to the first half of the canyon duel, even if you failed during the second half. It's kind of a minor point, but it's one that can turn a canyon duel into a real chore. be457b7860

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